My Thoughts on Tumblr-esque Posters


I honestly think there are a ton of beautiful tumblr edits. Yeah.... TUMBLR EDITS....I gush and drool over them all the time! ^___^
BUT......that being of late, I've noticed MORE AND MORE tumblr-esque posters on AFF. And truthfully, they'd be perfectly fine if they illustrated what the story was about or if they even remotely related to the story....even just the mood.....BUT, SOME DON'T! 
Like i would see a romcom, and its just a person inside a frame with some bird stocks in the back or something (i just made that poster up off the top of my head based on popular tumblr resources).....and I think to this fic about a person trapped in a frame ...hiding from birds? ....yeah? yeah? no? oh. ._.
Most of the tumblr-esque posters have NO RELEVANCE to the fic. sure they're pretty...but what happened to giving a taste of what the fic will be about?
at least that's what I try to do.....i try to use RELEVANT stocks.....example: the last poster I made was about angels/ I searched through bibles, crosses, rosaries, angels, and demons....and i ended up anding a few of those stocks into the poster.
when you look at see the characters.......the pics of those characters usually help display the mood (such as happy pics = happy/funny and sad pics = drama/angst) and the stocks hint at the story..... all in all...hopefully giving you an idea of what you'll be reading. 
i think 'romance' might be the only mood/theme that tumblr-esque style posters look nice in... but even then.... i don't know how mountains or woods give off 'romance' ......
I dunno....maybe it's just me. And my bias towards traditional posters xD 
but seriously....don't take my rant to heart. Everyone has their own preference so please do as you will. TO EACH THEIR OWN~ ^__^
i just needed to get that out of my system bahahahhaa.


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paigehk #1
there is no "like" button to press. :(
like this yo like this. o u ob
agree. hail this blogpost XD
DonaldDuckhyung #4
agreee! :) tumblr edits, in my opinion, suit the romance/angst look more than other moods
Tumblr edits are beautiful but it has to see the mood of the story, right? Kekes.
I know a shop that does this. LMFAO

I love Tumblr graphics but it must be relevant, which is impossible. Tumblr edits are incredibly hispter liek omg LOLOL
"...hiding from birds? ....yeah? yeah? no? oh. ._."
LOL . sorry . I died from laughing xD

But you searched up demons ?
thanks . not I can't sleep ! LOL . -___- needs to go dig up a big teddy bear now .

but I REALLY agree , I LOVE LOVE LOVE tumblr edits,
but then it came to AFF , and they don't match the mood . I still think they're gushly beautiful , but also bad cause it doesn't match .

that's why . . .
Okay ^ that was usless xD LOL