☆ l u m i n o u s ☆||Application||Bang Yerri


t h e -- t r a i n e e


--mun in a bun;; 

AFF Profile Link:here
Activity in AFF: Well i alway's use my laptop five time in a week

Nickname: Jam


i n t e r v i e w with manager choi

[basic character information]

Hi there hun, what's your name?: Anneyeonghaseyo Bang Yerri 

I see, that's a pretty name, how old are you?: I''m 20 

Ah, alright, where did you came from?:  Gwangju,South Korea

By the way, when's your birthday?: March 13, 1992

Ah, alright then, I'm noting that! So, what's your ethnicity?:   Korean

Well, I hope this doesn't offend you, but what's your weight and height?: well i'm 42 kg and 160 cm

And oh, what languages do you speak? Well except Korean and Parseltongue of course!: My English and Cantonese is Fluent whle My Japanese  is only for conservation

[the inner you]

Mind to describe your personality for a bit?: 

Well I'm Indepent,Motivated,Optimistic young women 

I'm really inlove ........... With money 

I usually NOT  do things for free (except to my Umma errands)

They said that I'm  really clever and smart not only to my studies but also in sport 

well I REALLY love Nature and I Have a Green thumb Due to that Our Rich neighbor trust me to care and Accept it Cause it Improve my gardening skill and also i earning A big money nyahahahaaha

I'm bit umma type to family having 3 siblings and my mother's working I usually taking care of them like cleaning,cooking,laundring even bathing our baby brother is my job thank god the other three is now teenager cause my teenager years is ruined due to them but i don't feel grudge to my mother :)

Overall I'm very friendly outgoing and bit-tomboyish you can trust me any secret that's all thank you

Hm, alright then. What do you like?: 

  • Money $$$
  • Plant's
  • clean and order stuff
  • Pororo (i even have a big pororo doll i bought in market it was so expensive but i love it
  • Ice cream and Milktea(even though it expensive to me )
  • singing in crowded people ( usually i earn bigger amount of money)


  • Scary and comedy Movie's (the tale of two sister i really luv that)
  • Gag concert THE BEST!!! ( I even wish that i have the famous dog Brownie )


How about your dislikes?:

  • K-DRAMA (so chessy)
  • rats (ewww)
  • Expensive useless things (like painting's)
  • spending money in useless thing's
  • dirty thing's

What are your habits?: 

  • everytime she wake she goes to the bathroom for personal reason
  • Saying HWAITING to herself if nervous
  • If angry she usually cross her finger and saying "patient yerri patient"
  • she usually smelling her food before eating
  • clapping her hand when she's suprised

Well, hobbies?: 

  • planting
  • planning weekly budget (even it's my mother responsibilities i volunteer too)
  • Dancing
  • singing
  • soccer

Do you have any personal talents? For variety shows and stuffs: 

  • Fast runner 
  • have a great stealth

[the outer you]

You are required to send at least three of your pictures:

my pre-debut days (as a student)




Ah, you look pretty in these! What's your style of clothing?: well i prefer shoe's than highheeland just a simple t-shirt and shorts or short shorts and i don't usually wear dress cause i feel akward i always wear this kind of clothes




Name of the ulzzang: Kim Jee in


Who's your family members? You know, in case something bad happens: 

Name:Bang Ye young ||Age 41 ||Job Market vendor ||Relationship She's my one and only loving Supporting mother we usually fight when it's come to money but i we will always love each other

Name: Bang Yae joon ||Age 16 ||Job high school student and  Part time coffe waiter ||Relationship She's my handsome cold younger that's true he got it from our deceased father personalities and the handsome part's that's true even though he is 16 she have 5 gf overall our relationship is sunbae-hoobae relationship full of respect to me (A/N: hIS look is park tae jun)

Name: Bang Yemi ||Age 16 ||Job high school  student and part time delivery girl||Relationship she Yae joon twin sister and my younger sister she is complete opposite of him she even got her school telling that i 'am a trainee in sm ent even thought were so close cause we two share a room :)

