10 facts for missing my school ;)

since june i have been in vacation from school............back there i was so excited but now........i really miss my school:

  1. i miss my friends
  2. i miss my funny teachers
  3. i miss the english lesson "english is my fav subject"
  4. i miss the way we act when we want to ran away from a class
  5. i miss the way we act when we are running at sports
  6. i miss the wat we gather with my friends and singing together
  7. i miss the food there :p
  8. i miss waking up at 6:30 everyday and going back at 4 or 5 pm
  9. i miss writing on a papers and reading books
  10. and finally i miss the beatiful look around my school

so like this i set 10 things for missing school..........although i will come back next month........this will be awesome!!!!!!!!


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