Application for Woollim New Co-Ed group


Personal ID

AFF Username:BRee_22

AFF profile link:

Your name:Skylar Lee/Lee Jin Hye

Nickname:Sky,Skyby,Skylie,Jinnie,Jinjin,Jin,y Dongsaeng,Ero Jinnie

3-5 Ulzzang links :(,r:1,s:0&tx=74&ty=89)(

Ulzzang name(s): Do Hwe Ji

Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY): 06/22/1994

Height (cm):173cm

Weight (kg):53kc

Personality :Sky is a very cheeky and straight forward person.She can be annoying at times but she's really a happy go lucky girl.She has a personality that can warm up peoples hearts.She is very kind and friendly.She can be really understanding.She is always there if you need help.She can give really good avice and she is a good listener.She can be like one of the boys because she is the only girl out of three siblings.She is also vey talented.She can be very scary when you get on her bad side (so i suggest dont bother her when she is angry or frustrated).She can be really sweet towards her family and friends.You can easily get close to her because she is very friendly.

Background/Past :Her father is a music producer in america,korea and japan.Her mother is a model/photographer.Her brother is one of the members of a well known boygroup named super junior.While she has a younger brother that is a model also.She was born in the US but when she turned 3 she and her younger brother moved to france with their mother because of her job but later on she and her younger brother decided to be models like their mother while her father and brother moved to korea because some entertainment company wants him to be the  producer for their songs.When she turned 7 she decided to live in japan with her father while her mother  and younger brother stayed in france and your older brother choosed to stay in korea because he was gonna be a trainee in the entertainment company that my father worked with.Then she and her younger brother decided to move to korea because they want to be reunited with their brother when she was 12 and her younger brother is 10.


Raised:Different countries

City Born In:Los Angeles,California

Languages :korean,english,japanese,chinese,german,russian,french,italian,spanish

Likes 5+:

~ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!
~cute stuff
~hello kitty

Dislikes 5+:

~horror movies
~two faced
~naggy people

Habbits 3+:

~ her lips in a seductive way when concentrated or while performing thats why she got the seductive dancer/vocalist persona.
~dances ily thats why she is called ero jinnie like minzy the person who gave her and minzy that kind of nikname because they dance ally so they are always teased as THE ERO TWINS
~pouts when confused or thinking thats why one of her nickname is skyby,they call her skyby because she looks like a baby when she pouts when confused or thinking.
~stutters or blushes when she is near/talking someone she really likes


Trivia 7+ (Ex: Favorite color):Has an older brother named Lee Donghae that is a part of superjunior,her favorite color is sky blue,she has 8 piercings,she has 5 tattoos,she has 2 ex boyfriends in the kpop industry,she likes to write and produce her own songs,her favorite food is pasta,and she really loves bubble tea,really loves her brothers,over protective over her younger brother

Hobbies :going to the gym,reading books,clubbing,shopping,sleeping,eating,playing with her dog,hanging out with group members and friends especially with her brothers,producing music,writing songs


Crush/Lovers Name: Yong Junhyung


Their personality, how you met, did you meet?:We met because my guy bestfriend yoseob introduced us to each other.And as time goes by we became extremely close.His really sweet,caring,romantic,funny and erted

Other partners (Just in case & short description of personality):

Best Friends:

Yang Yoseob(BEAST/B2ST)

Me and yoseob met at cube ent when my father is helping Hong oppa to choose the members of the group his forming called BEAST/B2ST.Then when they already choosed the members my dad introduced me to Yoseob and Dongwoon.Then me and Yoseob would always tease eachother thats why we became much closer as time goes by.He treats me like a little sister while I treat him like my own brother also.


we met when she was still a trainee at YG while im visiting my father that is one of the music producers there,then my dad and uncle YG introduced me to her then we just clicked because we both love dancing so the yg family has a nickname for us,We were called the ERO TWINS because we dance ily in any type of song.I was called Ero Jinnie while minzy was called Ero Minji.Me and Minzy cant be separarted by anyone because we are like sisters that cant be separated

Friends :CL-she and sky met at YG because Sky went to visit minji and they found out that they have many things in common like they both can speak french,english and japanese and that they both like rapping so after that they became close friends

Hyuna-she and sky met when she was a trainee at cube when sky went to visit yoseob then yoseob introduced them to each other then later on they found out they have many things in common after that they were really close friends

Amber-she and sky met at LA when sky went to visit her friends there then later on they found out that they had the same group of friends so they becamefriends.And they met again at SM ent because she went to visit her brother dinghae then after that they became really close

Min-she and min met at jyp ent then min found out that sky knows how to speak in english and that she was from california too so they bacame really close

Jia-she and jia met through min and later on jia knew that sky can speak chinese then sky taught her korean then became close

G.Na-because at first she was struggling in korean because she grew up in the states then she met sky then sky decided to help her after that they became friends

Kikwang-he and sky has the same passion thats why they became really close

Dongwoon-he is very caring and really close to sky because they have so much in common


Sulli-she always despises sky because she is very close to many kpop idols

IU- because the first time she saw sky she felt threatend by her

Siblings: Lee Donghae(Super Junior)


Idol Info

Stage Name: Sky

Position You Want:Main Vocal,Lead Dancer,Sub Rapper


Specialty:Rapping,Dancing,Singing,Producing Music,Writing songs

How you were scouted: I was at the hallways of woollim ent while my father was recording songs for the artist there.While i was waiting for my dad i was walking through the hallways while i was singing and rapping but at that time i didnt know someone was watching me until he just popped out of no where asking me if i want to be a trainee for their entertainment at first i didnt want to accept but later on i thought it would be cool so i accepted it.




Casual :(

Training : (

Formal :(


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