ice ❅ — apply form [Akatsume Retzui]


[Talented Calm One]


[Akatsume Retzui]




Just The Way You Are;

Username: nobadizu-dorei

Nickname: jae ryu

How active you online : 10 out of 10 (starts singing 2PM - 10 out of 10)



Introduce Your Beautiful Self;

Name: japanese ; Akatsume Retzui (あかつめ れつい)

korean ; Ahn Jooyi (안 주이)

Nickname: Retsu -  Takuya; Kitty - because of how easily interested she can be, by her friends

D.O.B : December 17, 1992

Age : (korean) 20 ; (international) 19

Birthplace : Chuo, Tokyo, Japan

Hometown : Chuo, Tokyo, Japan

Height : 170 cm

Weight : 49 kg

Bloodtype : O

Ethnicity : pure Japanese

Languages: Japanese (fluent) ; Korean (semi-fluent ; lots of Japanese accent) ; English (fair accent ; basic)

Personality : 

Akatsume Retzui is a silent supporter. She's the girl who you can believe and count on to be there by your side. She doesn't know how to show her feelings so she just boxes it all inside. She stands back and watches her friends succeed and have fun. With Retzui's problem with something here or something there, she just can't stand it. When some place is a mess, she twitches. She really is like the nightmare umma. Make sure your rooms are clean because she'll always be checking. And whoever is sharing a room with Retzui must be at least in order. She also is a perfectionist. Things have to be in place. She get very peeved off when things don't get to go her way. Retzui is very stubborn when there is a messy place. Say for example, the practice room is a mess. She'll tell you to go on to the dorms/go on without her. She'll clean up that place.

If she's happy : Let's skip to her brotherly instincts. Say if she won a new game from online. She'll run around the dorm and mess up whose ever hair she spots, meaning everyone who is at the dorm, whenever she's happy. Or if she lost a game on her XBOX, (see if she's angry section). Retzui loves to write whatever is on her mind. She's got mre of an open mind than closed and stuck in her own little bubble. She daydreams, which shows her mind is more expanded than expected. Retzui will show that she wasnt born to please anyone. She is the kind of morning person.

If she's sad : Retzui is the most complex member, even though she may look like the easy-going girl. She's the stubborn girl. When she gets upset it is more like someone just died. Her life is bottle up and turning into a crumpled up little ball. She doesn't cry until she feels no one sees her or hear her. Retzui is the most complex member, ever though she may look like the easy-going girl. She's the stubborn girl. When she gets upset it is more like someone just died. Her life is bottle up and turning into a crumpled up little ball. She doesn't cry until she feels no one sees her or hear her.

If she's angry : This girl is the most competitive girl you'll ever come in contact with. She hates when she loses or is wrong. But her patience always outshine her temper. Jealousy is one thing she can't control. It peeves her if some strange girl comes up to her man. But she just ignores it and think of revenge later. Her anger is rarely shown in front of anyone, except for when she was in middle school. (see background section)

Background : Akatsume Retzui, as a child, was the most feared child in her neighborhood. Her father was merciless after Mitsuni passed and Retzui was born. His daughter became the center of his world. Primary school was only the beginning of Retzui's social life. She was enrolled into her father's dojo. (see family background section). She was known and very popular in middle - high school. Envied by the girls for having long legs and drooled over by the boys for her cool attitude. She was kissed up to by the male student body for they were disciples of her father. One day, a girl wondered why attention was most focused on Retzui. So that girl, Ekemiwo Matosua, confronted her and told her to go to her 'wreckless' mother. Retzui was offended, so she grabbed the other girl by her hair and gave her the beating of her life. Takuya was furious and made an angered speech to the student body to leave her alone for the rest of the week. (see trainee section)



I Just Saw An Angel In Front Of Me;

Ulzzang Name : Jang Hae Byeol

Photos : pre-debut ; 1 2 3 4 5

debut ; 1 2 3 4 5 +

Back-up Ulzzang : Jung Moa

Photos :  pre-debut ; 1 2 3 4 5

debut ; 1 2 3 4 5 +

Style : Retzui likes to go back into retro style. She loves the look of old school folks. She's in love with blazers and cape shirts. She wears bowtie all the time along with fedoras and suspenders.

daily : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

formal : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

conference : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

practice : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

dorm : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

airport : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

stagewear : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Special charm : her slim figure & long legs

