STARS★★★ | | TS.Entertainment's New Girl Group | application Park Hanbi


Application Form 

Username | Username's link: MaerchenFee

Name: Park Hanbi

Nickname | Reason/How you got it: Happy-cause she is a happy-go lucky girl most of the time and a mood maker

                                                  Shorty-her brother and some older friends of her call her that because she is so short.

Birthdate | ''Age : 16 

Height & Weight  : 149 cm ; 45 kg

*Pictures Of You : H o n g Y o u n g K i

Background :Happy was born in Seoul, Korea as the second child in her family. Her parents didn´t plan on having a second child and certainly not so late. Their first child, a son was already 15 by the time Happy was born. But even so they where very happy, and Lia was treaded like a princess. She didn’t get spoiled, but she always was shown a lot of love. By the time she was three, her parents moved to Germany because of a job offer her dad received. It was also at that time that Happy started to show a big interest in dancing. And therefore her mother took it on herself and enrolled Happy in a Ballet school. Happy lovedi and soon was on top of her class. By the time she entered elementary school, she also took a great liking to soccer and also joined a club. Her parents and older brother where very proud of her, seeing as Happy excelled in both.

When she was 11 Happy grew tired of ballet and quitted, but she soon realized that she couldn’t live without dancing so she decided to take some hiphop lessons. In the end she stuck with that and soccer.
She soon got another hooby, this one thought wasn´t really something her parents or brother liked and they always tried to stop her. It was hacking. A friend of Happy interedouced her to it and Happy loved it and soon became very good at it.
By the time she was 12 her brother had moved out and married a girl from korea he met through a holiday on Jeju Island. Her mother not liking  being away from her children, decided to move back to Seoul and of course her dad followed.
Happy didn´t really like the idea at first but once she was there and had found friends, she started to like it. And three months later her brothes wife, brought there first daughter Melody to the world and Happy became the godmother. Happy loved Melody and loved to spoil her. Or show her off.
It was also because of Melody, that Happy got into TS Entertainment. She was at a mall and saw a big Hello Kitty plushie you could win at a Karaoke contest and decided to participate. She won it for Melody. What she didn´t know, was that there in the crowd watching was a talent scout frm TS Entertainment who got really interested in her voice and rapping skills. So once the show was over, he asked her if she wanted to join and Happy said yes. From then on she started as a Trainee at TS, and even thought her parents weren´t really happy with that decisioun, they still accepted it and supported her.


Personality  : 5 words to describe Happy would be Crazy, Sweet, cute, Clumsy and blunt.

Happy is often considered crazy by others because of the way she acts. She loves playing pranks on others. Prank calling, walking around at night and ringing on doorbells then running away. Writing weird mails to strangers, drawing on peoples faces when they are asleep or putting floor into her friends hair dryer, are only a few examples of things she is doing.
Also she has a few rather interesting hobbies. One of her favourites is hacking. She is a computer nerd and just loves finding out stuff, because of that she already has the mobile phone number or secret facebook accounts of many stars. She also often starts dancing, when she hears a song she likes, and she doesn’t care where she is. And be warned, if she ever gets bored, Happy tends to start scheming or starts to ramble.
But don´t worry she also can be very sweet. Especially to young kids. She just adores children, especially her two year old goddaughter. She spoils her whenever she can, or takes her with her. She also loves to brag with her always telling others how cute she is. 
Happy can be really considerate of others, helping them out, cheering them on or up, or just being there for her friends. To her friends and family are the most important things.
Another thing, Happy likes ageyo. She is a big er for it, but is also very good at doing it herself. If she wants something, she doesn’t shy away from doing it. She sometimes even practices it in front of her mirror. But she doesn’t always do it on purpose. Sometimes she does it without even noticing, that she is doing it.
Happy can also be rather clumsy. I mean who else do you know, that breaks her jaw while eating a cookie? Or falls the stairs up? Yes she doesn’t fall the stairs down no she falls them up. Hits herself while talking excitingly about something so that she afterwards has a blue eye. And many, many more things like that tend o happen to her.
Ohh and Happy is also one of the most blunt people out there. She is really blunt. She always says what she feels and what she thinks. Not caring if she hurts others. Well she cares if it concerns her friends or family. She always states what’s on her mind. She thinks it is a waist of time, and that you should always be true to yourself. Other then it ´s better for both parties if they know on which page they stand.


