A Sibling's Fate Application

❝ I N T R O ❞

AFF Username: Kraydaughter
AFF Profile link: here

❝ C H A R A C T E R ❞

Full name: Oh Soojoon
Nickname: Joon (everyone call her by this name) , Sooya noona (Sehun -her lil' brother- call her by this name)
Age: 20
Birthdate: September 3rd 1992
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity: Korean
Languages: Korean (fluent), english (conversational)
Height: 166 cm
Weight: 50 kg

❝ A P P E A R A N C E ❞

Ulzzang name: Yoon Yoohyun
Pictures: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

❝ P E R S O N A L I T Y❞

Overall personality:

If you don't know her, you'll think she is cool,quite,and " ice princess" from the outer appearance. But if you really think like that, then you're wrong. Soojoon is an outgoing person. She likes make a new friend so much. She also talk too much. Altough she's friendly, sometimes she can be a person who doesn't care about everything around her. And she's kind of a selfish person, because when she's at home, she is the only girl at home and she'll get different stuff with her brothers so she's not used to sharing with the other girl.Soojoon also a hyperactive person. She can't sit in one place if she's asked to wait for long time,that's why she hates waiting.Soojoon is a hardworker, she believes that she'll be success if she works hard and always prays to god. Soojoon also a good listener, sometimes her dongsaengs like to go to her when they have any problems and Soojoon likes to give them advices. Soojoon is a little bit ambitious. She also can be a bossy person. Soojoon also a little bit forgetful. Soojoon is very sensitive, she's easy to cry whenever she watchs sad movies or read sad novels, and she hates it the most.


  • ice cream
  • coffee
  • books
  • music
  • games
  • lemon candy
  • lemon tea
  • candies


  • carrot
  • cheese
  • strawberry milk
  • dogs
  • being ignored
  • liars
  • waiting
  • cockroaches


  • playing video games
  • listening to music
  • watching TV
  • browsing on internet
  • eating


  • hugging something when she is sleep
  • bitting her nails when she gets nervous
  • dance randomly when she hears music

❝ F A M I L Y ❞ - please don't make it too star-studded!

Mother: Kim Jaehee
Father: Oh Kisoon
Brother: EXO's Oh Sehun
Other siblings / relatives: Oh Saemoon (elder brother)

❝ L O V E I N T E R E S T ❞

Name + Idol group: EXO's Luhan
Why you like him: He's nice and cute guy. He also caring to the others, especially Soojoon's little brother. Luhan also a responsible person and also a hardworker,just like Soojoon.

Second choice of love interest: EXO's Suho
Why you like him: Soojoon likes him because of his personality. He's nice,caring,smart, and gentle. As a leader, he must be a responsible person. He likes to smile a lot.

❝ E T C L I S T ❞

Any scenes you want in the story: hmm..spending time together with her brothers
Other requests:-



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