☆ l u m i n o u s ☆ -- sm entertainment's new girl group ★★


t h e -- t r a i n e e



--mun in a bun;; 

AFF Profile Link: nataliesong
Activity in AFF:
no life level . wooh~! 10 / 10 
Nickname: you can call me natalie or mihi 


i n t e r v i e w with manager choi

[basic character information]

Hi there hun, what's your name?:

Annyeonghaseyo !  My name is Park Jaeha. Pleasure meeting you ! 

I see, that's a pretty name, how old are you?:

Im eighteen years old.

Ah, alright, where did you came from?:

I was born at Jeju-do but i grew up at Daegu. 

By the way, when's your birthday?:

My birthday? Its April 14th

Ah, alright then, I'm noting that! So, what's your ethnicity?:

Im full korean.

Well, I hope this doesn't offend you, but what's your weight and height?:

My height is 165cm which is quite short in my opinion while my weight is 50kg .

And oh, what languages do you speak? Well except Korean and Parseltongue of course!:

Yeah well besides korean which im extremely really really fluent with and parseltongue which is my secret language, im also fluent in english since my parents forced me to learn it.

[the inner you]

Mind to describe your personality for a bit?:

   Well , people usually calls me mysterious. They say im a mysterious kind of girl. I think its because I keep my personal things to myself. I mean, I dont like troubling people with my problems. But I do like helping others. The members even say I like helping strangers. They once jokingly said, maybe someday i will help the people who want to kidnap me. Im usually very quiet around staranger but im confident and out-going with my friends. Im hard to open up and hard to trust people. Really.

   The first impression when you look at me would be reserved and sophisticated and that what I really am. People say my vibe gives off a feeling of mature,strong and elegant.But maknae always say that I have a comforting and calm aura and im also a very good listener. Eventhough im caring , im not very expressive. I really dont know how to express my feelings. When im mad, I would write the things i want to say on a paper and give the pape to the one who made me angry.Basically, I communicate using a paper when im mad. One thing, I really hate it when people try to take care of me.People who are close to me said im extremely independent. And yeah, thats my personality.

Hm, alright then. What do you like?: 

+ Bananas
+ Dried leaves
+ Cars
+ Milk
+ Stars
+ Amusement parks
+ Purple

How about your dislikes?: 

+ Alcholic drinks - its not good for your health
+ Rude , mean people 
+ Cake 
+ Cockroaches 
+ Pork
+ Crying

What are your habits?: 

+ When im extremely nervous , i would space out
+ I would sometimes rock back and forth 
+ My voice would get a pitch higher when i lie and when im nervous
+ My hands cant stay still
+ I daydream a lot

Well, hobbies?: 

+ Dancing
+ Sleeping
+ Daydreaming
+ Stargazing
+ Kendo
+ Practise my piano and gayageum skills 

Do you have any personal talents? For variety shows and stuffs:

+ Knows how to play gayageum and piano
+ Knows Kendo
+ Can imitate any voice i heard before

[the outer you]

You are required to send at least three of your pictures: 

tumblr_lxvc32guB31rn113uo1_400.png tumblr_m1t2cr3QEP1r6rxh3o1_500.png tumblr_lzcx6ubr2j1r6rxh3o1_400.png

tumblr_m0nfd1tPvE1r2enwto1_500.jpg tumblr_lyioo2dJe41qk17amo1_500.png tumblr_lxclxf8cBr1r6rxh3o1_500.png

Ah, you look pretty in these! What's your style of clothing?:

I mostly wear shirts that fit me perfectly and comfortable to wear.I also prefer yoga pants over skirts just because its easier to move in them.I like wearing cardigan and sweaters over hoodies.My usual style is a shirt and a pair of jeans and maybe a scarf too.I extremely love wearing boots.My shoe rack is 80% boots and 20% others.I dont wear much accesories but i like wearing headbands and hairclips.I only wear necklace and ring only if theres a formal event.If im in an extremely good mood , I would wear anything you ask me to wear even a really short dress but yeah,with one condition, give me some bananas.If theres an accesories that I wear everyday , it would be my anklets.My grandparents bought that anklets for me when i was seventeen.

Name of the ulzzang: Its Baek Jae Ah 


Who's your family members? You know, in case something bad happens: 

+ Park Seokhyun | 43 | Surgeon | Father | Very close.He's very childish and he acts like a friend to me which is why im very comfortable around him.He understands me.
+ Song Soomin | 43 | Housewife | Mother | Close. We're good with each other.I respect her and she respect me too.She's a little strict thats why im a bit close to my father.
+ Park Taejun | 19 | Student | Brother | Very close. We usually hang out together. He really knows me well. Too well actually.

