Hi guys! This is the first time i'm actually putting up a blog post. I just wanna share about what happened during BIGBANG's ALIVE TOUR in Malaysia! I was there and I didn't regret it one bit. NOPE. IT WAS INCREDIBLE!! I have no idea how to explain it.. It started off with the story of BIGBANG being frozen. (you know the story) Still Alive started blasting and once the screen dropped from the stage, BIGBANG was in the capsules! GD ran out and yelled "WASSUP MALAYSIA?! WE'RE FINALLY HERE!!". They ran to the middle of the stage (at the 'T') and Seungri started out by saying "Malaysia, we're here! Even the rain can't stop us!". Yes. It was raining before the concert started and it was a REALLY HEAVY RAIN. But magically, once BIGBANG started singing, it stopped! IT STOPPED RIGHT WHEN BIGBANG STARTED THE PERFORMANCE! It was so magical!!! The performed Tonight and Hands Up then stopped for a little talk. Taeyang said "Aku cinta padamu." which meant I love you and he did a little remix and changed it into rapping. They introduced themselves and GD asked Seungri to teach everyone how to dance Fantastic Baby. Seungri was EXTREMELY ADORBS! He started out by saying "put your hands like this and move it. You know, like the car wiper.". LOL everyone burst out laughing. He also said "We are exciting." which practically should be "We are excited." Panda.. == Daesung was smiling so much!! TOP said "I was waiting to come back to Malaysia." which made everyone cheer. GD ran back to the main stage and shouted "everyday, every night, we have a lot of concerts but tonight, MALAYSIA IS THE BEST YET!". After he said that, he closed his eyes for a while and bowed as a sign of appreciation. The crowd went wild as he continued "MALAYSIA, Y'ALL READY TO PARTAYYY?!". They performed alot of songs and GD did beatboxing for Crayon and One Of A Kind. Seungri was beatboxing!!! Then they sang Haru Haru. When they finished, everyone started to Happy Birthday for TOP and kind of cut GD off. Lol so GD stopped and let us sing but we stopped to let GD speak. It was awkward. LOL XD . Since everyone saw GD wasn't speaking, everyone continued to sing. TOP kinda chocked when he wanted to say something. He looked really touched and was about to cry. When Taeyang performed Wedding Dress and Look Only At Me, medley, he slipped during Wedding Dress. After the rain, the stage was kind of slippery. He slipped and laughed it off and when he tried to get up, he slipped again but everyone laughed it off. It was cute!! Dae cried when he performed Wings cause everyone was singing together. He covered his face with his palms for a while but continued to perform. They even did a remix for TOP's birthday song by asking Bennie to drop some beats. (if you didn't know, he's the drummer). Looking at them in real is just so scary. It's like a fantasy. I felt like watching a concert being projected but it was all real and they look so much more handsome in real life. Guys, I just can't right now. I'm crying everytime i thought about the concert. Shall continue after i've calmed down. :')


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