Cheesey pick up lines I laughed at once upon a time:

Cheesy pick up lines- wth? why do I have these on my computer?


(As you walk by the person you’re attracted to, turn around and say)

Excuse me, did you just touch my ?


No? Damn!


  (Approach a man with a pen or anything and say)

Did you drop this?


Oh, it must be a lame excuse for me to talk to you.


 I read palms. It says you're gonna call me soon


Reach for the back of his shirt and check out his shirt label.

"Just what I thought, made in heaven"


Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?
Well do you want one ?


I shouldnt be amused- 



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hahahaha..that was seriously too funny nd I also love the shirt one too....XD
Gosh these are great! I know a ton of these keke
LOL. I think that my favorite one is definitely the pen. XD
these are cheesy. and the shirt one is creepy if you walk up to a random stranger and do that. OTL