Fantasy Fics ; Can anybody recommend any fics to me? ;o

Okay so I am a er for anything fantasy and supernatural. I've been dying to read some fantasy/supernatural fics. Preferably Infinite seeing as most of the best are Infinite fics. Sad to say that B.A.P and Block B fics are mostly real world/gangster/alien fics. :O

Nothing for ErisChaotica because I have read every story of hers and they are perfection  ;o. Srsly, so good.

BTW, you guys should read:

Water's Edge by ErisChaotica <----2nd favorite from her stories.

Dragon's Lair by ErisChaotica <-------Personal favorite <3. I loved this story ;o

Locomotion by ErisChaotica(I know she says it was rushed and not that good but I personally loved it. It was great ;o)

Warflower by ErisChaotica <----This story was amazing. Srsly, its so different and refreshing. It's nice. Check it out. Mulan-esque story ;o

and finally

Umbra by ErisChaotica <---This! When this is done it might just become my favorite story of hers. It really draws you in with her prologue and something about it just leaves me wanting more...srsly.


Okay, sidetracked; this post wasnt made for recommending any fics.


thank you ^-^


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