♔ ⓛⓞⓥⓔ&ⓢⓞⓤⓛ ♔{Song Jae Kyung}

Just Call Me, Song Jaekyung


AFF Name: zelo-baekhyun

Profile link: here



Nickname: Kyunggie, Baby Jae Kyung, eye smile Joo Kyung, Monkey

Stage name: Joo Kyung

Date of birth: 15th May 1993

Age: 19

Blood Type: B



Ethnicity: Korean

Languages: Korean- Fluent

English- basic



Name: Jang Chom Mi

Pictures: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05

Backup ulzzang: Lee Eun Ji

Style: She has a casual, quirky, cute and romantic style. She likes to use accesories but doesn't over dress

Casual outfits: 01 | 02

Formal outfits: 01 | 02

Dorm outfits: 01 | 02



Family members:

Song Jae Ho | Father | 47 | Martial art teacher | He is someone who is very sweet; he is very caring. He is someone who isn't picky and would do anything to make his family happy.

Gong Ji Yeon | Mother | 45 | Bar worker | She is someone who looks troublesome, maybe because she grew up in a poor family and grew up with no family or maybe because she cakes her face in eye liner. But she is very sweet and loving; but she is someone with a small temper

Family Background:  She grew up as an only child. Her mother works for a bar, she has been since she was 15. Her mother grew up with no family because they died but her father grew up in a middle class family. His parents didn't approve of their relationship but they finally accepted Ji Yeon because they found she was very nice and loyal- she would never cheat on anyone.

Jae Kyung grew up in a middle class family in Suwon, South Korea and she used to live with her grand parents.


About Your Character

Personality: At first glance you may be a bit scared of Jae Kyung- she is always smiling and giggling. She is someone who is always happy to strangers and friends. She is known for her wide gummy smile. When you first meet her she is really loud- you can hear her voice over loud music. She is very social, that's why she has many friends. Once you start talking to her she is really bubbly, sweet and nice- she talks a lot about herself. She is someone with a creative and odd mind. She thinks differently from a lot of people.

She is very cheeky, playful and crazy. She is full of energy and is restless. She is someone who dislikes people who are boring and always seeks for fun. She got her nickname 'Monkey Kyung because she is always jumping around like a monkey and laughs like a monkey. And she likes bananas. She is very loud and is known for her kkap dancing. She is someone who pushes stuff too far- she likes to get her way because she is stubborn.



» Music, especially dance and hip hop

» learning languages

»skate boarding

»watching american movies



»dancing (especially hip hop and popping)



  • fishing
  • crowded places
  • clowns
  • circus
  • fish


  • doing weird things to her fingers (she is double jointed)
  • cracking her knuckles
  • laughing at random times
  • letting her tongue hang
  • making a mush room shaped shape with her tongue

What type of people does she get along with?: She gets along with mostly everyone; but she usually backs away from people who are boring, who do nothing in their spare time.

What type of people she doesn't get along with?: Boring people who are dull and blunt

What is her actual profession?: College student, she was supposed to debut in a group with SECRET's Jieun, EXID's Yuji and SISTAR's Hyorin


On Stage

Stage persona: Energy Pill

Position:           = position               = back up

- Main vocal / Sub dancer

-Main dancer / Sub vocal

-Main rapper / Lead dancer

-Lead vocal / Sub rappers

-Lead rapper / Sub vocal

Speacial talents?: Dance

Why did she audtioned for an indipendent idol group?: Because she heard of the idea and wanted to try out

What can she offer to the group?: Good choreographer and someone who is very hard working


Love Life

Love interest: Jae Hyo / 22/ Block

Personality: He is someone who has a very pretty face and pretty personality. He is very cute and caring but he carries out his personality with a cool style.

He has a very good singing voice and is someone who is protective but not naggy.

What does she like about him?: His voice


Anything extra you would like to add?:-


Comments or suggestions are appreciated^^ PM me if you have any questions!


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