nine wonderland app

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 Park Veronica 

* *
 VickyVenus(VV)  The Loveabble Sly, Sports-Girl


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Username : elle4everZ
Active-ness : 10


       I'am The Best       

Birth Name :Park Mi Young Veronica (if you don't mind; the middle name means enternal beauty so i like it)

Birth Date :March 19 1990

Age : 22

Height :172cm

Weight :49kg

Ethnicity :Spanish-Canadain-Korean

Languages :  Fluen :English,Spanish,Korean | Converstational : French,japanese, Portuguese| Basic : itailian and Chinese | Total: 8

Home Town :Madrid,Spian(untill she was 3),toronto,Candada(from 3 to 10), and Seoul, Korea(10 to now)

Birth Place :Mardrid, Spian

       Noona Neomu Yeppeo       

Ulzzang Name :Choi Haneul

Ulzzang Picture : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Back - Up Ulzzang Name :Kim Da Hyun

Ulzzang Picture : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Fashion Style :Veronica's style suits her very well.if she wears something tight on the top she'll wear something loose on the buttom.and if she wears something tight on the buttom she'll wear something tight on the top.Veronica's style sreams "cool and wanted" so when people she her style their bound to say it's so awesome or they'll ask where where she got it but she'll mess-around with them and tell them it's a secert~.Veronica's clothes is not the only thing unique but also her hair she would can it to a weird colour or colours;but the thing that's funny is that they all look good or even great on her.

Favorite Body Parts : Her hands, she loves her hands because their both so soft and  femmimne, so she loves them.


       I Melt You Down Like Ice Cream       

Your personality : Veronica is an awesome person and she has that welcoming aura, so when you first see her you'll feel safe and welcomed.Veronica treats everyone the same so there will never be "oh your so ugly so im not hanging with you".Veronica is a stright forward person so she'll say whats on her mind and she won't care if people hate her after what she said whatever she said (very little do hate her after but alot of them don't and they  respect her for her honsety).If clothes is in the picture then Veronica would turn into a Dive ninja(meaning she say if it's alright or not then if she sees stuff that are stiutable she'll be so quike to get that item and put it on you so fast that all you'll see is a blur).Veronica is very mature at times but when it's time to have fun, she the fun'est person ever.Veronica is a laid back, cool and lazy type of person but when she knows she has to do this she will do it no matter the cost.Veronica hates to see people cry or angery or upset, if she does she will change the persons mood.Veronica is a wise person she knows if the person is bad or good just by looking in their eyes and she'll get a feeling if their good or bad; she also has wise words and she will help any one with their problems.Veronica is a genuis and she knows it.Veronica is also a fashionable person and anything she wears will look good on her(at leats thats what everyone else says).If Veronica likes someone she wont act differntly but the same but inside she'll be dieing.Veronica is one that dosen't like to get into other people's busy but if she sees that they need help she will bother them until they spill out what's bothering them. Veronica  is also a very funny,soical,hugg-able and love-able person. Veronica  is a pig when it comes to food(she eats like a lady but she eats alot and never gains weight which she says her thanks to god for that).Veronica is very trustworthy she won't ever spill anything that you don't want spilled but this also means she's updated in the latest gossip and she knows everything that's going on.Veronica has high pain tollarence because of issue(when she was younger she got beat up in the dark,in a small closed and after they left it was extreamlly cold; which explans why she has those phobas).Veronica is not self- centered at all she likes to listen to other group songs(to see if she has to step up her game and sometimes for the fun of it).Veronica is THE skinship QUEEN, she feels safe when she holding hands (or any other lim areas) with somone and when people do skinship with them she won't mind but keep in mind that there are limits. 

