( ♔ ) ` ( D e m i g o d s ) ━ Kang Hanbi



)  `  ( Demigods. )

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It's  everything  about  you  !
Alias - Fairy
Show me the way - follow the Light ~
Deep  into  that  mask .
Name강 한비 ; Kang Hanbi
Nicknames - Happy - her friends call her that becase she has this happy go lucky personality ;
                           Shorty- her brother calls her that to teaser her because she is si short
Age - 18
Birthdate - 29.10.1994
Gender - Female
Birthplace - Seoul, Korea
Hometown - Seoul, Korea
Ethnicity - full Korean
Languages - Korean [fluent] ; English [fluent] ; Mandarian [basics]
That  beautiful  strange  !
Ulzzang name - Hong Young Gi
Pictures - 01 ; 02 ; 03 ; 04 ; 05
Back-up ulzzang - JinJin
Pictures - 01 ; 02 ; 03 ; 04 ; 05 
Fashion style - She loves wearing baggy, oversized shirts, short shorts or skirts or skinny yeans. She also likes college style jackets. But she also likes the cute girly style.
01 ; 02 ; 03 
Height & weight - 149 cm ; 45 kg
Extras - she has the normal earrings but nothing more
Yes  sir,  I'm  one  of  a  kind .
Personality5 words to describe Happy would be Crazy, Sweet, cute, Clumsy and blunt.
Happy is often considered crazy by others because of the way she acts. She loves playing pranks on others. Prank calling, walking around at night and ringing on doorbells then running away. Writing weird mails to strangers, drawing on peoples faces when they are asleep or putting floor into her friends hair dryer, are only a few examples of things she is doing.
Also she has a few rather interesting hobbies. One of her favourites is hacking. She is a computer nerd and just loves finding out stuff, because of that she already has the mobile phone number or secret facebook accounts of many stars. She also often starts dancing, when she hears a song she likes, and she doesn’t care where she is. And be warned, if she ever gets bored, Happy tends to start scheming or starts to ramble.
But don´t worry she also can be very sweet. Especially to young kids. She just adores children, especially her two year old goddaughter. She spoils her whenever she can, or takes her with her. She also loves to brag with her always telling others how cute she is. 
Happy can be really considerate of others, helping them out, cheering them on or up, or just being there for her friends. To her friends and family are the most important things.
Another thing, Happy likes ageyo. She is a big er for it, but is also very good at doing it herself. If she wants something, she doesn’t shy away from doing it. She sometimes even practices it in front of her mirror. But she doesn’t always do it on purpose. Sometimes she does it without even noticing, that she is doing it.
Happy can also be rather clumsy. I mean who else do you know, that breaks her jaw while eating a cookie? Or falls the stairs up? Yes she doesn’t fall the stairs down no she falls them up. Hits herself while talking excitingly about something so that she afterwards has a blue eye. And many, many more things like that tend o happen to her.
Ohh and Happy is also one of the most blunt people out there. She is really blunt. She always says what she feels and what she thinks. Not caring if she hurts others. Well she cares if it concerns her friends or family. She always states what’s on her mind. She thinks it is a waist of time, and that you should always be true to yourself. Other then it ´s better for both parties if they know on which page they stand.
