Sherlock - Park Hee Young
What comes around goes around.




Username : unknownsweet101

Activeness : 9


-----Well, hello.

Gender : Male/Female

You're a : Freshman/Sophomore/Senior

Department :Department of Performing Arts

Full name : Park Hee Young || 박희영

Nickname : Youngie || It's the shorter version for her name and her friends are the ones who call her by that nickname.

                  Goddess || Called by her fans in school. They see her as the perfect girl who has beauty,brains and talents.

Code name : espía || Spanish word for "spy"

Birthdate : 20th February, 2004 || 18 years old 

Blood type : Type O


-----Let's start the game.

Personality :

Hee Young is a very loving, kind and cheerful girl. Since she was young, she never left home without a smile. If she has problems, she will never show it to anyone and she will never bring to school her problems in her home. She's very friendly to everyone. As much as possible, she don't want to judge people. She want to know things about them first before thinking and saying something bad about them. She doesn't get mad easily too but when she's at her limit already, all she will do is to talk to that person calmly and in a nice way. She will have a serious talk with them to make things better and so that the issue will not get any bigger. She also love her friends more than her family since she never experience love from her mother unlike her friends. She can't say 'no' to her friends and cared about them a lot. She's also very responsible that's why teachers like her and always counting on her. When it comes to performing, she does it passionately since it is where she finds happiness and distraction in her life. Even though, she's a very amazing student, she never show it off and thought that she is better than all the people around her. All she will do is to be humble about it and to help other students who has difficulty in academics.

When she was young, she used to do everything perfectly. She made sure that all she does is perfect and flawless. In her performances she always practices hard and beyond her limits. When studying, she'll definitely be an all-nighter just to memorize every single important details of the book. She's a very great student to start with but it seems like her mother is not very satisfied with it. That made her work very hard in order to gain her mother's attention towards her but it doesn't work since her mother still didn't recognize her achievements. So now that she grew up, she does things moderately since she knows it will do no change with her relationship with her mother. She doesn't do things beyond her limit anymore instead she only does things that she is capable of.  Despite all that she is still a very bright and talented student. She also doesn't do all of those things for her mother anymore instead she does them for her beloved friends and for her own happiness.

People will always see her with her big circle of friends and smiling brightly and laughing cheerfully with them. She's also always on the school's auditorium practicing her acting, dancing or singing during her free time. 

Having the perfect image that people knows, she is scared for people to find out about her sin. That's why she's very cautious with her every actions and gets easily anxious when she heard that something about her is spread around the campus. She's afraid that her friends, the only people who loves her, will disappear in her life once they learn about her sin.

She used to love her mother but as she grew up, she finds it useless to love someone who she knew will never ever love her back so that's why her love for her slowly fade away. She never does things for her and doesn't pay attention to her. She doesn't even consider her as her mother anymore.

His/Her background :

Her mother is the only family Hee Young has since her mother is living far away from the other members of the family and never talk about them at all. Her mother barely talks to her anyway so let alone talking to her about family matters. Her mother will only talk to her when it's necessary. Like when she will call her for meals or to ask her to do something but never about personal things. The two of them never talk casually. It's like they live in a single roof but doesn't know each other.

Her mother, Park Hwa Young, is a courtesan who sells her body to rich men in order to earn tons of money. Simply put, she is a e. She became rich because of the huge amount of money and gifts she receives from her customers. Her mother is still young and very beautiful that's why she has the richest and best costumers every night. She always bring her customers to their home that's why Hee Young can see and hear almost everything and lost her innocence at a very early age.

Her father's identity is remained unknown to her. Her mother said that he was a costumer who accidentally caused her pregnancy at a very young age. After that the guy disappeared and left her mother without saying a word, her mother tried to kill the baby inside her but nothing seemed to work so she has no choice but to just give up and continue her pregnancy. Hee Young was born and she was miraculously normal despite the things her mother did to her during the pregnancy.

