나쁜여자 Application

Aff Username:DeiDeilove
NickName:Nikki  ( Real name: Park Min Hee)
Age & Birthday: 17 October 1,1993
Partner :  L.Joe (teen top)



 Personality: looks friendly and sweet but watch out i have an attitude twards people who pretend to be my friends for eather my money or my body. I get good grades and everyone tries to be my friend but even with them trying I know who my real friends are.students say im a reble and teachers think im just missunderstood because of how my home life is.                                                                                                                                                                                                              
Background :  I'm an only child with rich parents. My parents and I don't get along all that much. They have never been there for me and because of that, I have practically raised myself. I live in an apartment by myself because, I can't take the silence of my own house. my mother and father are co owners of a company and are usually overseas because of this we fight often, this is another reason that i have moved out of my parents house.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Likes, Dislikes (5+):
listning to music
people who think they are better than others
arrogant/cocky people
people who insult her friends
seeing and friends cry
anything that has to do with school
most guys

Habbits, Hobbies (3+):


bites nails

flicks paper at people and acts like she didn't do it when bored

randomly starts fights

gets distracted easily in class


collecting braclets


listening to music

working with animals

hanging with friends


Are you already in the Group or will you be added later in the story?already in the group


Your Job: student & work at animal shelter                                                                                                                                                 Family background:moother and father are korean, they both travle oversease alot because of work.

first bad thing you did and Other: cussed out my parents because they wantedme to get into an arranged marrage to some jerk.

staying out all night and sneaking into clubs


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