30 prompts, 30 Day Challenge

Day 1: Introduce yourself and your characters!

 Day 2: You and your characters (as many as you wish) are stuck in a room. You try to rally them together to escape…Chaos ensues.

Day 3: Your character(s) is being chased by a DINOSAUR! Describe the beast in as much detail as you want while your character(s) are running for their lives.

Day 4: Your character is late. Why is he/she and what for?

Day 5: There has been a car crash. Is your character in the car or a spectator?

Day 6: Your character falls asleep and wakes up in a totally different place with only a kitchen utensil (of any kind) in their hand. What happened?

Day 7: Your character is at his first day of his new job of being a college professor. Describe what takes place in the first hour. 

Day 8: Your character is lost and the only way to get home is to take the offer of a stranger. Does he/she make it back home?

Day 9: A mysterious box comes in the mail. Start your writing with,”When I saw what was inside, I knew we shouldn’t have….”

Day 10: Your character is in a place they’ve never been before and there doesn’t seem to be anyone around. Describe the place in detail.

Day 11: Your character is angry. Why?

Day 12: Your character has to face on of his/her fears in front of a large crowd. How did this happen and do they accomplish it?

Day 13: Describe a character’s family in a scene. Parents? Siblings? Extended family.

Day 14: Your character finds a photo of a stranger and his/herself in their attic. Describe their reaction to his mysterious and shocking photograph.

Day 15: Your character gets bullied at school, describe, in a scene, a typical day of torment.

Day 16: Your character is at the movie theater and is mistaken for a famous movie actor/actress and gets swarmed by ferocious fans. Do they escape or live in the moment? 

Day 17: Your character is being robbed (at home or out on the streets). Do they fight off the burglar or defend themselves and their home?

Day 18: Your character is running a marathon. Describe their thoughts and feeling at mile 16 of 26.

Day 19: Your character’s car breaks down in the middle of a sketchy neighborhood. What do they do?

Day 20: Your character is out shopping in a large public place and stumbles upon a small, crying child looking for her/his parents. Do they help the child or leave it?

Day 21: Your character is afraid of the dark and is invited to go caving with a bunch of friends. Do they refuse or stick it out in the dark?

Day 22: Your character finds an abnormally large egg in their backyard. What do they do with it? (Make scrambled eggs, sell it on the internet, etc.)

Day 23: A family of owls starts living in your character’s attic. What happens?

Day 24: A random stranger walks up to your character and slaps them across the face in a very crowded, public place. What happened? How do they react?

Day 25: Your character receives a card that only says, “You have been given 3 wishes. To get your wishes, say them out loud and clap your hands like a joyful monkey at getting a banana.” What does your character wish for?

Day 26: There’s a chicken in your character’s room (living room, office, bedroom, kitchen, etc.) What do they do?

Day 27: Write a short version of Jack and the Beanstalk from the bean’s point of view.

Day 28: Your character wakes up in the morning with a full beard that was not there the night before. How do they react?

Day 29: Your character is baking a batch of cupcakes when they hear cheeping from the egg carton.

Day 30: Your character has fallen in love. Is it serious? Who is with? Will it change their life forever?


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it does! XD
Ohhh this looks fun! :o<br />