25 Kpop questions ( Taken from D_R_Mattice who took it from vic2ry98 who took it from B2ST_SHINee21 )

01 first Korean Band you heard?

Dong Bang Shin Ki. I repeated their mv, Stay With Me Tonight, for more than a hundred times perhaps.kekeke..That was when I fell in love in the first sight to Jae Joong.


 02. Who's the most recent Korean Band you've heard?

A Pink. Their 'I Don't Know' is the most girly dance I've ever seen.


 03. Who's your favorite KoreanBand?



 04. Name 6 other Bands you Like:

Hmm..TVXQ, Super Junior, Kara, Beast, FT Island. hmm.. one more. hmm...


 05. Are you a fangirl/boy?



 06. If yes, of Who?

SHINee. I am a SHINee WORld. :P


07. Do you learn the dances?

Absolutely. I love dancing, anyway.


08. Do you like Super Junior?

Of course. Who don't? There are some who don't? Well, everyone has their own bias. XD


 09. What's your favourite SuJu song?

Too many to mention. But, for now, it is Mr. Simple.


 10. Do you like hip hop groups or non hip hip?

I prefer Hip Hop or.. dance songs. But, if their songs are great, I can like them.


 11. What's the first Korean song you heard?

O Jung Ban Hap - TVXQ


12. What's the last song you heard?

Monalisa - MBlaq. I'm watching their music video in MTV Asia right now.kekeke..


13. Have you ever been to any Korean concerts?

Eventhough I really want to say yes, but no. NEVER.


14. What would you do if you saw any Korean idol walking down the street in your town?

First, gawking. Second, taking candid pictures if possible. Third, if more possibilities coming, getting pictures together and asking for signature. If more and more possibilities coming, HUG..ging? kekeke..


 15. Which K-Idol are you most in love/lust with?

Onew. In love not in lust.


16. Which three idols would you most love to meet in person (Dead or alive)?

1. Onew

2. SHINee

3. SHINee


17. Three things you would like to say to/ask them?

D..do..do..you h-h-have a-a-a girlfriend?

Then? I faint.


19. Which three Korean songs do you constantly replay?

1. SHINee songs.

2. TVXQ songs.

3. My mixed korean song  for my team's performance.


20. Do you have any idols as your background?

SHINee's sticker on my file book.

Onew's sticker on my laptop and cellphone's silicon.

Cellphone's wallpaper: Onew

Google: Kim Hyun Joong.

Desktop: Onew

SHINee mega poster in front of me right now. Behind my laptop.

(Too much Onew? Well, I didn't realize it also before I answered this question.


21. Which idol would you most like to get fashion/makeup advice from?

Key. He is the only person I can think of right now.


 22. Do you read K-Idol fan fiction?

I even write some.

23. What is your favourite K-Idol related dream?



24. How many Korean MP3s do you have?

All songs in my laptop and cellphone are 99% k-pop.


25. And, finally, if you could sleep with any three idols, who would they be?

I don't dare dreaming about that. :P


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Wow, you really love Onew!
epik_perfection #2
LOL! hey this looks fun :DD