Golden Teaser Ch. 3




"Oh goodness. OH LORD. KYUNGSOO SLAP ME!" Baekhyun begged his best friend. Baekhyun and Kyungsoo were currently sitting at a picnic table near the lake.

"The last time you told me to do that, and I, as your generous best friend, obliged, you went awol. So what are you spazzing about Baekhyun?" Kyungsoo said without looking up from his book. Baekhyun didn't say anything, but he just observed the ever cute Chanyeol getting out of his mother's car. Chanyeol looked like a little sailor with red jean shorts and a blue sweater. He had a little white bandana with an achor and navy stripes tied cutely around his neck.

On top of that, Chanyeol had worn his hair straight, and it was now coyly tucked behind one giant adorable ear.

Chanyeol bid his mother goodbye, but not before planting a kiss on her cheek. He gave her a cute wave and smile as she drove away.

Kyungsoo admitted that he could see why Baekhyun always loss all his logic when Chanyeol was near, though Kyungsoo wouldn't go so far like Baekhyun as to slap the nearest things around him.

Speaking of his best friend...

Kyungsoo looked up from his college entrance exam book over at Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

Baekhyun was leaning up against a tree and pounding on it and wailing "WHY!!".

"Hi Kyungie," Chanyeol greeted Kyungsoo as he stepped over to him with his hands on his burlap backpack and gave Kyungsoo and eye-crinkling smile.

Okay, maybe Kyungsoo did want to slap something right now.

"Hi Chanyeol," Kyungsoo said with a smile. The little sailor boy was just too cute for Kyungsoo. Chanyeol's adorableness even penetrated the natural barrier that his three digit IQ put up.

"Where's Baekhyun?" Chanyeol asked as he looked around.

"He's over there at that tree," Kyungsoo said, nodding towards the spazzing Baekhyun. Chanyeol turned and looked over, and grew concerned because it appeared that Baekhyun was troubled.

"Is there something wrong with him?" Chanyeol asked as he unconsciously pouted.

"Not in the current context that you're asking, there's not really anything serious wrong with him," Kyungsoo said as he pulled out his pocket graphing calculator- mind you, it was the special edition, it had two different graphing panels, and for that Do Kyungsoo was very proud. His pocket graphing calculator was the best in all the land, Kyungsoo liked to think-. 

"Then, is there anything I could do to help?" Chanyeol said without looking away from Baekhyun, who now seemed to be holding an interesting one-sided conversation with a squirrel in the tree.

My best friend is crazy.

"Well, you could stop being so cute," Kyungsoo replied nonchalantly.


"Baekhyun thinks that you look like an adorable sailor, and he can't take it," Kyungsoo replied as if he was saying what he'd eaten for breakfast.

"Oh," Chanyeol said, his cheeks tainting a light shade of red. Chanyeol let a little giggle out, which made Kyungsoo look up.

"Chan!" Baekhyun exclaimed as he walked over, as if he wasn't just yelling at the squirrel in the tree about how cute his little sailor was.

"Hi Baekhyun," Chanyeol side with a cute knowing smile.

I'm not going to survive after today. But that's okay.

"Hi Chanyeol, how are you?" Baekhyun asked all calmly.

"I'm well Baekhyun-ah," Chanyeol smiled.

"That's good," Baekhyun nodded as he fought the urge to melt into a puddle before Chanyeol because of the affectionate "ah" he just used after Baekhyun's name.

"Don't I look like a cute little sailor?" Chanyeol asked with a toothy grin. Baekhyun choked on his own spit.

"W-what?" Baekhyun stuttered, trying to feign innocence.

"Well, that's what you were shouting to the squirrel in that tree," Chanyeol shrugged, and Kyungsoo supressed his urge to snicker. Baekhyun blushed because he had just indeed been shouting that to the brown squirrel in the tree. However, he didn't miss the change in Kyungsoo's usual stoic facial expression.

You're so dead DO KYUNGSOO!

"Y-yes, Chan. You make an adorable sailor," Baekhyun admitted," But anyways, we're still waiting on a few other people."

"Who are we waiting for?" Chanyeol asked as he took a seat next to Kyungsoo on the picnic table.

"Yes, Baekhyun, who did you invite?" Kyungsoo asked as he turned the page.

"Well, I invited Suho, Kai and Jongdae."

"YOU INVITED JONGIN?" Kyungsoo suddenly exploded as he gaped at his best friend.

Crud. His studying eyes just went to his fury eyes.

"... Yes?" Baekhyun said as he cringed.

"Why would you invite that single-digit IQ child?" Kyungsoo scoffed.

"Be nice Kyungsoo! I like Kkamjongie," Baekhyun said defensively.

