I'm really sorry.. :/

Yea i know you guys must be asking exactly why i'm sorry...

well its just because im such a lazy and i cnt get the time 2 update for u'll

i mean a faithful author wouldnt do that now would they?

i hvnt updated for soo long and yet wen i hv ime i dnt.

well sometimes i hv to go out,

practice for up-coming ice skating competitions,

art classes,



and most of the times my mom uses the laptop ALL day so i wont be able to use it.


sorry for this really, annoying crappy blog post...

i must be wasting ur time making u read this but i just want u 2 knw hw srry i am for not updating these past few weeks

so im gonna try to update twice a day atleast to aplogize :)




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keyaddict #1
oh by the way good luck for ur competitons!<br />
hope u win!
keyaddict #2
o btw...<br />
u ice skate?<br />
really?!?<br />
wow :D<br />
i wud really love to ice skate<br />
but im scraed<br />
keyaddict #3
THATS OK!<br />
we'll stay by ur side no matter what :)<br />
n v love ur updates <br />
so dnt wrry<br />
v understand ^_^