Rant About Everything And Fandoms

Ok, I really don't think anyone will read this, but I'm ashamed. About being an ELF and at EXOtics. So, everyone should know the story about this picture.


Supposedly, an EXOtic(s) ripped an ELFish banner right in front of Donghae, earning this expression from him. But, it's not like it's all EXOtics fault here. Starting from the top.

ELF have been threatening to do a total black out ocean when EXO comes on during Super Shows. Why? I have no idea. It's stupid! Super Junior doesn't mind them in their Super Shows. So, now EXOtics have tried walking out on SJ-M parts of the concert. (Only 13 much!? Just get over it!) So, it's not all their fault. Somehow, ELFs are still selfish and just want SJ. So, I'm turning into a FAN of Super Junior. I'm ashamed to be an ELF! We've had so many pointless fan wars that have hurt our stars that I'm done. So, ALL you ELF and EXOtics who are in on this stupid fan war, I really hope you either learn to grow up, or just go die in a hole (not really, but just go be alone, no one likes you.)


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teddykeychain #1
this fanwar is sickening , really .