Saranghaeyo Park Jungsoo! FIGHTING~!

Yesterday and much part of today I was depressed to an unbelieveble level... I couldn't think straight (well, I never do xD) and I was a mess....


Now I just wanted to finish this day (at least in my country) by dedicating this to our leader.

I now ELF's will stick together until he comes back!






1) "Hey sweetie! why are you crying?"

2) "Shh... say no more..."

3) "I understand you" 

4) "But you know what? You have to stay calm ^__^"

5) "It's hard? I know... Believe me, it is hard for me too..."

6) "But we have to be strong these 2 years... you know why! Ok... I'll tell you~!"

7) "Because you will ALWAYS BE IN MY HEART... Don't cry for me my little ELF~! fighting~! Smile for me and because of me~!"





I might be sad and dissapointed, but I will fight and look up. I'll put a smile on my face and move on just for our leader... because of HIM... I will wait for him whatever time it takes, and I'll greet him back in 2 years just like the rest of ELF's did when Kangin appa was back (I was not an ELF back then...)





will you smile for him and wait for him?


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Tearing cause of this... )";
This is just too sad... )":
Kangin is back,
Chullie is still there...
OUR Teukkie is leaving...
This is just...
*runs to a corner n cry*
I'm crying. I will miss him so much :,(