My Hiatus is OVER!!!^^ ... Side-effects of that... And Updates....

Hi everybody!! I know that I've been missing out on AFF's a lot!!>< It pains me as wellT^T BUT!!! I'm back to update!!! I've been having a LOT of difficulties during these past few weeks... It's been really hard.. And I am also..... Unactive in this.. I only come on about once every week because of family, but thanks to some people, I'll still be on when I have nothing to do.

Lately, I've been having problems about my studies, so I also won't be on because of that. >< I'm trying really hard to update at school... But the studies are getting harder very rapidly. And so, there must be some studying to do. Plus... Making A's gets me money^^ Haha. Well... I'm, updating right now so, no worries guys!!! :D I've noticed that you guys have wanted me to update Come Catch Me If You Wanna..., You Read TVXQ Fanfics... Don't You? [M], and 내 이름은.... 뭐지?.. ^^ I'm really happy that you guys are supporting me even though I'm gone>< It really touches my heart T^T <3333 I will continue writing as much as possible! And you should friend me too^^ I want more people to be friends with and talk to^^ Well... PLease do comment on the stories because that's what thrives me to write them^^ So I hope you guys will keep loving them and supporting me^^ I love you all<333 I thank every one of you from the bottom of my heart<3 ><


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fighting Athor-ssi!!!!! We would wait even 1876234567890 days Hahahahahahahahaha!!! ok... maybe not but we are waiting hihihihi!!!!