Any Previous Experiences? : No

Likes : 

  • Music
  • summer
  • sun
  • flowers
  • water
  • rain
  • night
  • stars
  • animals
  • plushies
  • cue things
  • her niece/goddaughter
  • disney movies
  • milkshakes
  • chocolate cake
  • art
  • soccer
  • anime/manga
  • Final Fantasy
  • hanging out with her friends
  • hacking
  • rapping
  • singing
  • dancing

Dislikes :

  • being alone
  • heights
  • insects
  • people who whine
  • arrogant people
  • riding lifts/elevators
  • scary movies
  • alcohol/smoking
  • having to get up early


Kim Kibum aka Key ♦ Best Friends  22 ♦ Tripple Tread of SHINee ♦ Key is what you would call a Diva. he always speaks his mind not caring what others would say about it. He loves fashion and shopping. He is also a bit selfcentred and always wants to be number one. But he is also very caring towards his friends and members. He tends to nag them and makes sure they are alright. He is emotional and doesn´t hide them, seeing no point there. He is good at speaking english, seeing as he lived in america for a few weeks as a Teen. He is also very good at rapping, has a one of a kind voice and can learn new dances from only watching them once. He is also very feminine, thought that only adds to his charm. He can be very understanding with his friends and tries to help them to the best of his abiletys.

Kwon Jiyong aka GDragon ♦ Best Freinds ♦ 23 ♦ Leader and Main rapper of BigBang ♦ GD is someone who can be at one time really quiet and at the next time he is loud. He is bubbly, funny but also serious. Especially when he is working. He takes his work very seriously and is quiet the perfectionicst when it comes to it. But I guess he is like that because he knows what he wants and doesn´t stop until he gets it. But that is also the reason why he is so famous, I guess. But not only that GD is a fashionista and a trendsetter. He knows what is in and out and he has a great hand in fashion. He can make even the weirdest of things make look good. But I guess one reason things look great on him, is because of his high self eseem and confidence. Yeah GD is just so confident to pull things of. And he knows that he can do it. He is also very outgoing and loves meeting new people. He says it even gives him some kind of inspiration and he can learn a lot through it. But he is also a great Leader. He takes care of his bandmates and friends. He knows what they need at the right time. And the fact that you can talk to him about almost everything, without having to fear that he would tell somebody is another great aspect about him.

Jung Jessica ♦  Friends ♦ 23 ♦ Main Vocalist of SNSD ♦ Many people who do not now her thing that Jessica is a cold and arrogant person but the truth is, that Jessica is very caring and open. She is very kind and funny but she wears a facade in front of the Cameras in order to protect herself. She is very hardworking and always gives her best. She has a pure heart and the abilety to make those around her happy with a smiple smile. She is modest and never wants do dissapoint anyone or be a burden to them. She is a truly amazing person.

Lee Taemin ♦ Freinds ♦ 19 ♦ Lead Dancer/Vocalist of SHINee ♦ Taemin is a rather shy boy, especially when he is meeting new people. He is also realy playfull and cute. He is generous to his friends and Fans, and always shows his love and apperication to them. He is caring towards others and always tries his best in taking care of people younger or close to him. He is a quick learner when it come to something he really wants. He has also the air of and innocent boy surrounding him, but don´t worry he can act like any normal 18/19 year old boy.He is also rather well tempered and never lets his anger or frustration get the best of him. He is polite and avoids fights or confrontations with others. He is hard working and and always ries his best. He also tends to keep to himsel and also is very devoted to his dancing and singing practice.


**Stage Name: Happy

Personal Talents/Specialties: 

  • Can hack computers
  • is able to do parcours/freestyle (klick~)
  • Can speed rapp (k l i c k~)
  • Is able to learn new dances fast
  • She has a rather soft voice and therefore prefers to rap ( klick~)

***Fanclub Name: Lucky Charms

****Your Bias In BAP/Any idol: in BAP it´s Zelo and Himchan other then that I also really like Taemin from SHINee


Lead Vocalist | Main Dancer

Lead Vocalist | Sub-Dancer

Main Rapper | Dancing machine

Lead Rapper | Lead Dancer

Sub-Vocal | Main Dancer

Main Vocal | Sub-Dancer



Hey hey here is my application and I hope you like my chara and I filled it ou correctly, ne=) 

omo and for the height and weight I made my Ulzzang taller and weight more then she originaly does, I hope that is okay.

Ohh and if you need mor epictures I can search some more ad good luck with your story HWAITING!!!!


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i hope you won't mind me changing your picture with ulzzang mikki ^^''

i just thought younggi doesn't really look much of a rapper :x
i'm really impressed with ur application but can i change your nickname to something else...?pwease? =3