  • Hello Kitty
  • Music
  • Art
  • FinalFantasy
  • Plushies
  • Beanies
  • Day
  • Summer
  • Ice cream
  • lollis
  • chocolate cake
  • sleeping
  • milkshakes
  • water
  • rain
  • flowers
  • Animes
  • animals
  • Stars
  • Buterflys
  • history
Dislikes -
  • Insects
  • liers
  • people who because of her height
  • when people think she is a stupid blond
  • getting up early
  • scary movies
  • storms
  • people who whine
  • if she can´t get something right or keeps repeating a mistake
  • Dissapointing others
  • when her brother gets to overprotective
  • not being able to see her family as often as she used to
  • dissapointing her friends/family
  • heights
  • Insects
  • being alone
  • taking lifts/elevators
Habits -
  • always openly expresses her feelings
  • tends to skip around, especially when she is happy
  • bites her lip when she is nervous
  • always has skinship with people she is close to
  • she runs a hand through her hair when she is frustrated
  • tapps her feet when she is bored
  • falls asleep when driving in a car
  • she only can fall asleep on her left side
  • she always says what she thinks
  • when someone lectures her she pretends not to listening and makes silly faces
  • she sings or rapps while being in the shower
Hobbies -
  • writing songs/rapps
  • taking photos
  • freestyle runing/ parcpurs (klick~)
  • skating (klick~)
  • dancing
  • speed rapping/singing 
Trivia -
  • Her bloodtype is AB
  • During her second year in middle school she was for 6 months in america as an exchange student
  • was part of Ulzzang Shidae 1&2
  • Appeard on KBS Star Golden Bell 
  • Was often teased during her childhood because of her height
  • She has an older brother who is also a Trainee under Cube
  • She can speed rap
  • She wants to become the fastest (female) rapper in Seoul
  • She can hack pc´s 
  • Is a huge SHAOWL and BestFriend
  • her role model is her mother
  • She wears contacts, because she has bad sight
  • She started ballet with three
  • She loves making Beanies
  • She has a personal Blog where she uploads videos of her rapping doind parcours or skating
  • She won various parcour contests
  • She released a music video along with her brother (klick~)
  • Is in her last year in HighSchool
  • Is a moodmaker
  • She never gets below a B and therefore is quiet smart
  • She is a big Disney Fan
  • Whenever she sees F(x) Hot Summer she starts laughing (original version all hot- fx version all Barbie like )
  • She is a big Anime Fan (her favourits are OuranHighSchool Host Club, Inuyasha, Detective Conan and Prince of Tennis)
  • She once broker her left jaw while eating a cookie
  • She is very flexible
  • She writes and reads fanfics
  • Her rap idol is Minho, Zico, Top and GDragon
  • She hates shopping for clothings but loves going shopping for music,games or other electronic articel
History - Happy was the second child born into her family. She was always a curious child and even as a tolder she still looked up to her big brother, who is two years older then her. She always followed him around and tried to copy him. To her her older brother was her idol and she wanted to be just like him. And because JJ was such a prankster she learned fast how to be one herslef. And like that the two of them got into a lot trouble. Of course there were also a lot of fights between them but even so they always protected each other.
By the time she was six she started school and there she was the smallest in the class and because of that she was often made fun of. But instead of letting that put her down she just grew to be that much stronger. And in the end she even made friends. And one of them got her hooked with ballet. And so by the time she was sevens he started to do ballet and became really good in just a short time. She loved dancing and had a lot of fun while doing it. Then when she was 12 her ballet class was preparing for a show, but because she was so short her teacher didnt want her to dance with them, saying she didn´t fit into the picure. This hurt Happys feelings so much, that she stopped going to the ballet lessons, much to her parents anger, seeing as the trainings gear was very expensive. But after some talking they started to understand her. Still Happy was bored. Her brother was either at school, hanging out with his friends or had some sort of music lessons and so he always only got home at six or seven pm, making her feel a bit lonely. And then one day while she was out walkin she came across a group of teenagers who run up walls, jumped ofer fences, did flips and twists and she was amazed by it. It all seemed so fun, so awesome. She was so bewitched by it, that she decided, she wanted to be able to do that too. And sos he went up to them and asked if she could join. At first they laughed at her and told her she was far to short and kids like her shouldn´t do something like that, but she didn´t give up and in the end they let Happy join and teached her how to do parcours/freestyle running. And Happy seemed to be a natural talend at it. She even showed her brother once, making him totally flip out, saying it was far to dangerous and crazy, but in the end he understood her, but asked her to be carefull.
Then a year later when she was 13, her brother joined Cube, making her see him even less. Happy hated it.  Her brother was her best friend, the person she felt the closest with and so she decided to also join Cube. Thankfully she got in, even hought her singing wasn´t the best. She started to train and it was hard, because once again she had to fight the many people who judged her because of her height. Thankfully thought she had her brother JJ who protected her. And so the rest of her midlle school years flew by with her going to school, training and in her freetime doing parcurs.
