♛ emotional ) Jang Joo Yeon [Juni]

(Jang)(Joo Yeon).


( Joo ) » ( straight) July 22 ) » (1994 ) ( 164cm + 46 kg) click this .


( Jang Chom Mi ) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

( Lee Eun Ji ) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

( style ) | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

( ethnicity ) — Korean

( personality ) —

Joo Yeon is the quiet and shy girl, she doesn't talk a lot but it doesn't mean she has a lot too say. She is also quite awkward around people, it is because she is scared to hurt people's feelings but nor does she want to bore them. She is always sending mixed emotions to people, she may be act very sad but she will be smiling. it's because she doesn't know how to express her emotions well. The only way she can express her feelings is through rap. She has very emotional rap that sounds like a poem. She has a unique way of viewing people- she bases people on their personality but she notices only the bad the things about people and then that's how she sees people. She has a bipolar personality- one second she can be nice and generous and the next second she will be absolutely silent and just stare at people.

Joo Yeon is also the peace maker of the group, she is someone who cares for others but she doesn't give good advice, she just is there for people. She is very kind and generous, she is also very selfless, she cares about others more than herself. She is known as the 'Sweetheart' or 'Angel' because she is extremely sweet, it's hard for people to hate her. She has dorky and lopsided smile. She got her nickname Juni because she and her friends always talked about being idols when they were older and she said she would be called Juni. Her flaws are that she is someone who is hard to please, it's because she hasn't had many friends, only a few and she can also be someone who is easy to take advantage of.

( background ) —  In her childhood she grew up in a small town in Busan with her older sister. She had many friends at school and they all went to middle school and high school together. Because she lived in a small town everyone was friends and they all went through everything together. She went an acting school in high school so she moved to Seoul in 2009. She goes to Seoul Performing Arts High school in Seoul with F(x)'s Sulli and Miss a's Suzy. Her family all grew up in Busan but her father was born in Suwon but moved to Busan when he was 8. They grew up in a middle class family and owned a small restaurant.Her family never approved of her becoming an idol but they know it's one of her biggest passions so they let her go audition at Motion Records. Her family was always close to her mother's side because her mother grew up in a poor family and they were sweet loving and attentive but on her dad's side his family didn't approve of the wife because she was born into a poor family and had a bad background (she had bad education).

When they moved to Seoul, they moved with her mother's parents. They all lived in a tiny townhouse and lived well. They hardly had any connection with her father's side. Her family were all supportive of her. But because they had a business in Busan, her parents moved back to Busan and her grand parents (on mother's side) lived with Joo Yeon and looked after her like they were her own parents.

( language ) — Korean- fluent

English- basic

Japanese - basic

( likes ) —

Hot chocolate

Writing- composing




Art & fashion



Spicy food

( dislikes ) —

Horror movies

Small and tight spaces

waking up early

Dogs, but she likes cats

Velvet material

Being tardy, late

( hobbies ) —

Learning about history and culture

Watching anime

reading manga

Designing clothes

Composing music

Playing the electric guitar


Making collages and other art pieces

Shopping for accessories

( habits ) —

She has a silent laughter

She is always polite, she puts her hand over when she laughs and coughs, etc.

Pursing her lips

Crying when other people cry

Doing her aegyo- it isn't very cute

Constantly checking the time

Being frightened easily

( fears ) —


Tight spaces

Buses - she gets bus sick



Doing work badly

The end of the world


( triva ) —

Her ideal man is someone who takes care of themselves and has good humor

She is very interested in the arts

She is someone who is old school

Her signature move is her dorky dance when she pretends to be a jellyfish

She can speak without opening

She can play the electric guitar and piano

( stagename ) — Juni

( position ) — main vocalist. main dancer. main rapper. lead vocalist. lead dancer. lead rapper. visual. jack-of-all-trades. vocalist. dancer. rapper.

( trainee history ) —

( colors ) — blue/blue-green. black. green. orange. pink. red. white.

( trainer ) — Zinger and Hyosung

( personal fanclub ) — Junionators

( message to fans. ) — “Hi! I'm Emotional's Juni! I hope you support us! Please respect our works and other members! Hwaiting! ”


( family ) —

Jang Jae Ki | 46 | Small restaurant owner | Father | He treats Joo Yeon nicely, he always cares for her but he doesn't have a lot of time for her.

Kim Soo Hyeon | 45 | Small restaurant owner | Mother | She has a lot of time on her hands and is like Joo Yeon's body guard and looks after her

Jang Hye Rin | 21 | Student at Dongshin University | Sister | She is extremely smart and successful and is strong minded and independent.

( friends ) —

Sulli Choi | 19 | f(x) | Best friend | They are like sisters- they have a lot in common and can talk for up to three hours non-stop

Suzy Bae | 19 | Miss A | Friend | They like to talk about casual things but don't share a lot in common

( rivals ) — Sohyun from 4minute, because she lost out to Sohyun for the auditions


( partner ) — Sehun | 19 | They met because they appeared in a CF together

( back-up partner ) — Ilhoon | 19 | They met through auditions at Cube

( love triangle? ) — No

( anything i missed? ) ; No~

( suggestions? ) ;Good luck Suggesting Shampoo, Because of You and Irony for debut songs!

( anything you'd like to add? ) ; -


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okay, this is a review of what i think about your application. some parts may sound harsh but the advice i give is what i'm looking for and i'm sure that you want to be picked so this is giving you a fear chance, considering how picky i am.

first off, you might wanna compare your applications to the application ( http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/345358 ) then you might wanna compare it to the sample application ( http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/345545 ).
reason is because it looks like your application has been altered, the part where it asks for the uality has totally disappeared and you didn't even put your aff account where it says aff account here. there's only a few parts that seemed to be altered and if it isn't fixed then i'll completely ignore this application.

not only that but the personality and background is lacking. paragraphs are usually five complete sentences, check into that too.

as well as trainer, they can only be from TS entertainment. ( bap, secret, untouchable. )

i don't know i see anything else but you might wanna check yourself because this is all i'm going to say to help you improve the application.