Into The Haunted House | application


~ I Me My Mine ~

Name: Park Hyukjin
Nickname: Jinnie
Birthday: 05/24
Age: 18
Weight: 48 kg
Height: 168 cm
~ How I behave ~ 
​I'm a cold girl, seldom impressed, seldom interested. I prefer staying in my room alone, doing things on my own. I have friends, but there are only a few of them. I believe that I don't need anyone, though. So keeping a small number of friends is enough for me. Even though having them by my side isn't really my personal choice, I just don't have the guts to shoo them away. No matter how I dislike having people around me, I still consider keeping them. That's why I triy to be a good friend, silently thanking them for staying with the boring me. I give them pretty good advices when someone needed it. I'm also a sensitive person so, I always notice misunderstandings within the group. I am the one who comforts everyone when they have problems.
Behind my cold facade is a very thoughtful person. I always make sure that my friends arrived home safely after a trip, calling them, if necessarily. I always bring more than one serving of food, knowing that one of my friends will forget his/her lunch at home. Basically, I'm like the umma of the group, just a quieter one.
What my friends don't like about me is my lack of confidence. I'm pretty good at dancing but because of my low self-esteem, I can't force myself to perform in front of other people. I don't have that much confidence to trust my own abilities.
» Sighing when being dragged by my friends
» Scratching the back of my head when confused and nervous
» Sending unintentional glares at people around me when angry
» Closing my eyes and humming a random song when annoyed and frustrated
» Sleeptalking
» Math
» Ice cream
» Dogs
» Music
» Dancing, especially ballet
» Kids
» Reading
» Cats
» Romantic movies
» Flowers
» Noisy people
» Crowded places
» Heights
» Performing in front of people
» Darkness
» Lightning
» Cooking
» Dancing in my room
» Listening to music
» Eating
» Roaming around the village
» Writing songs and poems
~ I'm pretty, I'm pretty not ~ 
Idol:  Krystal Jung
Link: one | two | three | four | five | six | seven
Back Up Idol: Seohyun
Link: one | two | three | four 
~ The people with me in my whole childhood ~
Family members: (Name || Age || Occupation || Personality) 
Park Eunjeong || 42 || Doctor || He's been a good father to me. He may look cold, very much like me, but he's really a caring dad towards me. He always tries to be the good father, in a quieter way, though.
Park Jinsoo || 40 || Teacher || She's an outgoing person, the complete opposite of dad. She has a good temper, an advantage when teaching small kids. She's also a sweet mom towards me.
Other Family Members: none
~ Le Social Circle ~ 
Best Friends: 
Kim Jongin || He's also one of the group's quiet persons. He prefers keeping his thoughts to himself, rather than sharing them to his friends. But unlike me, he's just a cold guy. He doesn't care about anything around him. || 18 || Student || Jongin and I were classmates.
Park Jiyoung || 19
Do Kyungsoo || 19
Lee Taemin || 19
Bae Sooji || She's a bubbly girl, but sometimes too bubbly to the point that it gets annoying. She easily makes friends with strangers but in reality, she befriends people just to know their weaknesses. She often backstabs people. || 18 || Student
​Sooji and I were never friends. Although we're in the same class, we never clicked together. Our rivalry started with the simple class ranking, Sooji being a rank lower than me. The rivalry grew bigger after knowing that Jongin, Sooji's crush, is my best friend. She basically got jealous of me, for some unknown reasons.
~ Love Story ~
Relationship Status: Single
Ideal Type: Oh Sehun
Have you met?: Not yet.
If yes, how?: 
If no, how do you want to meet?: Sehun, while playing basketball, accidentally hit me with the ball pretty hard. I lost my balance and fell, ending up having a small cut on my forehead. He rushed me to the clinic and stayed there until the nurse was done with my injury. He started noticing me ever since.
Do you want him to appear in the story?: If possible, then why not? :))
In a relationship-(Those Single, skip this.) 
Who?: (Name || Age || Personality)
Do you want him to be in a story?: 
~ Others ~ 
Any special requests?: Hmm... Nothing, I guess.
Comments: I'm really into horror fics! I'm looking forward to it.;)
Password: € Haunted £
Scene Suggestion: Nothing. XD Good luck~


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your character is really skinny! Hahaha

i never knew you liked horror. I just read a really good one today hee