But the it was time for her to go to High School and she choose ChungDam High School. She soon became the top of her class and because of her blunt side and never taking any dirt thrown her way, people started messing with her and respected her. Then one day there she met SHINee´ Maknae Taemin who was a year over her. He was beeing followed and harrsed by some girls so Happy went over there and gave those girls a piece of her mind making them leave. Taemin was pretty suprised by that and wanted to thank her but she just waved him off, saying it was nothing. Even so this event lead to Taemin and Happy becoming the best of friends. And Taemin even started to help her with her training once he heard that she was a Trainee for Cube. He was also the one who found out about her talend for rapping, which mad  Happy change classes and her dreams of being a famous singer changed to becoming the or one of the best female rappers out there.
Superstar,  shining  star,  superstar.
Stage name - Happy
Persona - Goddess of elegance & nature
Position - Main Dancer & Lead Rapper
Dancing style - D a n c e
Singing style - S i n g
Rapping style - R a p p
How you joined - She auditioned for Cube Entertainment when she was 13. At first she wanted to be a singerbut she realized/found out that she was better at rapping then singing.
Trained for - 4 1/2 years
Those  held  dear.
Kang Chansuk | 50 | works for samsung | alive | Chansuk is a tall, broad man that has an air of authority surrounding him. He is stubborn, knows what he wants. He loves his family and spoiling them. To him his family always comes first and he does everything he can to make them happy. But he also is hard working and good business man. Even so he has the samle playfullness his children habor. Loving teasing others and playing around.
Chansuk is very protective over his daughter. To him she is his little princess and he is always scared that she will get in some serious trouble. Especially since he knows how his daughter ticks, never being able to stay still. He also knows of her hobbies and thought he is quiet fascinated by what she can do, it also worrys him. But knowing that she wants to be star, doesn´t really suit with him, still he heps her.
Kang Yongshi | 48 | journalist for elle girl | alive | Yonghshi is a calm, gentle and well mannered woman. She is also the glue that hlds the family together. She makes sure veryihing is alright, no one is hurt of feels depressed. She is a good listener and good at giving advice. Futher more she is a very good journalist, getting information from stars or other famous people others can´t get. She is a good business woman but her family has priority. But she is also very stern and hates tardiness.
Yonghshi loves her daughter but is quiet worried about her. She is also afraid that people will take advantge of her. Her being a Trainee and wanting to be a idol is something that she doesn´t really like but seeing as her son is their to protect her eases those worrys of her. At list a bit. She is also always there for her daughter and encourages her.
Kang Jaehwa | 20 | College student and Trainee at Cube | alive | Jaehwa or JJ is quiet, mysterious and reserved boy. He is very helpfull, caring, a prankstar but also a smooth talker. He is also quiet stubborn and very passionate about his music.
JJ and Happy are really close with each other and while togethr almost joined at the hipp. Sometimes they even act like twins. The two of them have no secrets between them and know everything about the other. They don´t need words to talk, a simple glance is enough. They also love teasing each other or playing pranks. One thing Hapy tought dislikes about her brother is his over proectivness. But even so she is proud of him and looks up to him.
[ for more infos go here~]
Jung Jessica |   23 | Main Vocalist of SNSD | Many people who do not now her thing that Jessica is a cold and arrogant person but the truth is, that Jessica is very caring and open. She is very kind and funny but she wears a facade in front of the Cameras in order to protect herself. She is very hardworking and always gives her best. She has a pure heart and the abilety to make those around her happy with a smiple smile. She is modest and never wants do dissapoint anyone or be a burden to them. She is a truly amazing person.
Jessica and Happy met one day while Happy was visiting SME. She got lost there tring to find the toilett and so she ran into jessica. At first Jessica semmed really cold but she still helped Happy and while showing her the way the two of them got talking and became really fast close friends. From that day on jessica became very protective of her and the two of them see each other as sisters.
