

the election is here! we're in taiwan so unfortunately we cant vote.

i hope obama wins...

i think its really unfair how people keep pushing the blame onto obama when really all hes tried to do is help 

they act like hes some supreme person who can do whatever the hell he wants...

no. he needs congress and senate approval


anyways go obama!


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VampireKnights #1
Between obama and the other stupid...i think obama is way better....
Even though I disapprove of racism, misogyny, and homophobia, I don't believe those things are as huge of a problem with Romney as people think. Romney is actually socially more progressive than nearly every single president in American history, if only by liberty of being born in a more recent and contemporary era. The presidents of the past were pretty much all racist, misogynistic, and/or homophobic to some degree, and yet they did not all lead to the ruin of America, as evidenced by the fact that America is still around and still a functional democracy, even if it has its issues. The large scale movements against prejudice and for social equality are very recent phenomena, and many people, particularly young people, overestimate the degree to which they've taken root in the broader public even as they take for granted how liberal America is in many respects (and by liberal I don't mean belonging to or favoring the Democratic Party, I mean it in the original meaning: how free it is) compared to much of the rest of the world. They see Romney as the epitome of evil, but they don't understand that things are far worse elsewhere.

In short, the people who believe that Romney is going to take America to Hell in a handbasket are guilty of hyperbole. Also, threatening to move to Canada is ridiculous because if you don't like where America is going, removing yourself from the country and consequently your ability to change the direction the country is going in through your democratic participation is not going to help anyone.
People seem to forget that the same thing applies for any and every president. Even if Romney gets elected, he can't just randomly start saying "____ everyone: this will be a law. And this." This is not a dictatorship. If laws get passed under his presidency, it's because Congress came up with them and voted them through first. If people get sick of Republican policy enough, they'll vote out the Republicans in Congress and the Democrats will take control. Midterm Congressional elections tend to reflect level of satisfaction with the president's party.

People also forget that nearly every President becomes more moderate once they get into office. Part of it is because usually any given individual will be more moderate than his/her party platform. In order to win support, however, candidates must align with their party platform, even if it's only temporarily. The other part of why moderation is inevitable is because compromise must happen in order for anything to get accomplished. Even if a candidate says they're going to push a particular agenda, he can only realize it to a certain extent once he gets into office.
me too! c:
A lot of my friends and I are joking that if Romney wins, we're just going to Canada or China. Just not in America when Romney is in charge.
i love how aff censored the word shiet but didn't censor like what .___.
i agree. ONE person is not solely responsible for the economic downturn that the PREVIOUS president left behind for Obama to fix. It's not his fault the Senate and the House is so focused on fighting with each other and opposing his ____ than genuinely helping Americans. ing in Congress does not mean Obama is incompetent and a useless president, it just means Congress are too busy being jerks and thinking with their than helping our country recover.

And i seriously don't think electing Romney as president is gonna fix anything. For one, voting an anti-feminist, supporting, minoritiy-discriminator and lower/middle class suppressor will DEFINITELY not help America rebuild itself.

If he wins, im moving to Canada. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