TOP is really, really, really HOT!!!!

So this is just a post on Bigbang's T.O.P's hotness. I went to the L.A concert in Anaheim and seriously, TOP is GORGEOUS!!!! He looks good in pics, but in real life he is FLAWLESS. Of course designers and magazines clamor to photograph him and endorse their clothes. He is tall, with perfect skin, adorable dimples and just is a living breathing staue of handsomeness. EASILY one of THE MOST beautiful human beings I've ever laid eyes on in my entire life. Ok, sorry - super fangirling right now.

Sidenote; Bigbng knoWS how to put on a show. They were awesome! They spoke English, made jokes, acted super silly and had so much energy. They really gave to the audience and saId how much they love Cali and that they really want to come back. I will not do a detailed fan account because other peeps have them up already and are probably better than mine. Just had to post on TOP's out of this world attractiveness...

Love ya'll.





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