Hee Young grew up without experiencing the unconditional love of a mother. She was truly unwanted by her mother. She never became proud of her daughter's countless achievements and didn't even cared about her. All she did was to provide her a house, clothes, food and money. Nothing more, nothing less. She doesn't even come to her daughter's school during her graduation. All she cared about was to earn more money. Since having a child was never the part of her plan, she never showed any affection to Hee Young. As Hee Young grew up her love to her mother slowly fades away and she ends up treating her mother the same way she treats her. Hee Young always covers up her mother and never revealed her mother's true job since she didn't want her perfect image to be ruined. Besides, she doesn't even think of her as her mother.

In school Hee Young is very famous because of her beauty,brains and talents. As what her fans and schoolmates call her, she is really like a "goddess" here on earth. She's one of the top students and a member of the school's Theater. She was the best actress and not only that she can also sing and dance very well. Not to mention that she has a very beautiful face and wonderful figure that made everyone love her even more. She also loves to smile and to laugh so it looks like she doesn't have any problems in life. She's also very kind and friendly to all students so she gained tons of friends and she loves each and every one of them so much. She is someone who you will call as perfect but such perfection can't exist.

She hides something dark and sinful inside her. She's a girl full of lust and nothing but lust. All she desired for are pleasure and more pleasure. She goes to bars which is far from her hometown so that no one will recognize her. She can easily get in despite the fact that she's still a minor since she always carry a fake ID with her and her looks can make her pass as someone who is legal already. She has a well-defined face and a figure of a woman and her angelic appearance in school will change into the complete opposite of it. There, she will enjoy life like there's no tomorrow and of course, gets her so-called pleasures. She's not scared to come home late at night or to not even come home since there will be no mother who will scold and punish her for her irresponsible actions.

She gets in an investigating organization called Sherlock and "espía" which means spy in Spanish became her code name. It fits her perfectly since she's the one who is collecting secret information for the group. With the help of her great acting skills and irresistible looks, she can easily finish her job.   

Fault's/Sin's background : Lust || Take Me 

Just like her name Hee Young which means "Eternal (Young) and Pleasure (Hee)", her life is like that. She lives for eternal pleasure.  

When she was still a 15-year-old girl, she experienced something terrible. Her mother left early since she has to do her job and left her costumer who was still sleeping in her bedroom. Hee Young, didn't mind it since it always happens.She just stayed inside her room and then suddenly someone opened her bedroom door. Behind the door was her mother's costumer. She just looked at him and thought that maybe he will just ask where her mother is but she was dead wrong. He suddenly attacked her and she was definitely caught off guard. He forced himself to her and all she did was to desperately call for help and to fight back pitifully.

After that dreadful happening, she was left in her room as she stare at nowhere in particular. She felt numbed and then she suddenly felt scared of herself. She hated the whole thing... at first. Then she loved it, every moment of it. She loved the mix of pain and pleasure. She felt disgusted at herself as she desired for more. She didn't even bother to tell anyone about the harassment. It was a dark secret she kept to herself. As the days passed by she eventually changed into a miserable person she was now. She was easily even with a person's simple action. She lived her live craving for pleasure and she doesn't care whether she does it with a girl or a boy. As long as it satisfies her, she's completely fine with it. She even think dirty things about her friends and that made her sick but she can't help but to still love it.

She's a girl who is very easy to be aroused. Once she is her body desperately needs to be satisfied with pleasure. She tried to pleasure herself instead once but it's not enough. Her body needs to be satisfied by other people. That's why she goes out to night clubs and bars to get her satisfaction and pleasure. If she doesn't do it, it will be very hard to control herself.

Lee Taemin ( or Kai. It depends upon the love interest who will be chosen), her biggest temptation in life. He is one of her best friends and also her dance partner. They knew each other for years already and Hee Young started to fall in love with him. But she was confused with her feelings since she doesn't know if she loves him because of who he is or because of his body. Almost everything he does turns her on especially when he dances. The way he moves his body sends her to the edge and made it harder for her to control her desires. Every simple touches that she gets from him, was an extreme pleasure to her that made her heart pump rapidly and to make her eyes roll backwards at the same time. Not to mention that he is her dance partner so skinships may get involve anytime they practice and perform a dance. Being with him is like a suicide to her but she can't just stay away from him. Besides, if she stays away from him, it may be suspicious and might be the cause of the exposure of her sin.

