[INFO] Hyuna talks to her Antis by letter on Fancafe


"I'm sorry if I can be myself just sometimes. Sorry to be another off stage. I regret that the only thing that the agency sell is my y side.

I regret that they can not see my true personality. Not me, that's not my genuine personality. It's uncomfortable, be seductive / "hot" and y all the time.

My only relief is when I'm at home with my friends or my mother, with them I can be myself. They, besides my mother, are probably the only ones who know the real me.

But, why people criticize me?

You should know that as a celebrity, you need to have an image. And this is mine. I'm not always proud of it, and I prefer to act cute rather than y, but that's how I'm supposed to be. People do not know me, and judge me by my personality on stage.


Do not they realize that this makes me sad? They do not know that I cry every night because I can not be myself all the time.

Do not know that I suffer from depression since I left Wonder Girls?

And yet, go ahead, tell me false, ugly .

You do not know that I suffer from chronic gastroenteritis?. You know that is incurable. Why only see bad things and not the things that make me a human being? Why do they hate me? What have I done? These people .. those who hate me so much .. probably have more in common with me than you think. My parents divorced when I was a teenager, my father left. He and I have not spoken again. Or do not know how is going with. That's why I have this tattoo, because my mother always supported my goals and dreams. I will always be grateful. Do not people see my tattoo? Do people not understand that I'm just a girl? A young girl, misunderstood. Please give me a chance. Please see this through my eyes."


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EunhyukOppaXD #1
Wow poor Hyuna :(
I feel bad for hyuna :<
Well, that's just sad. I can't say understand what she feels since I'm not a celebrity like her with an image to protect and got some antis, but honestly, it's very sad to see it coming from her.