This Is Why I Should Sleep More

So, Maths was my first lesson today.

I managed to get through the first half of it without any trouble, but after I came back from break, things sorta went a bit odd.

My friend was annoying me, so I turned around to him and went 'You like sausage in your '
He replied with 'Don't you mean you do?'
Me: Fail because you called me straight (he was meant to call me lesbian)
Him: Not if it was a girl!
Me: Why would a girl have a sasuage!

Then after that I had a laughing fit.
And it wasn't a normal laughing fit.
I went purple from laughing so much xD Even my teacher didn't know what to do, he ended up just leaving me because honestly, every time I'd calm down. I'd start laughing again.


Ah, it hurts to laugh now.
I think I just gained a six pack from all that laughing


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Lol omg that happened to my friend once! He was laughing so uncontrollably hard that my teacher had to send him to the nurse XD