applied for Woollim New Co-Ed Group


Personal ID

AFF Username: DeiDeilove

AFF profile link:

Your name: Bang Min Hee

Nickname: Nikki

3-5 Ulzzang links:

Ulzzang name(s):lee nu ri

Date of Birth: 10/01/1993

Height:169 cm

Weight:44 kg

Personality:  Bang Min Hee is a sporty but lazy person. When it comes to singing and dancing it is hard to belive it is the same person. When meeting new people she tends to be shy but the more you are around her you see she is actually outgoing and playful and you can't help but have fun around her. she is kind, untill you get on her bad side, loves animals and the color pink. she can accomplish anything she sets her mind to, especially if it is involves dancing. she is chill but when it comes to a bad situation she is there to take control if needed. if anyone does anything horrible to any of her loved ones she will pick you appart till you cry. when it comes to friends and brother she will do almost anything for them, you will never meet anyone like her.

Background/Past: Bang Min Hee has an older brother. Her and her parnts don't get along all that much. They have never been there for her and because of that, she has practically raised herself with the help of her brother Mir She lives in an apartment by herself because, she can't take the silence of her own home. Her mother and father are co owners of a famous clothing company and are usually overseas. With all the depressing events that she has been through, it still hasn't effected her physically nor mentally.

Ethnicity:  full Korean

Raised:  Seoul, Korea

City Born In:  Los Angles, California

Languages: Korean (fluent) English (fluent) Chinese (fluent)




listening to music


annoying her best friends

anything that has to do with disney

hanging out with friends






seeing friends cry



people who think they are better than others



plays with braclet when nervous or bored

dosent look at anyone in the face when lying

always cheaks the time on her phone

give lots of hugs to friends and brother


Trivia: favorite color is pink

plays the piano

can never sit still

gets distracted easily

childish but when the time calls can be the most mature

can alway be seen with JunHyung laughing

can speak English, Korean, and chinese

has to have her phone with her all the time

always has her iPod on her

giving people random nicknames

annoying people who i don't like

plays the violine

 collects bracelets



Crush/Lovers Name:  L.Joe, CheonDoung

Band: Teen Top, MBLAQ

Their personality, how you met, did you meet?: Their personality, how you met, did you meet?:

L.Joe has a mean look to him but is actually sweet, kind, playful and always wants to make sure your comfortable. Loves to make you laugh with what he does and says, and always treats you like a princess because you act like the youngest in their group of friends. Min Hee also has a crush on him. They meet through their friends an hit it off right away.


CheonDoung has a kind heart and whenever Min Hee is with him she cant help but smile. he is playful and loves to dance. he dosent really like her brother much.


Best Friends: JunHyung looks cold on the outside but once you know him he is caring protective and romantic. He treats Min Hee like his little sister. They met one day when she was walking in to do her audition for cube. He seen some of her freestyle dancing and complemented her. Hey instantly became friend an can be seen hanging around each other a lot.

Joon is friendly and likes to practice with Min Hee all the time. Likes to tease Mir and JunHyung by saying they are dating. He loves to make her laugh and is always scaring off all the guys that want to out with you. He says he is her knight and shining armor when it comes to a situation she can't handle. They met one day on in a cafe when Min Hee accidentally forgot her phone on the table. They exchanged numbers and are the best of friends along with JunHyung.


Friends: Yuri loves to have fun and shop. She is a bit jealous of Min Hee because, it seems like she gets most of the attention from their group of guy friends, which makes her distance herself from them, but in still is the best of friends with Min Hee. They first met each other in the airport when Min Hee first came to Seoul when they where small. She had been lost and Min Hee and her moher helped her find her own mother. They kept in touch throughout the years.

Donghyun is quiet and cold looking when you first meet him but, when you get to know him he loves to have fun and is kind. He likes to make people smile with his actions and words, especially the people he is close to. He met Min Hee through Yuri.


Rivals: Bomi is always compeating in dancing because she saya she is the best but more people like Min Hee's dancing because she mixes different styles and makes her dances unique.

Hyoyeon thinks she is better than Min Hee at dancing but people disagree with her. she i jelous of Min Hee because she is always getting the attention of the guys because of unique dance style.


Siblings: Mir


Idol Info

Stage Name:  Nikki

Position: main dancer

Persona:  playful, the best friend

Specialty: dancing

How you were scouted: Min Hee put up covers to songs she had danced to on YouTube, along with some of her dances she choreographed herself and they wanted her to audition. They where amazed at how well I could sing but what really got their attention was her unique style of dancing.









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