Day 3: Your character(s) is being chased by a DINOSAUR! Describe the beast in as much detail as you want while your character(s) are running for their lives.

So day three already! XD lol. in this chaper it will be Ft Chaelin most! XD lol. Just because i love my dongsaeng taht much! XD :)

~Chaelin's POV~

             'Oh My SHINee! I'm going to die!' I mumble. This is stupid! Me Getting chase by a DINOSAUR for God's sake. i thought they all died millions of years ago.

             "RAWR!" 'Oh !' I need to run faster. That short DINOSAUR is going to eat me. I double my pace around the school trying to lose him in the hallways but no luck at all. the DINOSAUR know's the hall too well. Stupid DINOSAUR with Yellow Hair. So freaken short yet it's going to kill me. 

             "Yah! Stop talking about me. THERE'S ONE RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!!" Jonghyun yelled at me to get my attention. I looked up. '! it's a T-rex." I whipser. I looked at the ugly beast how have two short arms with  big legs that can crush me in 5 seconds! 

             "Jonghyun?" I whisper as we both froze and stare at the T-rex with its mouth open and dropping the sticky smelly siliva everywhere on the ground at our feet. Jonghyun respnse barely came out. "If we make it out of here alive, I'll date you with no protest." I can practically hear a little party going on in his head. "But if we die, i'm going to haunt you in the after life and kill you again stupid short DINO." I saw him frown. 

              The Ugly beast bed down to outr level. So ugly yet he stood like 5 freaken storied high. 'Man B2st group looks hekka hot! i wonder what happen to this ugly one!' i though. As if he heard me he puffed out a breath at me sending siliva and snot all over me.

              "YOU FREAKEN UGLY GREEN BAD BREATH SMALL HEADED BEST. IMA MURDER YOU AFTER I SURVIVE THIS." I grabbed Jonghun's hand and we ran for our life. How did that mofo got in the school and fit, i have no idea but right when we reached outside a helicopter was hoovering above us. 

              "Yo. Chaelin. Unni will help you." Ahd with that, MiKyong unni shot 2 missile from the helicopter and send the ugly beast falling down knocking over the school. 

              "Here take this." I turn toward the voice. it was Key. He handed us to big machine guns.

             I smirk. "You're going down DINO." I aimed it at the T-rex and pressed the trigger.

              "Yah! Are you going to kill me. I am the DINO." Jonghyun pouted.

             I got annoyed. "Shut your face and shot the T-rex before i change my mind and let him eat you instead." I yelled and continue aiming it at the stupid Dino!

             After 5 minutes of killing that beast i clumped down to the floor and MiKyong landed the helicopter. She started laughing, I glared at her. "What's so funny? I almost died there."

               She laughs even louder. "Dude. That. Was. A. Test. The. T-rex is based off of new technology." She said in between laughings. Key Joined her too. Jonghyun was just as lost as i was.

               "en , You two set this up huh.?" I stood up quickly only to lost my balance and fall ontop of Jonghyun. He smirk. " Shut it Dino before i kill you too." I stood up and left home to was off god knows what this fake snot/siliva thing is.

AN: hahahhahaa

Day three completed! XD i was just going to make jonghyun the dino but hey cant leave them without some action from the t-rex! XD lol.

so how did i do on this one!

tell me ^_^



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i know right! XD
LOLOL!!! I can't stop laughting!!!
@KIDprince and Elaineonew: hahahahhaa thank you i laughed so bad when i was writing this!! XD
VampireKnights #4
oh my GOD it'z really funny !!
lol thank you! :)
LOL love it! XD It's fun!