Lee Chae Ah — [ X-CLAST "엑스 크래스" ] — sment


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-- aff
username : zelo-baekhyun
profile link: zelo-baekhyun
name: Elly
-- theInside
birth name: Lee Chae Ah
nickname(s): Shikshin, Smile Chae Ah, Busan Girl
ethnicity: Korean
d.o.b: 12/18/1994
place of birth: Busan, South Korea
bloodtype:  O
hometown: Busan, South Korea
languages: Korean- fluent
Satoori- fluent
English- basic
Chae Ah is a social butterfly- she is always making friends with everyone, just simply because she believes that making friends is the best thing in life. She is also practical and organized, she likes everything to be just right. She is also very good with senses- she is always using her gut feeling and isn't logical but more sensual. She is usually very confident, sometimes over-confident. She isn't very sensitive, she is a tough cookie, she doesn't cry easily, she doesn't show her emotions very well.
She is very creative- she is known for having a wild and imaginative mind rather than a smart-thinking and logical one. Chae Ah is someone who is charismatic and attractive- a lot of people like to talk to her because of her sweet and funny aura. She often makes a good impression on people because of her kind and generous personality. She is also very hardworking and has a very good physique. She is also very stubborn- but being stubborn helps her reach her goals.
  • Chocolate milk
  • Hard candy
  • Pororo
  • Puzzles
  • Jokes
  • Food (especially anything with rice)
  • Horror movies
  • Chess
  • Being bored- boring people
  • Maths - it's her worst subject
  • Waking up early
  • Tight spaces
  • Cats, she rather dogs
  • Felt material
  • Baseball
  • Watching American movies
  • Video games
  • Cooking
  • Eating
  • Singing Destiny Child in the shower
  • Seal clapping while laughing
  • Pulling her hair to one side
  • She is a fan of Super Junior and Epik High
  • She likes American-Western culture
  • She is really good at baseball
  • Her ideal man is Eunhyuk from Super Junior because she finds him really cute
  • She is known for her kkap dance
  • She can speak without opening
  • She is a soprano at singing and can sing opera
  • Her speaking voice is very smooth and calming but she talks slow
  • She likes Beyonce, Christina Aguilera and Whitney Houston
history: In her childhood she grew up in a small town in Busan with her older sister. She had many friends at school and they all went to middle school and high school together. Because she lived in a small town everyone was friends and they all went through everything together. She went an acting school in high school so she moved to Seoul in 2009. She goes to Seoul Performing Arts High school in Seoul with F(x)'s Sulli and Miss a's Suzy. Her family all grew up in Busan but her father was born in Suwon but moved to Busan when he was 8. They grew up in a middle class family and owned a small restaurant.
Lee Jong Hwa | Dad | 47 | Small restaurant owner | He is someone who is caring- he really love his two children but seems to rather Chae Ah than his older daughter because of the age difference | Close | Alive
Jang Hye Won | Mum | 45 | Small restaurant owner | She is someone who is strict and pushy but she can be kind and prefers smarter kids to social kids | Close | Alive
Lee Ji Hyeon | Sister | 22 | Dongguk University student | She is very awkward with people, she is blood type AB and hardly talks a lot. But she is the over achiever of the family- she is extremely smart and had a great academic life | Not very close | Alive
best friend(s):
Sulli | 19 | f(x) | The funny one- she is always cracking the funniest and most weird jokes. But she is also very kind and generous, she is selfless
Suzy | 19 | Miss A| They spent their school years together with Sulli. She is the shy one but she is also very pretty and has a pretty personality. She is helpful and is angel-like.
Kang Ji Young | 19 | KARA | She is the cute and adorkable girl, she has adorable Engrish
Oh Sehun | 19 | EXO | He is very mature for his young age. He is also cute and sassy.
Love interest:
Byun Baekhyun | 20 | EXO | He is the cute and bubbly one- he is also cheeky. He likes to have fun and is very playful.
How?: They met because they are both from SM and they appeared in a CF together.
Back-up love interest: Daehyun
How?: They originally met at Music Bank because they performed together.
-- theOutside
ulzzang: Park Hwan Hui
links: 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05 || 06 || 07
back-up ulzzang: Lee Eun Jin
links: 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05
weight: 165 cm
height: 46 kilograms
-- newLife
stage name: Chae Ah
persona: Busan Princess
personal fanclub: C.A.F- Chae Ah Fans
personal fanclub color:                   
[ ] Leader, vocalist (92+)
[ ] Main rapper
[ ] Sub-rapper, vocalist
[ ] Lead dancer, vocalist
[ ] Main vocalist
[x ] Lead vocalist
backup position:
[ ] Leader, vocalist (92+)
[ ] Main rapper
[x ] Sub rapper, vocalist
[] Lead dancer, vocalist
[ ] Main vocalist
[ ] Lead vocalist
training years: Three years & four months
trainee history: She was enrolled to a talent school and she and Sulli both went for auditions to SM and both go in.



-- forAuthor
comments/feedback: nice photos!
scene requests: Where she and Sulli and Suzy meet up
if you're not chosen, do you want to be a cameo?: [x ] yes [ ] nope
password: keepthepinkpoweron!



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zeasbabybana #1
Woah..She's pretty~But,why Daehyun is her back-up love interest?? =(