BTS of EXO readers:

you're all going to hate me for this but I have to completely delete my account because he's done some serious hacking to my account and laptop. i can't even post up the chapters now. i think he changed my password and all this other shizz and this is probably my 20th time trying to even post this blog, so i have to just completely start everything over. so i will delete this account on friday and have another one. i have no idea about a username (don't want to use anything similar in case he tries this shizz again) so i can't tell you were to go BUT on Sat, just search for BTS of EXO and you should be able to find me and the story again. I will post a reminder about this when i do it in case some of you get really busy and forget. I really apologize for having to do something so complicated and drastic just for a stupid story so I'm not asking you to follow me over. But just know i love you all and appreciated the love you showed my fic in this time and i had fun and lots of laughs talking to most of you and reading your comments! Whether you follow or drop, i do not mind but either way, thank you all ♥



UPDATE: i went ahead and made my account while i'm on here. new username is cajoledhotsky if you wish to stay with the story please look for the fic under this name. I will try and post chapters while I wait for my laptop to be fixed.


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ohmygosh... i just don't understand why would someone do something like this to you ;~;
i'm sure to track down your new account! <3
Oh my god...why is he so mean to you? Really...i shall wait for your new account, just post the link. Thanks
kay3d7 #3
That's so sad you are having to delete your account! I will definitely try to find you once your remake everything!!
Shisus! I didn't think it was as that serious. Cheer up I'll wait for you to come back =)