Application for 나쁜여자

Aff Username:BRee_22

Name: Skylar Lee/Lee Jin Hye
Age & Birthday:17(inter) 18(korean) june 22,1994
Partner : Junhyung (beast/b2st)                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Looks : (

Personality:  Sky is a very cheeky and straight forward person.She can be annoying at times but she's really a happy go lucky girl.She has a personality that can warm up peoples hearts.She is very kind and friendly.She can be really understanding.She is always there if you need help.She can give really good avice and she is a good listener.She can be like one of the boys because she is the only girl out of three siblings.She is also vey talented.She can be very scary when you get on her bad side (so i suggest dont bother her when she is angry or frustrated).She can be really sweet towards her family and friends.You can easily get close to her because she is very friendly. But she can be very erted at times                                                                                                                           Background :   Her father is an owner of a music company in america,korea and japan.Her mother is a model/photographer.While she has an older brother.She was born in the US but when she turned 3 she and her younger brother moved to france with their mother because of her job  while her father and brother moved to korea because her father wants to train her older brother to be a CEO in his entertainment company.When she turned 7 she decided to live in japan with her father because he was managing his entertainment company in japan while her mother  and younger brother stayed in france.Then she and her younger brother decided to move to korea because they want to be reunited with their brother when she was 12 and her younger brother is 10.                                                                                                                                                                                                             Likes, Dislikes:




cute stuff





Naggy People

no fun




Habbits, Hobbies :





hanging out

stutters when she talks to someone she likes

being very seductive if she wants to play with guys

pouts when confused or when she is thinking(but not aware of it)

shivers when scared

Are you already in the Group or will you be added later in the story?on the group already
Your Job: music producer in her fathers company in korea                                                                                                                                                  Family background: Father: Lee Alexxander/48(inter) 49(korean)/Owns an entertainment company in korea,japan,america and he always care for you and he also wants you to be safe at all times because your his little princess

Mother: Lee Sarah/47(inter) 48(korean)/she is a model and photographer in france and she really loves you even though she is in another country 

Brother:Lee Aiden/24(inter) 25(korean)/now works as the CEO of her fathers company in korea called SM entertainment and he really loves you so much that he will protect you with all his heart

Yonger Brother:Lee Asher/15(inter) 16(korean)/your younger brother that is always there for you

first bad thing you did and Other:

My first bad thing that i ever did was to sneek out of the house and steal my fathers car then crashed it even though at that time i was still under age for driving. The other one was getting caught by my brother partying at a club while grinding on a guy when i was 14.And the other one was that i was caught by my two brothers having in my room with a random guy i met when i went to a club with my friends


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