Habbits : 

  • When bored she bakes.
  • paints her nails differnt clolours, shades and style everyday.
  • Before going on stage or a bordcast she jumps up and down
  • when shes worried she would always check the time
  • when she talks with people she looks them right in the eyes(which gives this nice feeling that makes the person weak in the knees in a good way but if what she's sayis bad the effects is oppesite it makes them freeze,shut up,shiver and shake in fear.)
  • reads while listening to music when she's mad to relax and cool down
  • Dancing other girl and guy groups dance

Likes : 

  • books and reading
  • games with guns in it
  • war movies,action movies, romantic movies, and kids movies
  • watching other groups perfom
  • people being happy
  • all of her band mates being happy,well feed and healthy
  • spongeBob(can't lie this dude is awesome)
  • hearing her other native tongues(hearing spanish and english)
  • learning new things and tricks
  • guys who aren't afried of being themselfs(her ideal type)
  • kids(because she has a gift, she can make kids understand and she understands kids, and they listen to what she says)

Un-like : 

  • slobs
  • self-centered people
  • sad people
  • bullies
  • playboys/playgirls
  • gold diggers
  • fake people(people that arent them selfs)
  • shy people(she'll teach them how to become confindent)
  • people that have low-self essteam(she'll make sure to change that)
  • people that lie or/and say stuff about something that they don't have a clue about

Phobic & Trauma :

  • Aeroacrophobia- Fear of open high places(she was on the school roof top when some people thought it would be funny if they pushed her close enough to the edge to see what her reaction was but it ened up with her being pushed off the edge, luckly  she lived but broke a leg and hand.she didn't want them to be charged so she said it was okay but she ended having a phoba of open high places.she would cry right on the spot if she's exposed to places like that)
  • Cryophobia- Fear of extreme cold, ice or frost(only the emtreamly cold part, not ice or frost part.she'll get alot of sheets to cover herself with and if she exposed she'll freeze on the spot and shake alot and probably start crying silently)
  • Cleithrophobia or Cleisiophobia- Fear of being locked in an enclosed place(crys and panicks alot)

       The New Born World IMine      

Stage Name :Vv(vicky venus)

Persona : the loveabble,sly sportsgirl

Position :tripple lead-best at all subs-great in variety shows

Back - Up position :lead vocal-gag princess-sub dancer.

Trainee Years :3 years and 2 months

How do you act in the stage : She's really funny and she dosen't like to say bad stuff about other people on stage. if she is having a bad day she'll let the crowd know that she is but that shes also fine and she won't saw the person's name; she'll sat something like "man, you know,i've had a bad day.i was haveing fun and all but then a little black butter came and did some usless things, but seeing all you guys here, man, you guys made my day so i'm all good now". all in all she's extreamlly playfull.

Stage fancervise :Shinee's Key (Mrs. and Mr. diva --> what Veronkey shipers call them)

Suggestions for the Group yel-yel / motto:"why one wonderland when you can have nine?"

You're on motto / yel - yel :"i'm a mirror of your own reflection"

Fanclub Name :VVp(vicky venus's players)

Fanclub Colour : #ff3333


        Omo Omo This Called Training Power       

Why do you join SM : Veronica was always(and still is)really good at danceing,singing,modeling and acting.She always wanted to show people her skills and to be someones insperation.

How can you be accepted : Her friends tricked her. on day she was at school in a practice room with her friends(there were people standing outside the door looking in since she was really popular because of her looks and personallity)when they dared her to dance and let them video her so they can keep it as she did, they vedio taped it and when she left to go home  they emailed it to sm ent. they really liked it and wanted her to come to the building and sing for them.Veronica was at home at that time so when her friends suddenly burst open the door, grab her and drag her to sm ent buliding she was so mind-blown that she didn't say anything and just let them drag her.and that's how she got in and when they went back home they had ALOT of explaining to do unless they wanted to face diva Veronica.

How you act with other trainees : Veronica gets along with everybody and anybody that dosn't bother,annoy, or bug her. just like her motto "i'm a mirror of your reflection" meaning you do something bad to her she goona do it back but in a worse way.

Your trainee life :Tiring. that's the word that descrips her traniee life tiring but all worth it.i mean this is how she meets her other half.she also had so much fun being a traniee but it was almost like high school,ALOT of love confessions fromthe guys, and LOTS of cool girl frienemies.

