[APP] Ceres 'Hyaerin' Byrne| X-CLAST "엑스 크래스"


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-- aff
username : ChOrCeE
profile link: welcome---!
name: rui
-- theInside
birth name: ceres 'hyaerin' byrne
nickname(s): ---
ethnicity: irish-korean
d.o.b: 03/26/1994 
place of birth: seoul , south korea
bloodtype: type-a+
hometown: dublin  , ireland
languages: fluent in english , conversational in irish and korean
she is a very straightforward person.  easy going, inquisitive, and a very cheerful girl. she's mostly a fun loving and an optimistic individual which is often described as a naïve and innocent person who do not take thing's seriously. but hyaerin is a very outspoken lady who's committed with her beliefs.  her view towards life assists her to find silver lines on the dark. she loves indulging in outdoor activities such as hiking and travelling. her desire to caught up with opportunities for a new one is to seek out adventures. because of her childlike personality and her love for exploring new things, some of her friends asses her as changeable or flighty. she would want to examine who she really is, where she's going to perceive the end with clarity in others absence. hyaerin is a rule-minded person, who don't like to see others taking unfair advantage of a situation. she typically comes to the aid of others, and is always able to find a positive solution in the most trying times. If you're on a tight spot, you'll probably be wanting her to be on your side. 

sometimes, she depends more on instincts and intuition fairly than believing on a projected judgment. A hard worker and a quick thinker. hyaerin is a girl who display enthusiasm and self-confidence for work that makes herself lead to either spectacular failure or great success. despite of being straightforward, she can easily get along with new people. one problem about her is that , hyaerin is very blunt that she can be frequently seen as a being without sensitivity or discretion. yet, hyaerin's strong conviction and fast talk can inspire some people. another thing that causes her trouble is the combination ofher childlike nature and spontaneity, but she is the type who can shrug off any difficulty she encounters and joyfully move on.

however in love, hyaerin is extremely giving and honest. her ideal partner is someone whom she can trust implicitly. she seeks her soulmate with whom she can travel, explore new ideas and laugh with. to her, laughter is the root of all things. no problem or situation is too serious for a laughter -- and through laughter one can get through anything. hyaerin is very passionate, but often seeks a light-hearted relationship for long periods before revealing her deeper, soulful side.

  • stars
  • fashion
  • strawberry
  • adventure
  • music
  • children
  • cockroaches
  • sweating too much
  • messy places
  • bitter foods
  • stink odors
  • oily face
  • listening to music
  • stargazing in her free time (at night only of course!)
  • cleaning
  • drawing
  • taking pictures
  • covers when laughing
  • hugs a random person when startled/scared
  • galreas or ignore someone the whole day when she's mad or annoyed
  • she can sleep at any position whenever tired
  • the neatest member on the dorm who's often seen cleaning
  • a big fan of TVXQ! a pure blood CASSIE :D
  • always brings a camera whenever she is to take pictures
  • can't sleep without listening to music at night
  • she can easily get intoxicated
  • she was featured on TVXQ's  'STILL PV' at japan before debut.
  • has experienced modelling since the age of 8 up until now.
  • eats starwberries when bored 
  • her favorite color is red.


- childhood : her childhood wasn't actually fun at all . because at the early age of 8, she started working (modelling). she doesn't have any time to play with the kids that are same with her age. although she may have some break time, which includes the weekends. her parents wouldn't let her out. so then, she grew up just like that. going to the studio, school then home to take a rest. it's a very boring life, yes! but thank the father of heavens, hyearin didn't lose to herself.
- school : being a little famous and coming from a family who can have anything. with her riches, hyaerin remained humble and giving. she has a lot of friends at school (yeah~ friends with benifits). but even if hyaerin has this perfect image infront of everyone, living on a foreign country I guess is a little hard for her. since discrimination cannot be avoided.
- family : although her parents are a bit strict to her, she understands them and knows that is also for her sake. her parents loves her very much to fact that, they can even kill just for their daughter. their family were so called perfect models as you can imagine. both of her parents are professionals , and she, their daughter is a model who has a good reputation both in school , the camera and at home. life is easy for them as we say, but don't just judge by their current condition now. they have had all this things through hard work and patience. before her dad was just a clerk assitant with one of those famous company, her mom on the other had was one of those fashion designers who's work doesn't seem to appeal others, and now look? she used them as her inspirations and everything. and work hard just to repay their hardships for her.
  • patrick byrne | dad  | 50 | C.E.O of their fashion line (gucci) | he's caring and loving | very close to hyaerin |  alive
  • rinhae byrne | mom  | 46 | occupation | A famous fashion designer| she's hardworking and considerate | very close to hyaerin |  alive
sibling(s): ---
best friend(s):
  • wu 'kris' yifan | 22 | exo | he may look intimidating and cold, but he's one craing and supportive person.
  • kim 'key' kibum | 21 | SHINee) |he's witty and outspoken
  • amber liu | 20 | f(x) | tomboyish , blunt and fun to be with
Love interest:
  • zhang 'lay' yixing | 21 | exo | he's very giving and polite. quite forgetful but a fun person to be with.
How?: when her bestfriend 'kris', intorduce her to one of his friends 'lay'.. she have started to have a little crush on him and often blushes when he's near her.
Back-up love interest:
  • park chanyeol | 20 | exo | he's very cheerful and outspoken. just like her they love having fun and moving around
How?: the same as above.
-- theOutside
ulzzang: byeon jiyoung
links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
back-up ulzzang: park hwanhui
links:  1 | 2
weight: 48kg
height: 173cm
-- newLife
stage name: ceres
persona: celestial jewel
personal fanclub: gems
personal fanclub color: Dark Olive Green |  #BCEE68 
[   ] Leader, vocalist (92+)
[   ] Main rapper
[   ] Sub-rapper, vocalist
✓ ] Lead dancer, vocalist
[   ] Main vocalist
[   ] Lead vocalist
backup position: 
[   ] Leader, vocalist (92+)
[   ] Main rapper
[ ] Sub rapper, vocalist
[   ] Lead dancer, vocalist
[   ] Main vocalist
[   ] Lead vocalist
training years: 2 1/2 yrs.
trainee history: she got into SM through street casting on the year 2009, when she was n a vacation with her mom back here on their mother country. the staff knowing she's a lready a model ask her to drop by the entertainment. although at first she didn't to join the company for she's still working on their own. she have ask for her parents permission and was surprised by the result. she's expecting they will not agree but it's the opposite. from then on she flew back to korea and started her training. although it was a bit hard for her to ineract with everyone to her new environment. she have made it. 



-- forAuthor
comments/feedback: goodluck picking! I hope you do take your time reading my application..
scene requests: some cute bonding scenes with the girls on their group's rest day. :)
if you're not chosen, do you want to be a cameo?: [   ] yes [  ✓ ] nope
password: keepthepinkpoweron!

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