Mind telling me a bit about your background? We want to have trainees from a good background: 

  Its okay. Ill tell you everything but only briefly. I was born at Jeju Island and stayed there until I was 6. My family then move to Daegu and we settled there. I basically grew up in a traditional environment.I went to an all girls secondary school but I changed to a normal highschool later when I was 16. I always got the top 5 in my class and im very good at sport too. I was the school's representative for swimming and archery. Im was considered as a very active student at school. My mother, who was an expert at traditional instruments teached me how to play gayageum. She also sent my brother and I to a Kendo class. My family usualy have a family gathering uring Saturday night. We talk about anything and discuss problems together during the gathering.
    My brother was the one who asked me to sent my audition video to SMent when he foun out im good at dancing and singing. I was asked to go to the second round by SMent but I failed that time. After several months, I went back to SMent to have a walk-in audition and passed the audition to become a trainee.

How about close friends? Any idols? Ulzzangs? Models?:

My very close friend is SNSD's Yuri , she is a dorky unnie. I really admire her. My second close friend would be ExoM's Kris. He really likes to act cool, but really, he's not that cool. The way he acts cool makes me cringe and I would always laugh at him whenever he acts like that.

Friends? Acquaintances? People you wish to meet?:

Im acquaintance with Hello Venus's Yoo Ara and SHINee's Onew and I really want to get close to Lunafly's Yun , Juniel and Ailee. I admire them too much.

Do you dislike somebody? Like, a rival, be honest now! I know it can't be helped!:

Uh... I kinda dislike F(x)'s Krystal. Her behaviour is really annoying. I wanted to help her this one time-- she was still a trainee-- when she was very sick. I wanted to help her walk , but she just brush me off.You cant even understand how angry i was at that time.These kind of things always happens inside the company building.

Ah, be honest to Manager Choi, who's your crush/love interest, perhaps you have a boyfriend?:

I have a crush on ExoM's Chen. We're just like the normal senior-junior friends out there.

[love interest]

Now that we're talking about love and I want to know more about you, how do you act around your crush/boyfriend etc?: 

I dont know why but im always awkward around him. Its like magic. I always stutters and I cant even look at him in the eye. But ! I dont blush easily around him. He always laughed at me whenever im around. I dont even know why. I also become very clumsy , which is super weird since im always cautious. 

Aw, that's cute, what's his personality? Describe it a bit for me, yes?

 He's a troll eventhough he looks mature. He really likes to joke around and sometimes he would even make a fool out of himself. He's naturally cool , not like Kris who fails at acting cool. He is really nice and sweet. The perfect boyfriend material. He also likes to laugh but thats okay since his laugh is melodious. His personality is quite contrasting with me. Example , he's very open about his feelings but im not , he likes being take care of , im not. He's very vibrant.He's not the loudest in Exo, but he sure is one of the mood-makers.

If, perhaps you haven't met, how do you want to meet him?: --

Well, if you guys had met, how was your first meeting?:

The first time I met him was infront of Exo's practice room. I was passing the room when I heard someone sneezing non stop. That someone then started coughing loudly. I quickly searched my bag for some medicines and just when I was about to knock on the door, the door was slammed open from the other side. I looked at the poor boy who coughed loudly just now and realised that it was Chen. He was standing lazily against the door and staring intensely at me. The moment I stepped forward to give him the medicine, he walked towards me snatched it away. He did say thanks though. Im even suprised he knew my name when he said thanks.I was really mesmerized by him at that time. He looked hot and sweet at the same time when he said thanks to me with a smile that can melt anyone. 

[audition process]

Hm, could you show me a bit of your dancing? It is mandatory: 

+ Dancing 01 ( the middle one ) 
+ Dancing 02 ( the one with the white cap ) 
+ Dancing 03
+ Dancing 04
( the middle one )

How about your singing? That's of course if you want to be a vocalist, you can show one if you think you're good at it: 

+ Singing 01 
+ Singing
+ Singing
+ Singing 04

Rapping? Of course, that's only if you want to be a rapper, you can show me one if you think you're a decent rapper:

I think im more of a singer than rapper.

Do you have previous CFs or cameos?:

Cameo 01  

If ever you're chosen, which position would you like?:

Lead dancer , vocalist

Well, got any ideas for your stage name, if ever?: --

Oh, how about a fanclub name for yourself?:

Amethyst would be great because i really really love purple and amethyst means a purple gem.Basically,my fans are my favourite gem.Hee~

[trainee days]

Well alright, how long have you been training for?:

I've been training for about 4 years and 10 months.

Woah! That's amazing, I salute your strength! How was your trainee days? Is it good? Tough?:

My trainee days are really good. I really like it. The training were hard but it gives me joy somehow.I really had a great time with every trainee there. I admit , it was tiring and sometimes would make us want to quit , but i really dont think quitting is the way. I really worked hard to become a trainee and i wouldnt just let my chance to debut go away just like that.

Hm... what else... ah! What did you train? You know like, singing, rap, dance, acting etc..:

Well as for me , i was in the class for dancing, singing, acting and hosting. Im not in the rapping, facial expression, language and fanservice class though.

That's all! Thank you for auditioning for Luminous, I'll be sure to contact you once Lee Sooman and other board members had made their decision, for now, continue training! But you know, we'll be having lunch, would you like to join us? If you do, what would you like with your rice?: Soup would be great ! I really like soup with rice ! 



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