Job when you are a trainee : 

  • modleing in a famous fashion magazine
  • in many music vedios as a back up(F(x),tts,snsd,shinee,suju and many more to come)
  • was in Btob's wow(the main gril)
  • was in mblaq's hello baby
  • help the actors memarize their scripts

Audition Song : Afterschool red-in the night sky dance  and for the singing

Non - idol talent : 

  • her cooking is like heaven,you'll want more and if you get more that just means a miracule happend or she was bored(remember in habiits area)
  • can read a book that has 800 pages in 20 mintues or less
  • can carry 17 shopping bags all by herself
  • can text/type/write like it's nothing(she'll do it so fast that you'll think it's not possable)
  • can copy someones voice or actions just by seeing it once and it'll sound/look the same

        Dear MFamily        

Parents :


 Park DaeHyun♡ 43 ♡ Alive ♡ Dad ♡ He's smart,strict, and fun(just because he's strict don't mean he's not fun) ♡ one of the bosses in a famous elictronic company He gives support to Veronica but when she does something wrong he will tell her what she did wrong,why she got it wrong, and how to avviod getting it wrong again ♡ He's Korean ♡ 7


Park Angeles♡ 42 ♡ Alive ♡ MomShe's just like what her name means(if you don't know, her name means angel/messanger)♡ Ceo of a famous fashion company She cares alot  for veronica, maybe abit to much because she trats her like a baby and she's really protective towards her; and when it comes to romance, the whole family prays that he's liked by mom♡  She's Spianish-canadain ♡ 8


Sibblings :


Park jiyeon (t-ara) ♡ 19 ♡  Alive ♡ Younger sister ♡she's nice,worrisome,and a workaholic but when her big sis tells her to stop working and have fun then she'll be like Veronica's twin;super fun and sly ♡ T-ara's vocal She acts so mature at fist but then she'll be cute and she'll hug Veronica whenever she can.She's like their mom when it comes to Veronica and boys(we all pry for those who tried) ♡  She would always(when she was allowed by both of their company)post photos of Veronica and her together ♡ 10



 Park Eun Ae♡ 1 ♡  Alive ♡ Baby sister♡ she crys when she's with people she dosn't know but when she's with her parents and Veronica she smiles and giggles alot (this mostly happens with Veronica) ♡ Being a baby  she treats Veronica like a god, she would always follow her (crawl) around, when she's near and smiling she'll be happy but if she's not she'll cry alot.she also listens really well to Veronica ♡  Before they even talk Veronica has to kiss her head♡  7





        Dear MFamily        

Best Friend 1 name :Amber

Age :20

Member of :F(x)

Personality :sporty,loud,fun,sly and knows Veronica really well(which means that she'll know if she likes someone).She's also extreamlly playfull towards Veronica but she knows her limits and she treats Veronica like an older sister(very protective).

Interaction rate : 10


Best Friend 2 name : Kai

Age :18

Member of :exo k

Personality :he loves having skinship with Veronica(it makes him feel safe for some reason),he teases Veronica but like amber knows when to stop, and treats Veronica like a older sister(very protective).Can read Veronica like an open book(can tell when she likes someone).

Interaction Rate : 9


Friend : 


Bom ♡ 28 ♡ 2NE1  ♡ she's like a mom when ever their together and always likes to hug veronica. ♡  They (when both their company allowed) would take pictures too.♡  


Bang ♡ 22(but younger then Veronica by 3 days) ♡ B.A.P  ♡ He's caring,protective and loud(but Veronica dosn't mind). ♡  He's Veronica's war movie buddy