She knows that she is getting worse than her mother. At least her mother does those things because that's her job but her... she willingly does it out of desire only. She will always be disgusted with herself when she thinks about her sin but once she experience it, disgust will be overcome by ecstasy and pleasure that she loves the most. She will immediately be driven mad by lust.

She wants to stop it very badly but her body doesn't listen to her at all. It is as if her body has a mind of its own that prevents her to control it.

Thanks to her good acting skills, she can hide her secrets but of course not that easily since it is hard for her to fight it and to make it not that obvious. She's always doing her best so it will not be exposed but not all secrets can be kept, right? Especially if it's lust. Her body can't hide it forever.

Likes : Bars and Nightclubs || It is where she experiences heaven full of pleasures.

           Children || She always have a soft part for children especially the orphaned and the abandoned ones. She tries to make them feel loved since she doesn't like them to be like her, a person who never felt love from family.

           Performing || It is where she can release most of her frustrations especially when she dances.

Dislikes : Distracting her sleep || She just hate it. When she was forced to wake up she will get a headache and her mood will be extremely cranky

               People looking through her stuffs without permission || Being someone who keeps a secret she doesn't want it to be exposed.

               Horror movies and scary stuffs || She's sometimes a paranoid and easily gets scared.

Fears : Being alone in the darkness || She will immediately scream her lungs out and freeze on her spot. Her heart will beat fast and she can't help but to cry. She easily gets paranoid when in the dark.

             Heights || She will freeze and will get a strange sensation that she can fall down anytime. But when it comes to rides, she can handle it. Since rides usually moves fast, she doesn't notice the heigths. She just can't handle it if she stands on a high-story building and at the edge of the rooftop.

             Frogs ||  She will immediately look for a high place wherein she is sure that the frogs will not reach her. Seeing frogs make her feel so disgusted that she feels sick in her stomach. 

Hobby : Partying || When doing it, she will surely get what she desires the most.

              Shopping || She simply loves fashion and to look good. Once she looks good more people will be more attract to her and has bigger chances to get her 'pleasure'. Being a rich girl she is, she's free to spent all her money.

              Hanging out with friends || She loves spending time with the people she loves the most.



Love interest : Lee Taemin| 19 | Freshman/Sophomore/Senior| Performing Arts Department

His/Her personality : He treats Hee Young very well, as if she was a princess. The two of them are very close and they love to tease each other. He even playfully flirt with her which doesn't do any good to her situation but since he doesn't know her dark secret he keeps on doing it. He is protective towards her. He doesn't want her to go home late and to be surrounded by boys. He is always there for her when she needed him and he will surely appear at once. He also never failed to make her laugh when she's sad. He loves to spoil her too.

He is always amazed whenever he saw Hee Young perform and that will make his heart skip a beat and caused him to be confused with his true feelings for her. He is wondering whether it's love or just a simple crush he has on her since they were young.

Back up love interest : Kim "Kai" Jongin | 19 | Freshman/Sophomore/Senior | Performing Arts Department

His/Her personality :  Same with Lee Taemin =))

Bestfriend(s) : Lee Taemin | 19 | Freshman/Sophomore/Senior | Department of Performing Arts

                        Kim "Key" Kibum | 20 | Freshman/Sophomore/Senior |  Department of Design and Arts

                        Kim Jonghyun | 20 | Freshman/Sophomore/Senior Department of Literature and Arts

                        Lee "Onew" Jinki | 20 | Freshman/Sophomore/Senior Department of Literature and Arts

                        Choi Minho | 19 | Freshman/Sophomore/Senior Department of Sports and Recreation

                        Choi "Sulli" Jinri | 17 | Freshman/Sophomore/Senior | Department of Performing Arts

                        Park "Luna" Sun Young | 18 | Freshman/Sophomore/Senior | Department of Literature and Arts

                        Liu Amber | 18 | Freshman/Sophomore/Senior | Department of Sports and Recreation


------Open your mask.

Eohljjang : Lee Eun Hye / Jung Roo | 1 | | 2 | | 3 |

Back up Eohljjang : Lee Da Som | 1 | | 2 | | 3 |


------It's not the end.

Dare to die? : Yes/No 

Suggestions : none at the moment.

Password : memento mori


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