Left-handed/right-handed : left-handed

Piercings/tattoos/etc : n/a



I Am Proud Of My Self;

Likes : 


-her guitar



-karate dummies


-beats by dre headphones

-blonde hairdye

-black&white photos

-unfiltered selca

-video games

Dislikes : 

-people who insult people she loves


-ert ahjusshis & ahjummas

-snooty/cocky people


-girls who can't control they're aegyo ; she finds it very annoying

Hobbies : 


-walking in the park at night

-playing guitar

-eating ricecake

-drawing/painting landscapes ( 1 2 3 )

-practicing her martial arts

-making oragami animals


-going on morning jogs

Habits : 

-when she gets too much coffee, she never sleep so it's worst

-when she sleeps, she always have to hug something

-when she's upset/broken, she won't return home for 3 days

-when she is angry, you can find her at local dojo practicing on her martial arts

-when she's about to cry, she puts her sunglasses on and her nose flare

-when she is focused on something, her eyes are narrowed, her arms crossed, and her foot taps

-when she's jealous, she doesn't pay any attention to the guy she likes

-when she's hungry, she doesn't say anything, nothing

Trivias : 

-her twitter is @kittyretsu

-she has insomnia (when she can't sleep), but falls asleep at 3 in the morning

-she has OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder ; fancy words for neat-freak)

-she is big fan of BUSKER BUSKER

-she joined BIG BANG, BoA, & Super Junior fanbase

-her idol ideal type is 2AM's Jo Kwon & Brian Joo because their funny and smiley

-she always takes medicine pills when she feels sick so she doesn't have to go to the hospital

-she obsess with pokemon ; esp. ninetales & squirtle

-she study ninjutsu, MMA, taekwondo, and wushu

-she won championship of all Japan in Martial Arts tournament

-she play pokemon games

-she own XBOX

-she likes to eats her kimbap/sushi with melted cheese

-her side of the room will always be the neatest, yet most decorated

-she play violin, piano, and guitar

-she specialize in popping, seducing, b-boy, and couple dancing

-she wrote 2PM's I Hate You, SNSD's Mistake & Dear Mom, and SHINee's Quasimodo

Special talents :

-she can balance a spoons on her cheeks and nose

-she can do handstand on one hand

-she is full of reflexes



Thanks For Lighten My World;

Family :

father - Akatsume Hanikiono - 47 - alive - close ; he spoils his daughter - ninjutsu mentor - he is a strict man who gives no mercy to who ever brings harm to those he loves. he is a man of his words and loves to support his daughter.

mother - Morinozuki Mitsuni - 44 (passed at age 24) - deceased - they never met - housewife - unknown

Mitsuni's midwife - Honinohazuki Karaino - 45 (passed at age 36) - deceased - awfully close ; like the mother-daughter relationship Retzui might have never had - ??? - she was loud lady who was the only person who could make Retzui laugh and smile. she was a caring, lovable one.

step-mother - Liu Ren Shue - 47 - alive - awkward ; rarely talks - potter teacher - a proper lady who cares for anyone who seems to have troubles. she wants to get along with Retzui, and also wants Tao to, too.

step-brother - Huang Zi Tao - 19 - alive - very close ; they get along through their love for martial arts - rapper (EXO) - he looks like a defenseless boy, but actually can make anyone smile.

Family background: Akatsume Retzui was born to a successful family. Though rarely had any fun because she was the only child. On that drizzling night, Hanikiono was stuck at the dojo for overtime. Kariano helped Mitsuni conceive her child. As Mitsuni gave her last push and last breath, Karaino held Retzui's small form close in her arms. Months before this surprise, Mitsuni was already sick. Karaino took place as Retzui's mother for that time. They got along like sisters than mother-daughter. Hanikiono enrolled his daughter into his school because he knew someday he wouldn't be there to protect her anymore. Later, Karaino got into an accident just weeks before Retzui's graduation from middle school. Two months after her graduation, she heard the news of Karaino's passing. She was broken and torn, she had a two-year depression. Retzui was disappointed at her father and she hasn't spoken a word to him until after the tournament. Easily, she threw her opponents down in anger. She took her anger from her mother's death, Karaino's death, and her father's trust.

