Haunted Hose App

~ I Me My Mine ~

Name:Hwang Eunji
Birthday: 12th January
~ How I behave ~
Personality:Eunji is a sometimes girly and sometimes tomboy.She isn't afraid of anything but for bugs and ghost.She can be mean and evil and sweet and kind Eunji is als easily mad.She likes to lagh and mak poeple laugh by telling them her jokes.When is is happy she would be smiling and hyer all the time.But when sh is mad she would just stay quit and on't do anything.Eunji doesn't liike people who are very rude towards her.
She may be afaid of ghost of everythime she watch a horror movie she would not be able to sleep.She can be mean and evil to be who are rude to her.If she is mean she would jut do evil stuff to you but if poeple are nice to her then she just kept smiling and try to be they're friend.Euji look like she is 17 or 15 but she is actually 22,if poeple says she's ld then she be angry.
Habits:Biting Nails | Has to drink coffee to sleep | Getting manicure | flipping hair | screaming
Dislikes:Bbugs|Green Tea|Candy|Yoga
~ I'm pretty, I'm pretty not ~
Idol:Sulli (fx)
Link:tumblr_m39f8nTJG51r213uxo2_r2_400.jpg  tumblr_m39f8nTJG51r213uxo1_r2_400.jpg
Back Up Idol:Victoria
~ The people with me in my whole childhood ~
Family members:Hwang Bomi|56|House wife|Bomi is nice and sweet to poeple.Sh e really love Eunji to death.She would always help Eunji if there is anything wrong
Hwang Byughun|56|Doctor|Byughun is Eunji's dad.They aren't very close to each other even though he is her father
Other Family Members:( only child)
~ Le Social Circle ~
Best Friends: Gayoon|She is really kind to Eunji|22|Singer in group 4minute|Gayoon is like Eunji's big sistar when Bomi is sad she would be there by her side always.
Victoria|Likes to hang out with Eunji|25|Singerin group fx|Victoria i over proctective over Eunji she wouldn't her do any dangeaous stuff
Rivals:Jia||23||nice in the outside but evil in the inside.Likes to start rumours that aren't true||Singer in Miss A||
Reason?:Thy both used to be ood frienduntil she got popular.Then,she would startrumors that aren't true.They started to be enimies when she knew that Eunji was popular among the boys.So everyday she would annoy Euji
~ Love Story ~
Relationship Status:Single
Single- (Those in a relationship, skip this.)
Ideal Type:Bad Boy
Have you met?:No
If yes, how?:
If no, how do you want to meet?:Doesn't matter how
Do you want him to appear in the story?:yes please
In a relationship-(Those Single, skip this.)
Who?: (Name || Age || Personality)
Do you want him to be in a story?:
~ Others ~
Any special requests?:nothing
Password:Haunted (I dunno how to do the E thingy)
Scene Suggestion:-


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