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AFF username:MulticultureINSPIRIT

AFF link:http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/47710


Name: Crystal sakamoto

Nickname: Chris 

Age: 17




Ethnicity: korean/japanese/Panamanian




Weight(: 70kg


Appearance:http://harajuku-bun.tumblr.com/post/8033621317 ,http://harajuku-bun.tumblr.com/post/8794201314http://harajuku-bun.tumblr.com/post/8033621317


Ullzang name:kim shinyeong


Personality: i'm very down to earth, I work hard and try my best no matter what. i'm happy go lucky, i'm have a huge heart so, i won't jugde you no matter who you are by appearance. Can be to kind to people, sometimes get's walks over. i cry easily. i'm a dreamer 

Likes(5+): Anime, dancing, classical music,reading, and singing


Dislikes(5+): liars, erts, spiders, people who judge, people who uses people


Hobbies(5+): ballet, baking, running track, reading/writing fanfics, and cheerleading  


Habits(3+): dances in sleep, moves fingers acording to instrument when listen to classical music, day dreams about sungjong when bored (Lol)


Family: mother Choi miyoung(42), father (43) Akito sakamoto. Yuya masua (21) cousin 


Background: born in san francisco and rasied korea, my mother meet my dad when she was visting america, half korean/ half Panamanian. I went to an art school with lee sungjong, i was raised surrounded by music. mostly jpop. my cousin lived with us for a few years so he taught me to sing and gave me courage to follow my dream.  He actually raised me when he lived with us he like my big brother. He made me the kind hearted girl  


Friends(best friend/friend/smth else?): Key (shinee) friend hyunshik (ZEA) friend. krystal(f(x)) best friend 


Rivals(if you have any and why): Hyun Young (rainbow).We're just really competitive with each other. we take everything to seriously, we're actually friend sometimes, when it's needed. plus she has a crush on sungjong 


Trivia: Can speak spanish, english, japanese and korean.


Idol information.


Stagename:Yume (japanese word for dreamer)


Personality: down to earth, very kind to everyone, ageyo queen, who's a dreamer 


Position: main dancer/ maknae 


Years you have been training: 5 years


How did you get in the entertainment?: My school has a big showcase every year, felt like trying out one year with sungjong, and they asked for me


Other talents: playing piano, clarinet, and violin. ballet and tap.


When would you like to graduate from group?:2 years


Why:got married,had child, wanted to become someone else (dance teacher)

But if you come to group later then when:6 months


Extras: can i still help out with the group after i graduate?




Crush/lover(if he’s your boyfriend, then tell how long you have been together): Lee sungjong: boyfriend dating since we were 12, 5 years


How did you meet?: when we we're five, we met when he protected me from bullies at school, he told me not to waste my tears on bullies at school, and we been friends since then. 


Will you be together until you are in the story or broke up or smth?: get married  to sungjong (if that okay) stay together till the end.(did i do this part wrong)

Extra: Can sungjong vist the me in the story sometimes ? pretty please

Did i do everyting right? 


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ForeverSame #1
I guess that everything is right. You wanted to joing 6 months after debut right? Then I won't add you at first, you'll be introduced later.