[APP] Prophecy 24


*Prophecy 24*


About You First~ 

• username: ChOrCeE

• URL link: clique--

• Activeness: 5


Character Time~



• Name: Ai Tian Shi [爱天使]

• Nickname : Talia - it means heaven's dew and the name that her mother (olympian parent) after gave her after she left the latter to her father..

• Age : 16 y/o 

• Height: 165cm

• Likes :

  • Nature
  • Animals
  • Peace
  • Music
  • Fruits & Vegies

• Dislikes :

  • Noises
  • Messy places/Things
  • Disturbance
  • Dark places
  • Getting sick

• Personality :

Talia is so much of an observer. She would usually watch everyone's actions , words , etc. before she makes her own move. Can be a bit intimidating because of her observant nature but that's just the way it is. Talia is honest and a bright person who voices out her opinions honestly. Yes! Blunt indeed that her words can hurt others feelings and makes them hate her forever. But, try and understand.. She's just like that for their own sake. Wise and a fast-thinker. The girl who's always seen as haughty and rude who rarely mingles in the crowd.

Although , you may not like her with those qualities. Talia is a comfortable and a fun person to be with. She can be very talkative when your close with her. Loving and undertanding. A loyal and trustworthy person who's always seen worying for her love ones.

• History :

After her olympian parent left her with her father's care. Zhayou (her dad), then met another woman whom he fell inlove deeply and raised his only daughter who then turned into a fine young lady as the years pass by. Talia's love for nature and animals cannot be denied. Since both of her parents right now are working for the lovely nature. Although Talia's aware of the sad truth that Rimei (her step-mom) isn't her real mom. The latter and Talia loved each other like a real mom and daughter should be.  

• Family :

Real dad : Ai ZhaYou | 52 | An Agriculturist | He's peace loving and loving.

Step-mom : You RiMei | 49 | A Veterinarian | She's caring and considerate.

• Olympian Parent : Hestia

• Back-up Olympian Parent: Ares

• Habits, Other, etc.: 

Habbits :

  • Covers when laughing
  •  Hugs a random person when startled
  •  Blushes when happy/crying/embarassed

Trivias :

  • She can sleep at any position whenever tired
  • Has a very soft soothing voice both when talking and singing
  • Brings her ipod and has her earphones on whenever she is
  • She can cook well made foods.
  • Cleans whenever she sees messy things


Mystical Powers~

• Extra Power :

  • She has a very strong body and stamina
  • Immune to all Earthly diseases and is resistant to conventional injury
  • Also has an undefined mystical energy wielding powers. She can fly presumably at great speed , shape-changed the form of other beings or appearnace of that another person,animal or object, she can render herself of other beings invisible from mortal eye sight. She can teleport between dimensions

She discovered it at an early age of 11.. It was night that time when she visited their animal clinic (yes! they have a small clinic for animals on their house bec.of her mom's work).. Being the girl who loves animals she tried to peek inside the room withour her parents permission (they don't allow her to enter there bec. of her sensitive nose and smokes, small dusts or animal furs irritates her).. But being the hard headed girl who wanted to learn new things she bravely go there alone.. The big cage of rabbit caught her attention, she was amazed by little creatures to the limit that she wanted to touch them.. And so she have figured out a way to enter the cage (and that is to find the key to open it).. Times passes by and she began to sneeze (maybe because of the furs) and found herself getting smaller and smaller she didn't know why. Until, she saw her mom and dad entered, she was afraid and didn't know what to do when she realized that they don't see her..(after that she found herself in a form of rabbit) Sighing as her parents LOCKED the cage and left the area, she became nervous for she knows that she can't go out.. walking in circles while thinking deeply, she didn't tealize she have travelled back in her own her and on her true form.. Running unto the mirror while slapping her face , the room's door suddenly swung open revealing her mom.. She excitedly drag her mom to sit beside her bed and tells her about the story that have happened to her.. Sadly, she didn't believe her.. Ofcourse! any one  and everyone will be like that if you tell them the same story.. And so her mom kissed her cheeks and lay her down on the bed telling her to sleep.. The little Talia just sigh and do as she's told.. But after all this years, she have learned how to control her abilities wisely and sometimes uses it in some things when she's bored..


Lovely Looks~ 

• Ulzzang/Idol name: Park Hyojin

• 5 Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

• Back-up Ulzzang/Idol: Kang Hyeyeon

• 4 Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

• Style: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

• Hair Color/Length/Preferred Style: 

  • Her hair is naturally straight and long hazel in color. She don't usually tie it up in a pony tail or etc..

• Natural eye color:

  • Chocolate brown


 Love Love Love~

• His name: D.O

• His personality: Unlike Talia , D.O inherited all his mother's traits. He's a peace loving and warm hearted. A guys who's known for his very sweet and friendly and friendly nature. Usually soft-spoken but can be fierce and dangerous when he's angry. Sometimes , he can be very sensitive and doubtful when he decided half heartedly at some things. D.O is very reliable and trustworthy, he'll be always there when someone needs comfort and advices.

• His Olympian Parent : Demeter

• His first impression of you, and You're first impression of him:

Both met each other at a butterfly garden when Talia was out observing,taking pics and gaining information to write for her assignment in school. She then accidentally bump into this guy (D.O) making her lose her balance and drop all her things. Sighing she was about to pick all her things on the ground when he immediatley apologize as she forgives him. Although at their first meeting D.O can identiyf that she isn't a normal mortal but an IMMORTAL (for she's a demigod) he started following and observing her for the next days. Talia on the other hand finds it weird when she sees him every other day. But since she can feels comfortable and at ease when he's around it's okay for her.

• Back-up : Chen : Son of Ares 





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Thanks for working so hard on the application, but it would make my life so much easier if you only had one of the extra powers that you added... >.< sorry!! *hides in corner
Hi again! I'd like to congratulate you!! Also, now that you've been chosen, please add to the 'mystical powers' section, how she found out about her powers. Also, each character finds out about their powers at the age of 15 (or around that time).
I like her character but she can't have the same Olympian parent as the love interest.. If you want, Hestia would make a similar parent with the same kinds of attributes an you could still have D.O as the love interest