Hanikiono met someone at that competition. They had dinner together now and again, but now it's almost every night that they would go out for karaoke. Retzui's father was falling in love. He had proposed to the lady, Liu Ren Shue, and he brought her family to their home for dinner, one night. Retzui met her soon to be step-brother. Huang Zi Tao, a shy-looking guy who was actually quite childish, congratulated Retzui on her recent win. They actually got along.


Best Friends : Kim Joonmyeon "Suho" - 20 - singer (EXO) - (see love interest section)

Terada Takuya - 20 - singer (Cross Gene) - (appearance) quiet, lazy ; (towards Retzui) funny, lovable


Friends : Amber Liu - 20 - rapper (f(x)) - loud, boyish, fun

Seo Joohyun "Seohyun" - 21 - singer (SNSD) - dedicated, shy

SHINee (in general) - singers - witty, helpful




I Love You So Much;

Love interest  : Choi Minho - 22 - singer (SHINee)
Personality : he's the guy who can't seem to keep his heart still. he likes to play around and flirt.
How you two met : they met at a cafe, at first. she work part-time there and also to work on her Korean. he spot her being bullied by the customer and saw an opportunity to find a new girl. he went to defend her and saw her arms just crossed while the men kept commenting on her bad service.
How you two interact with each other : he flirts with her because it's a habit. she ignores him.
Why you love him : she doesn't, he likes her. and since she doesn't fall for his charm at first, he wants to find out more about her.
Relationship : rivals

Back-up love interest : Kim Joonmyeon "Suho" - 21 - singer (EXO)

Personality : he's the guy who fights for the people he knows. he protects all others, including those he doesn't know, who are in trouble.

How you two met : they met in town outside of SM building. they both were at library in front of the building. she had to research for the project of her class. and she had a bunch of books in her arms. she didn't know where she was going and tripped over Suho's leg.
How you two interact with each other : they're like boyfriend/girlfriend who aren't together-together yet. they're both oblivious to their feelings to each other.
Why you love him : they just get along. he's one of the five people whom she trusts. there's her father, then there was Karaino, there's Takuya, then Tao, and last was Suho.
Relationship : best friends



I Miss The Days;


Trainee Background : In the first 3 years, she felt she was going to die because of how tired she was of the training sessions and because of the bullying problems she had. Those queenka bullies who think their the best and to debut soon kept picking on her because she was a foreigner. A couple months pass, her best friend, Takuya moved to Korea, too, he was to train with another label. He helped Retzui get her head on straight and told her it's worth it to try. She had lots of fun after that little pep talk. The dance teachers/choreographers always tell her that she does a great job, everytime.

Transferred from the other entertaiment? : n/a

How can you be a trainee : Back in Tokyo, there was a competition for dance. Takuya signed her up while she was in a shop looking at knick-knacks. After she came out with an arm load of things, they called her name and she glared at Takuya. She went and performed this. The crowd cheered her on. After she performed, a woman approached her, who happened to be one of SM scouter on break. She couldn't not scout Retzui.

Trainee Trivias : cfs ; 1 2 3 4 5

mvs ; 1 2 3 4 5

Audition Video : singing ; 1 2 3

dancing ; 1 2 3

Trainee Duration/Time : 8 years + 5 months



Let's Make History;

Stage Name : Zui (주이)

Position : Main Dancer

Back-up Position : Main Vocalist ; Lyricist

Personal Fanclub Name : Fieries

Personal Fanclub Colour : light orange

Persoanl Fanchant : "Our talented lady! Zui, Zui. FIRE, RAWR!"

Persona : The Talented, Calm One

Vocal Twin : Lee Hai ( 1 2 3 4 )

Rap Twin : n/a

Dance Twin : Lee Minyoung "Min" ( 1 2 3 4 5 )

weaknesses :  

[] singing

[] dancing

[x] rapping

[] acting

[x] modeling




Goodbye, Hello;

Comments : i've got none, but for you to have fun picking apps and writing? hopefully i'm chosen and all, because i like the layout, a lot... XD

Suggestions : hopefully a lot of collaborations? they could have their own reality show like 2NE1 does? it could be called "Behind the Ice Cubes"? XD cheesy? i knows~

Requests : 

-how about Retzui's dad come over to Korea to support her on debut day?

-can Minho kiss her backstage of ICE debut?

-can Tao Minho?

Password : 2MIN of SHINee & ChenHo of EXO













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