
Today was the first day of my second semester. I'm on junior college already. This sem, we will going to start making our thesis and that requires a partner. Before, I was a bit confident and expecting that I am going to have a partner already not until this morning. My blockmate and I were talking about it and he told me that the one I want to partner up with has a partner already. I was shocked and I was hurt to be honest.


For me, she is my closest among my blockmates and we both belong to the same clique. Ofcourse, since she is my closest, I am expecting her to be my partner because I would love to be hers too. Yes, she got a partner already and I was so clueless about that. For me, it's okay if she doesn't want to partner up with me, I can go solo or I can choose someone to be my partner but the fact that she didn't told me about it, that pissed me off so much. She doesn't have an obligation to tell me about those things though but the fact that we are friends, we belong in same clique, why doesn't she tell me earlier? I mean, c'mon, it won't hurt to say that things, we're friends. I will understand it. I'm not narrow-minded afterall. 


Before, our cloque was even talking about it and the other three was having a problem on how they will end up tigether as three and I didn't expect that I am going to be left out. All I am asking for is, c'mon tell me because if you're in my place, you will feel pissed off too and hurt because we're friends. We like talk to each other everyday, spazz, even talk online like idiots but why didn't you tell me about it. It won't harm.


Yes, we had a little fight before, we didn't talk for days but then we reconciled but then we're not like before. i understand you. I understand people. People really do change but you don't have to do this. She chose the other member of our clique and I am not mad at her the she ws chosen to be her partner. My only point is, "Hey, we are friends here. We're like talking everyday about our studies along with our clique, you should have atleast tell me." I don't want to be immature and ignore her but I really just don't feel like talking to her. I rather not talk to her as much than treat her like before since I have a problem with her. I usually stay quiet when I am mad at something or someone because if I do talk about my feelings which is I never did, everything will be messed up. 



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we're the same I usually stay quiet to when i'm mad :((
ajummaaaa! don't be sad!
wish you all the best!