Who Would Care To Read This?



1- Full name; Jessyka Cherise Wynn

2-Zodiac Sign; Capricorn

3- Three Fears;  Heights (That's all)

4; Three things I love; Perform and Read (That's all)

5; Four Turn On[s]; Personality, Smile, Hot, Respectful 

6; Four Turn Off [s]; Odor, Bad Breath, Disrespectful, Racist, dishonest

7- My best friend; I don't know.

8- ual orientation; Straight

9- My best first date; I'm not sure

10- How tall am I; 5'5

11- What do I miss; Childhood

12- TIME I was born; I don't know.

13- Favorite color; Blue and Purple

14- Do I have a crush; Maybe

15- Favorite quote; I don't think I have one.

16- Favorite place; I don't know.

17- Favorite food; I don't have a favorite.

18- Sarcasm?; Uhmm...

19- What am I listening to right now?; Neverland by U-KISS

20- First thing I notice on a new person; Their looks

21- Shoe size; 10 sometimes 11

22- Eye color; Brown

23- Hair color; Brown

24- Favorite style of clothing; I don't think I have one.

25- Ever done a prank call; Never

26- What color of underwear I'm wearing right now; (TMI) TOO MUCH INFORMATION

27- Meaning behind my url; Huh?

28- Favorite Movie; I don't have one.

29- Favorite song; It's That XX by G-Dragon and It Hurts by 2NE1. (TEMPORARY).

30- Favorite band; I don't have one.

31- How I feel right now; Pain

32- Someone I love; Fam(ily) anf Friends

33- My current relationship status; Single

34- My relationship with my parents; Close

35- Favorite Holiday; Christmas

36- Tattoos and piercings that I have; 1 on each ear

37- Tattoos and piercings that I want: 3 on each ear.

38- The reason I joined tumblr; I want to

39- last book I read; I don't know

40- Do I ever get 'good morning' or 'good night' texts; No

41- Have I ever kissed the last person I texted; No

42- When did I last hold hands; Nieces and Nephew

43- How long does it take me to get ready in the morning; About 15 minutes.

44- Have I shaved my legs in the past three days; No.

45- Where am I right now; Dining/Living Room

46- If I was drunk and can't stand; Quickly! Take me home.

47- Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level; Sometimes



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Hehe, learn lotta things about you!!!
hehe loved it! i love reading these things and learning more about people!
Boxxinamja #3
I read it love. :)