Kwon Jiyong aka GDragon | 23 | Leader and Main rapper of BigBang | GD is someone who can be at one time really quiet and at the next time he is loud. He is bubbly, funny but also serious. Especially when he is working. He takes his work very seriously and is quiet the perfectionicst when it comes to it. But I guess he is like that because he knows what he wants and doesn´t stop until he gets it. But that is also the reason why he is so famous, I guess. But not only that GD is a fashionista and a trendsetter. He knows what is in and out and he has a great hand in fashion. He can make even the weirdest of things make look good. But I guess one reason things look great on him, is because of his high self eseem and confidence. Yeah GD is just so confident to pull things of. And he knows that he can do it. He is also very outgoing and loves meeting new people. He says it even gives him some kind of inspiration and he can learn a lot through it. But he is also a great Leader. He takes care of his bandmates and friends. He knows what they need at the right time. And the fact that you can talk to him about almost everything, without having to fear that he would tell somebody is another great aspect about him.
Happy met GD at a small Fanmeet were only ten lucky Fans got to meet him and the rest of BigBang. Happy just went up to him and striked a conversation
Best friends - 
Kim Kibum aka Key |  22 | Tripple Tread of SHINee | Key is what you would call a Diva. he always speaks his mind not caring what others would say about it. He loves fashion and shopping. He is also a bit selfcentred and always wants to be number one. But he is also very caring towards his friends and members. He tends to nag them and makes sure they are alright. He is emotional and doesn´t hide them, seeing no point there. He is good at speaking english, seeing as he lived in america for a few weeks as a Teen. He is also very good at rapping, has a one of a kind voice and can learn new dances from only watching them once. He is also very feminine, thought that only adds to his charm. He can be very understanding with his friends and tries to help them to the best of his abiletys.
Key and Happy met through Taemin and at first the two couldn´t stand each other and were always seen arguing, but then they soon realized that they had quiet a few similaritys and soon got along. Key became another Umma to her, her best friend and the one that was always there for her and help her.
Zelo | 16  Rapper of B.A.P | Zelo is rather shy and currently the youngest male idol out there. He is very close to his hyung and tends to talk in his sleep. He is also incredible cute. He is a wonderful Rapper and even can write his own lycris. He normally is really cute and has a cute smile but on stage he becomes all fierce and dare I say it y? He is very stubborn when he wants something he does everything in his power to get it. He never gives up. He also can be quiet the rebell and gets quiet some times in troubel. But all in all he is a good kid.
They met during a rap contest. Happy was 16 while he was just 14. To  both their suprise there was a draw between them. The judges saying taht  both of them were great and had the same speed and quality at rapping. This of course got them arguing on who is better, each saying that he/she was the better one. And so they had many more, sometimes even private contests, always ending with a draw. And got them even more sed on. But over the time they spend together they also became great friends. Always sporing the other on to do better. Sometimes they even rap together now or hang out. They also help each other, having similiar goals of becoming the best. But even thought they became great friends, they are olse big rivals.
I  need  you  and  you  want  me  !
Love interest - Lee Taemin of SHINee
Era - Sherlock/Dazzling Girl (she knows him since Replay)
How you met - Happy and Taemin met during Happys first year at ChingDam HighSchool. Taemin was getting followed by some girls from school, they and touhed him. He was looking really uncomfortable but kept quiet. Happy who saw that, an hates bullying went over there and gave the girls a piece of her mind. And being  the small spitfire she is, she got the girls running.
Taemin was first very suprised by her and then tried thanking her but she just waved him of saying it was nothing. Even so after this even the two became fast the best of friends and were very close with each other.
Almost  done ,  Just  one  more  step .
Scene requests
  • A cute secene between Happy and JJ
  • Happy and Zelo arguing who is better at rapping or them doing a song together
  • Maybe they could do a show like Hello Baby, WGM, Running Man or have their own show
  • The other members teas Happy in an interview/tv show about her height but also show how much they love/like her
  • Happy and Key set JJ and Jessica up
  • GDragon supports the Band


Commentary - ano I hope you like my chara, ne? and ohh me and my aunt are applying as brother/sister so here is the Link to her chara.
Ohhh and I hope I/we got choosen, and also I really love the idea of your story and I wish you the BEST of LUCK
  • You may fall from the sky, you may fall from the tree but the best way to fall....is in love with me
  • People call me John but you can call me tonight.
  • I think it´s time to tell you what people say behind your back....Nice !

keke those are my favourite, hope you like them =)

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