goddamn prejudice

I know this is SUCH a trivial thing to blog about but im honestly so annoyed. I just played the worst, iest, unjust team in the history of my short career as a basketball player. I'm not even kidding, they tripped me seven times, elbowed us, laughed at our injuries and started showing off in the end because of the gap in the score. Hey, I admit we're not the best team and we (honest to god) .like crap. But seriously, can't you have the courtesy to not make fun of how pathetic we are one court?! Especially because our whole team is asian and they were a bunch of ty blondes with their boyfriends as their coaches. We were so nervous about playing them, our strategies went disastrous and we fumbled the ball heaps. The referee was so effing ridiculous, fouling us when we did nothing wrong. Im so sick and tired of all this prejudice against asians. I see it at school, when getting served at shops, when going on camping trips.... It's so ing ridiculous and immature. What makes you goddamn caucasians think you're better than any of us? This the first time i've ranted about this. I think i've been stuck in my little idyllic bubble for so long. This is just another reason I find my own country unappealing.


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shining_writer #1

That's so... biased.

I mean, what's wrong with being Asian?
Australia's is a lovely, multicultural and ethnically accepting country... Or so they say.
Trust me, it's not that way.
The western world isn't that way.
Did you know that at the ivy leagues, if you apply as an Asian, they'll dock like 50 marks off your SAT score when you apply, JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE ASIAN?
Lovely rules right there.
Also they dislike accepting Asians yay
That's so stupid. I'm white, but honestly, I don't see what's wrong with asians. Some people are so stupid!
i kno...
that really !
that's what happened to me when i played basketball. it was horrible. don't worry about it though, they obviously have not been educated properly.
Amen. I know exactly what you're going through. :c

It's one of the horrible things about our world, isn't it? I hate all these racist jokes, and the way that people write me off just because of the way I look. They don't know me. And those idiotic ____s were no better. They don't know how amazing and kind and nervous all of you were, because they're ignorant people who have nothing better to so than tear other people down.

I know exactly what you're going through. And it annoys the hell out of me as well. But just remember that if they're teasing you just because of your physical appearance or for ANY reason, then they're just not worth it.
marshmellowcakes #7
ugh omg it even more when teachers are prejudice against asian students and give them bad grades. Like eff off and get a life please. =_=
It's so annoying, try to ignore it even though, man... i would be so pissed off if pepople did that to mean when playing sport. Lol completely off topic now but OMG YOU PLAY BASKETBALL? :D and back to the topic again: Just mentally scratch thoses ____es faces :D It works trust me HAHAHAHA