Back from the dead

Hey guys, it's been a while. :) I don't even think there's anyone that reads my stuff, but whatever. I still write because I feel like it. xD I finally got a moment away from all my crazy homework to type up something. ^^-

Halloween was so much fun. I just got back from a party. My friends are the craziest and most lovable bunch in the world. xD ♥

Seriously, I couldn't live without them.

I feel like...if I ever moved...I would be way too crazy for people. My friends are just as crazy as me, so I feel like I fit in perfectly. :) ♥



School is killing me. AP and honors classes galore. Oy. The only reason I'm somewhat surviving is because of my friends. They're lifesavers. xD I swear I'll start writing again once I'm finally able to...breath. ^^

I've also been working on animations recently! :D I'm so very excited!! My friends and I came up with something called Day by'd have to see it to understand. xD And maybe you will. :) It's original anime series. Drawn by yours truly. ^^ We're going to do recordings about 2 weeks from now, so I'm VERY excited. ♥ Once we release the first episode, I'll make sure to spread the word like wildfire. xD

I promise not to drop off the face of the planet, and I'll always try my best to update stories. ^^

Wish me luck!



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