Name:Bang Yewon ||Age 13 ||Job middle school student ||Relationship this girl was the mini me very clever when it's come to money and think like adult she even help us this a funny stories one day Yewon usually normally come to our house from house but now she is happy she give me a 20,000 i ask her whe she got it she only smile suprisingly Yaejoon called and ask where he's underwear I find in the closet but none of his underwear i find in the basket full of already used clothes but there no underwear of him until i think there only people who will do that it yewon I shoutly said to her 'YaeJoon ask YeWon about your underwear" i'm correct yewon help us by secretly selling Joon items like t-shirt socks even his used note book so the battle while yaejoon is catching her she is picturing using her camera and said" i will sell your picture showing showing your abs"  that's all 


Mind telling me a bit about your background? We want to have trainees from a good background: well i come from poor yet full of love family my mother and father were both market vendor near in our house our father died due to Lung cancer we use all our money in dad's sickness so we became more poor but then since we family members working were now bit okey from now

How about close friends? Any idols? Ulzzangs? Models?: well im very close with APINK namjoo and yookyoung cause i used to be a cube ent trainee 

Friends? Acquaintances? People you wish to meet?:I'm friend with miss A min and jia and i really want to meet the other two member's of miss a

Do you dislike somebody? Like, a rival, be honest now! I know it can't be helped!: Luna you will see (smirk) 

Ah, be honest to Manager Choi, who's your crush/love interest, perhaps you have a boyfriend?: Onew oppa is my crush :'>

[love interest]

Now that we're talking about love and I want to know more about you, how do you act around your crush/boyfriend etc?:

i secretly watching their practice,and when he eat,whe he going to his, i Even brought her a big bucket of chicken and i WROTE it FROM; a happy fan of yours and when he jokes i just shyly laugh. and the reason why LUNA is my rival because of this and this and most of all this i wish that it was me wahHHH TTTT_TTTTT               

Aw, that's cute, what's his personality? Describe it a bit for me, yes?: 

He’s gotten a reputation as a softie but it’s a bit different from reality. He’s really quiet and watches TV in the dorm without saying much. He takes good care of the members and is a sincere guy, but doesn’t tend to just joke around. A fan account: she assumed he could take a joke bc his on screen persona was light-humored but when she pulled a joke at a fansign, he took it so seriously she was embarassed/shocked. Onew sangtae is still apparently a reality  A gentle, but not an awfully extroverted guy. He hates hates HATES sweets! And in case you were looking for charisma, it’s in the tofu. 

If, perhaps you haven't met, how do you want to meet him?: we meet already

Well, if you guys had met, how was your first meeting?: well i was Running to go in sm ent cause there's a dance practice i was very late unti there a car who stop behind me and to suprise it was onew he was inviting me to catch a ride with since were both going to sm ent at first i felt shy but when i see the time in my watch i already got in we talk about each other after 20 mins we go to sm ent  and he even escorted  me in the dance studio (that was really chessy)

[audition process]

Hm, could you show me a bit of your dancing? It is mandatory: 



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Cq8p6_hJMs ( the girl with the bow)

How about your singing? That's of course if you want to be a vocalist, you can show one if you think you're good at it: 




Rapping? Of course, that's only if you want to be a rapper, you can show me one if you think you're a decent rapper: 

I Prefer singing

Do you have previous CFs or cameos?: 

If ever you're chosen, which position would you like?: main vocalist , dancer

Well, got any ideas for your stage name, if ever?: Yerri

Oh, how about a fanclub name for yourself?: Yuberri


[trainee days]

Well alright, how long have you been training for?: well atleat 1 year and a half months

Woah! That's amazing, I salute your strength! How was your trainee days? Is it good? Tough?: tough Cause it lessens my time to earn so money 

Hm... what else... ah! What did you train? You know like, singing, rap, dance, acting etc..: singing Dancing Hosting and acting

That's all! Thank you for auditioning for Luminous, I'll be sure to contact you once Lee Sooman and other board members had made their decision, for now, continue training! But you know, we'll be having lunch, would you like to join us? If you do, what would you like with your rice?: well the cheapest menu in this Is Soup so soup with rice is fine with me




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