
Your eyes whispered have we met, across the room your silhouette starts to make it's way to me.

I stood behind my best friends, clutching my books. The class was piling in, pushing and shoving. It was hard to get out, trying to squeeze in through the narrow door. We shuffled forwards, heads bowed and heaving our bags. Then I froze. He was walking towards the three of us. Jessica Monroe nudged me, smiling secretly. I blushed, my eyes casted toward the floor. Sequin Parker wasn't affected, she just stood there. 

Nathan Myers raised a hand. He waved at Sequin. My heart dropped. Was I invisible? But then he walked past me, a smile on his face while he waved. I gave him a tiny wave, a short grin and dashed out the door. The butterflies were uncontrollable. I breathed slowly, trying to digest the simple fact that he had acknowledged my existence in this world. I rushed towards Caroline Darnel, spilling everything and jumping up and down. 

The playful conversation starts, counter all your quick remarks.

"Hi..." I trailed, nodding at Sam Finnegan. He replied with a quick 'hi'. My foot took a step forward but my body didn't follow. Nathan spoke. 

"Oh, so no hi for me right?" he complained, folding his arms across his chest. I tried my best not to flush. 

"Hi to you too then." I said, throwing in a small wave. 

I continued to walk, heading toward the stairs. Caroline and Jessica were waiting for me in the canteen; I had to hurry. "Hermione, wait up." I spun around, waiting for Sam to catch up. 

Nodding towards his closed fist, I placed my hands on my hips. "What's that?" 

Confused, he uncurled his fingers. "Nathan wanted to give this to you." A lollipop lay in his palm.

I didn't know what to say. "Oh, um... thank you." I took it and shoved it into my pocket.

Sam shook his head. "Don't thank me." he jerked his thumb at his friend. "thank him."

Nathan pulled up, dangling his arm around Sam's shoulders. 

"Thanks Nathan. Means a lot." I whispered, looking at the floor.

He shrugged. "No problem." 

Awkwardly turning away, I expected them to go the other way. But they didn't. At least, he didn't. He followed me down the stairs. 

"I still have to pay you for the pens." he reminded me, snapping me out of my dazzled state.

I rubbed the back of my neck as we turned a corner. "You don't have to." 

We went down more steps. "I need to. I didn't even say thank you." 

"It's okay." 

"I have to." 

"Forget it Nathan, you don't have to pay the cash back."

"At least let me buy you a drink."

I tried to stop the blush from rising. "No, it's fine." 

We reached the end of stairs and I headed for the library to dump my books and bag. He strolled behind me. I pushed open the door, noting that he plopped down into the couch that was in the library. I had a lopsided smile plastered onto my face as I skipped to meet Jessica and Caroline.

I was enchanted to meet you.

I flashed back to when we met and actually talked. That was the moment I started to like him, a little. The feeling grew after a while.

"Could you pass me the black marker?" 

I nodded, throwing it to him. "Don't waste the ink." I instructed, going back to cutting up a letter.

"What if I do?" he asked cheekily.

"I'll hurt you." I replied in what I hoped was a serious voice.

"I'm going to be the MC for assembly this Friday." 

"What does that have to do with me?"

"If you support me, then perhaps I'll give you back your marker and not waste your ink."

I gaped at him. "You can't do that." 

He stuck out a tongue. "Watch me." 

"Okay, I promise." 

Nathan contemplated it. "Not good enough." 

Frustrated I made a promise I planned to keep. I didn't like going back on promises. "I'll speak for the assembly if you give the marker back." 

He smirked. "Really now?" he twirled the marker with his fingers. 

I sighed, defeated. "Yes, now give it to me before I change my mind."

And the marker landed in my lap.



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s o cute!!!!!
Badass_Kahi #2