
To my Unicorn,

When I first met you, you immediatey captured my heart. You were the prince of my dreams, and long have I looked for you. You hair, your eyes, your smile; the way you moved, the way you talked, the way you keep it all; I loved you for who you were.

I came to knowing you deeper, and I found out something that I did not like. You were sick, and that sickness is special. I've been protective of you, constantly wondering if you were alright. But you showed me that you are strong, that you can take on anything despite the burden. This was another reason why I fell for you deeper.

Recently, I found out that you were injured. Yet you didn't accept help. I'm not sure of what you're thinking: are you concerned that we'll be worried about you? Do you want to keep a good image? Is your pride getting to you? I don't know. But the way you leaned on others to support yourself was heart-wrenching enough. I'll understand if you decide to accept help. Actually, I wanted you to accept that help. It made me more worried to see you leaning against others. You were obviously not okay, but you didn't tell me or anyone what was wrong, either.

Please, take care of yourself for me. I don't want you to get hurt. I know that even if I can't see it, you are hurting inside. Working late hours, getting injuries, and other things are bad enough; don't let it get worse by saying you're ok when you're not. All I ask is for you to take care and mind yourself. I know: you're selfless and very kind, but once in a while, check on yourself too.

I love you, and you probably would never know it. But I love you more than I should.

Signing off,

Jang Hana


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