"Your dark-skinned furry friend needs to learn about personal space," Kyungsoo scoffed as he returned to his studying, Baekhyun smirked. His friend Kai was pretty darn y, and Kyungsoo is smart enough to know that. But he's also smart enough to resist it. But Baehyun knew that Kyungsoo wouldnt be able to resist it much longer. And he also knew that Kai, despite his playful bad boy exterior,  had serious admiration for Kyungsoo, and Kai always like him, Kyungsoo's evident rejection was wearing Kai thin.

"Anneong!" Suho greeted as he approached the group. Jongdae was following behind, and he also waved. 

What is Jongdae doing with Suho on a Saturday morning when they both can drive? Did someone not invite me to thee sleepover party?

"Who is this?" Jongdae smiled as he waved at Chanyeol, who shyly waved back as he instinctively took a step back to hide behind Baekhyun. Chanyeol put his hands around Baekhyun's arm and Baekhyun melted.


"Baekhyun-ah, are you okay?" Suho asked as he peered in on Baekhyun's flaming red face.

"Y-yes," Baekhyun replied, his voice cracking.

"The color of your face is not natural," Jongdae noted. Chanyeol put his hands in Baekhyun's shoulder, and peered around curiously to look at Baekhyun's face.

Baekhyun turned his head slightly to look at Chanyeol's adorably curious doe-like eyes, his lips pouting slightly in concentration.

"Ahh! I got it!" Jongdae snapped his fingers, "You're Baekhyun's boyfriend!"

""Ah-Aniya!!," Chanyeol and Baekhyun said at the same time.

"Baekhyun-ah!" Someone called from the distance.

Everyone turned towards the voice and saw the ever-godly Kim Jongin walking towards them waving, a smile on his handsome face.

"Jongin-ah!" Baekhyun waved at his friend while Chanyeol looked on curiously from behind, his hands still around Baekyun's  arm.

Jongin jogged to them, clad in jeans and a white v-neck.

"Hello friends," Jongin smiled and waved to everybody.

Kyungsoo just stared at Jongin with his dinner-plate sized eyes.

Since when was he so... normal? And decently dressed? The normal Jongin would wear a thin white button down, buttoned down to the middle of his torso... and he would have winked at me by now...

"Hey Jongin," Baekhyun said with a smile. Jongin, despite the fact that he wasn't dressed to emphasize his y body, was seemingly a less of a mess than he was last week when he and Baekhyun talked.

"Who is the little -or not so little- cutie behind you?" Kai said as he gave a soft innocent smile and wiggled his fingers at him. Chanyeol blushed and instinctively clung closer to Baekhyun.

"This Chanyeol," Baekhyun said proudly," he's a new friend of mine."

"Hi Chanyeol, I'm Jongin," Jongin greeted the sailor.

"Anneong," Chanyeol said quietly with a cute smile on his lips. Chanyeol stuck one hand out from behind Baekhyun, and Jongin shook it.

"Are you guys ready to go to the lake?" Baekhyun asked as he picked up his cooler of food.

"Let's go!" Jongdae said enthusiastically as he and Suho led the way. Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol curiously, and Chanyeol gave him an excited nod.

"Kyungsoo-ah," Chanyeol called. Kyungsoo looked up from his book, at Chanyeol beckoned him with one hand, the other still attatched to his Baekhyun

"Coming Chanyeol," Kyungsoo said as he punched in the last equation.



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"...Baekhyun, who now seemed to be holding an interesting one-sided conversation with a squirrel in the tree..." <--- I was trying really hard not to burst out laughing in the middle of the night (while everyone in asleep)
BAEKYEOL is too A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E for EXO's sake!
asdfghjkl i like how chanyeol is so shy is just too adorable >.< and i like how baekhyunf fangirl about chanyeol so cute and baek yelling at the squirell XD
Japanda #3
nice teaser but in the beginning i feel like the exo members are childish. im just pointing it out if u did not want an imagine like that
MeiXiah #4
ASDFGHJKL THEY'RE SO ADORABLE ;A; Dying along with Baekhyun here x___x Chanyeol should stop being so freaking cute ;u;
Awwww BaekYeol are the CUTEST. EVER. And Chanyeolliepop is so shy and sailor-y.
KaiSoo is cute. I sense the chemistry.
Ah!!! Baekyeol are so cute. XD, I CAN'Twait to see all of the couples are going to come out. ^^
Chanyeolllll. Ah he's so cute >.<
HAHAHAHAHAA, OMG. Kyungsoo trying to not be seduced LAWL xD
hurhurhur. Baekyeol is so cute :3
I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW. GAWD. I am so obsessed -__-