SHINee gets 'booed' at the ETUDE house! D:

so... I was surfing in the internet and I saw this video when the guys od SHINee get booed by the reporters that were at that event:


I mean... WHAT THE HELL?!!!


I'm not a HUGE fan of SHINee (not enough for calling myself a Shawol) but I really like them and they're really talented!!

the only STUPID reason why they goy booed was because they didn't unserstand what the reporters were saying (their Chinesse is really limited) and that's why the do that??




that's all I got to say! u.u



*I'm angry*


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The reporters weren't booing SHINee.
Heck, they weren't even booing!
In Hong Kong, the 'Aaaayyyy' sound that the reporters made in the video shows disappointment, like they were disappointed that they weren't able to get more pictures of SHINee even though the MC said that they could.
Besides, the MC was terrible at doing her job, and she kept going back in circles. The reporters were disappointed that they couldn't get any more pictures, the lack of organization, and how terrible the MC was.