10 Things [cr: caleighxo]

10 Things you would never think about me!

1. People say I look Korean or Japanese because of my hair. I'm Filipino though ^O^

2. I look 12 since I'm small and have a baby face. *sniff*

3. I appear innocent and nice in front of people but when I'm around my family, I'm EVIL.

4. I have 4 dimples. no seriously, I do O_O

5. My two canines stick out so when I smile, I look like a vampire, fox or cat or something. TROLOLOL

6. I'm such a klutz. I bumped or fall on things often.

7. I like love defined collarbones and jawlines. Is that counted as weird? :/

8. I laugh at the slightest things.

9. My double eyelids are uneven. Like Kikwang's xD

10. As funny as it might sound, people tend to pinch my cheeks a lot since it looks fat and squishy.


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i'm glad it entertained you :D
OnlyForU #2
Funny, LOL :D