Memorable story about your bestfriend : It was Veronica's birthday(when she was a trainee) and no one said happy birthday to her.To her it seemed that people forgot.She was abit sad and she didn't feel like practing so she went out to go and get some food to eat.When she was done her food both Amber and kai texted her at the same time to come back to the practice room and that it was an emergancy.She run as fats as she could to the room thinking it was indeed an emergancy but when she got there the room was dark,then the light s went on, everything was decerated perfectlly and she was so amazed that she didn't see the people there standing up til they yelled out "surprise!". Veronica jumped at frist but when she looked she was amazed at who was there, her parents, lil'sister, littler sister,exo,b.a.p,snsd,suju,tvxq,t-ara,2ne1,shinee,F(x)  they were all there and some of her group members were there too.Before Veronica could say anything, kai and Amber came up to her, hugged her and said "happy birthday Veronica".she asked if they planed all of this they said "yea, but with some help from other people of crouse". after she heard that Veronica started crying tears of joy.At frist they were surprised Veronic dosen't cry infornt of people but after they found out that it was tears of joy everyone came and gave a group hug.(sorry if it's cliqce)

        Run Devil Run        

Rival / Enemie{s} name :Hyuna

Member of :4Minute

Age :20

Personality :she's cute with her childish attatude and her voice

How do she act to you :She acts Cold and un-welcoming

Why she is your rival / enemie:Hyuna has been noticeing that the new girlgroup NineWonderland has been getter really popular and real fast,but that thing that worries her is that Veronica is getting more popular then her and she noticed it to.She she dreclared it was war from then on.

Interaction rate : 9


Love rival :Hyoyeon

Member of :snsd

Age :23

Personality :She's nice and funny when the camara's on or people are there with them (those my friend, are the key words; when the camara's on and people are there)

How do she act to you : she would try to get under Veronica's skin(which would rarely, raerly work) and she would brag to everyone and say how she better then her at everything(which is a lie, and everyone know's it is so they just let it be.) 

Bad things that she do to you :she tripped Veronica (on purpase) and made it seem like an Accdent (girl~if i were there i would of went donkey kong on your A$$) Veronica Knew it was on purpase but let it go because she didn't want to deal with stupidness.Since Veronica has high pain tollerance she didn't notice that her hand bone was dislocated.She only Knew when the rest of Snsd and Nine wonderland screamed and pointed at her hand. 

Interaction rate: 9

        Love MMBoy        

Lovers Name : Kris

Age : 22(still younger then Veronica)

Member of :Exo-m

Personality :He's real cool but when he has to get flrity with Veronica so she could see he cares he does it(and he does it good)...(lol srry) when they start dating (please if it's possable do this part later in the story thanks but for the time being Kris has a crush,and a big one to, on Veronica. if you could do that, that would be awesome) and the fans find out they started calling them Mr. and Mrs.Kool.(Verkris shipers)

How do you act with him :Veronica acts like nothing changed but kris kind-of gets shy sometimes (ok scratch that Alot of  times)

Your nickname to him :Mon Dragon (mon is in french means my and dragon is pronounsed in spanish with a spanish accent)

Your nickname from him : Mon Chica(my in french and chica in spanish) (He learned from Veronica)

Interaction Rate : 10


Ex-Lover Name :Key

Age :23

Member of :Shinee

Personality :he's a Caring Diva and when the fans found out they were dating they called the Mr. and Mrs. Diva (they were Veronkey shipers)

How do you act with him: Veronica and him would always go shopping (with Bom of crouse), now because they broke up (she told him she started falling for kris and that he could find someone better) they can't be to close to each other(or Kris gonna go Donkey Kong on your a$$ key).

Your nickname to him :Panther(they were went to a Zoo for one of their dates and they went to the cat section and he that Veronica should be the Cheetah, so Veronica said "if i'm the cheetah, your the Panther)

Your nickname from him :Cheetah (^^up there^^)

Interaction Rate : 9.5 (lol..srry couldn't decide if 10 or 9 so 9.5 it was, i hope that's not a problam) 

        Good Bye Baby Good Bye        

Say anything inside your brain :umm...hi,how are you? good? that's good.

Anything else :Sorry about my weirdness and my spelling errors plz pm me if there is something wrong (and not about my spelling, that i know is wrong) or you just plain don't get

Suggestion about fanclub name :The Cheshire Cats

Password : DERP!! LOL, gotta love DERPY-Ness (is that even a word?)


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