80 Questions (borrowed from taemint0001)


1. Name?: Lizzyy


2. Birthdate?: December 26 1996


3. Current Location? United States of America


4. Eye Color?: Dark Brown


5. Hair Color?: Red


6. Height?: 5'3 (*tear* i'm short)


7. Zodiac Sign?: Capricorn


8. Ethnicity?: White/Hispanic 


9. Single or Taken?: Single (Forever Aloneeee~)


Have you ever:


10. Drank?: no


11. Smoked?: no


12. Skinny Dipped?: no


13. a 9 volt battery?: yes...


14. Made a prank phone call?: yes -.-


15. Been in a beauty pageant?: no


16. Thrown up in public?: no


17. Worn a crown?: yes and i'm proud of it


18. the back of a CD to try to get it to work?: yes.. (it doesn't work!)


19. Been on a blind date?: no


20. Caught a fish?: no


 21. Been in love?: ...i don't really know.. if i truly been in love... yes?


22. Thought your cousin was hot?: no


23. Slept past noon?: yeah (lastest 7pm)


24. Taken a shower with the opposite ?: when i was younger


25. Danced in front of your mirror?: yes!~


26. Been dumped?: no


27. Been arrested?: no


28. Made out with a stranger?: no


29. Seen someone die?: yes...


30. Kissed a picture?: ...yes


31. Slept in the opposite 's bed?: when i was little


32. Made a snow angel?: no :( i live in the 'sunshine state'


33. Cheated while playing a game?: if the game is unpassable


34. Felt an earthquake?: no


35. Touched a snake?: yes


36. Sang karaoke?: yes


37. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?: yes.. (idiot)


38. Caught a snowflake on your tongue?: no -.-


39. Kissed in the rain?: no 


40. Sung in the shower?: yes!~


41. Sat on a roof top?: yes


42. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?: yes =.=


43. Broken a bone?: No


44. Laugh so hard you cry?: all the time xDD


45. out from drinking?: no


46. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat?: yes.. damn eraser 


This or that?


47. Blind or deaf?: blind


48. Horror or comedy?: Comedy


49. Bungee jumping or sky diving?: bungee jumping


50. Sunny or rainy?: rainy ^^ (the rain is so pretty) 


51. Chocolate or Vanilla?: vanilla <3 <3


52. Night or day?: night


53. Looks or personality?: personality


54. Coffee or tea?: coffee!


55. Hot or cold?: cold


Do You?


56. Smoke?: no.. (u asked this already...)


57. Drink?: ..no (>.> my god u did it again)


58. Do drugs?: no (thats a new one)


59. Fall in love easily? maybe..


60. Like thunderstorms?: no!


61. Dance in the rain?: yes :)


62. Wish on stars?: stupid but yea.. i do


63. Believe in fate?: sometimes


64. Believe in love at first sight?: no


65. Have tattoos?: no


Can you?


66. Cook?: yes yes i can :))


67. Whistle?: no *pout*


68. Curl your tongue?: yes


69. Touch your nose with your tongue?: no..


70. Speak another language?: yes!~ (spanish and a bit of korean)


And more..


71. Favourite word?: yayaya (its a word right?)


72. Favourite flower?: Rose


73. Favourite colour?: blue


74. What color is your underwear right now?: *check* purple!~ 


75. Would you ever get plastic surgery?: nope all natural babyy :P


76. What is your favorite Holiday?: christmas


77. What is your worst habit?: biting my nails


Opposite ..


78. Hair colour?: a dark color (black,brown,or a dark red)


79. Eye colour?: warm brown or greens


80. First thing you notice about them?: Their personality like how they act around people and stuff like that...


Finally I'm Done!!! Man That Was Long!!! Well It Killed 34.2 percent of my boredom ^^


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I read every single word, Lizzy<br />
And I think you're a cute girl ^^