Halloween Epicness

So, I'm in my last year of highschool and usually, on Halloween, we have a dance at my school that goes on from 1PM to 3:30PM. Sadly, we have a new principal and she refused us this party! WHY?! T_T So the last-year's student fought and she allowed us from 2:10PM to 3:30PM. Not the same but better than nothing. Anyway!

This year, I was dressed as Michael Jackson (when I'll get the pics, I'll show you all ^^). And I had forgotten that in Halloween parties at my school they always play this one song... "Thriller". Who do you think they expected to see dance more? Yeah... me....

So my friends litteraly pushed me on stage and everyone was staring while the intro of the song played. I had two choices... make a fool of myself and hide or enjoy this little time of fame I have... What do you think I chose?

I started OWNING the song! OH BAM! After the intro, I went off the stage and joined the rest f my French class. Let me explain that... earlier that day, since we were too restless in our French class, our teacher, which is also the Dance teacher, took us to the studio and thought us how to dance to "Thriller". The teacher was in front and the rest, after her. All the school was looking at us. But we only had learnt a short part of the choreography. So after that part, the song continued but no one was there. I was so into character that I started to freestyle Michael Jackson style. Next thing I know, people are cheering for me and they were forming a circle around me... I was so happy :')

LATER ON, a song popped out of the blue after a remix of some sort. "GANGNAM STYLE"! OH YEAH! One friend of mine is addicted to this song and all the school at least knows the classic horse riding dance... but I knew the rest hehe

During the chorus part, I would dance that horse-ridding part going everywhere around the room and making sure to pass into groups and invite them to join along. One thing led to another, I ended up, once again, in the spotlight dancing the full choreography of "Gangnam Style". I was really happy ^^

THE NOT SO EPIC thing though is I tired myself out, went out of school at about 4PM but had work which started at 4:15PM. I was exhausted!

Hope I didn't disturb you much with my oh-so-happiness in this oh-so-creepy-day [=^.^=]

Bye Bye


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That all sounds so amazing! My Halloween was uneventful >.< glad someone had a good time at least ^0^ lol