♚ALICE Application♚

♚Hello Hello


Username: KeysLove

Name?: Millena

Rate?: 9


♚I Am The Best

Character’s name: Kwon Myeong  | Spanish name: Esmeralda Rodriguez

Nicknames: Min - Just a shortened version of her name, most of her friends call her this. (Myn or Mye looked strange, so I left it as Min)

Sunshine - Her close friends call her this. It has many motives: she's like the "sunshine" of their lifes. She boils like the Sun when she's angry or mad. Or, maybe, just so Myeong will feel special. Junsu was the one who came up with it, and soon her other close friends started calling her that too. However, she gets very mad if anyone other then those select few calls her this. 

Age: 18

Birth date?: 08/13/94

Ethnicity: Half Korean, half Spanish

Blood type: AB Negative

Birthplace: Spain (she kept moving around, so there's no specific place)

Hometown: Spain (she kept moving around, so there's no specific place)

Languages: Spanish, Korean, English - Fluent; Mandarin - Basic.



Personality: She is always cheerful, smiling at everyone. Everyone in her group of gypsies liked her a lot, and she was always friendly and helpful. It is very hard for her to get mad at someone or something, but if she does get mad, she'll be very aggresive, and rather scary. She tends to do many things that are "prohibited". Actually, if it is prohibited, she will surely do it. She's kind of a trickster, and a troublemaker. She is very mischievous, and loves playing praks on people. She is a great liar, and will lie without thinking twice if she has to. She is very stubborn, and no one can change her mind after she has formed an opinion or made a decision. She knows how to take advantage of what she has, but she doesn't go around bragging about it. She is the type that does whathever she wants, when she wants, not caring if it's prohibited or not. She is very sarcastic and ironic. She is very selfish, but would never hurt the people she loves. She has a good sense of humor, but her humor is the infamous "black humor", so many people may not understand her jokes, or sometimes even be offended by them. Myeong has a great memory, and always remembers things other people think she already forgot. She is also very smart, and extremely curious, even too much. She tries to be the most original she possibly can. She is very ironic and very sarcastic. She takes pride on her talents, specially in her dancing, and wants everyone to notice how good she is. She knows how talented she is and is not afraid of showing it to others. She always wants to be the center of attention, and is very irritated when that doesn't happen. She never, ever let the gipsy in her die.

Sometimes she can be rather clumsy, so she breaks something or gets a bruise from time to time. She can't ever keep still, and hates doing nothing. She is the type who loves the city life, and could never live a calm countryside life. She always has to be doing something, even if it's just talking to someone else. She gets bored very easily, and hates when that happens. When she is bored, she'll complain about it to everyone, and will be very annoyed. She constantly curses, but not just for the sake of it. She curses when she wants to explain something that can't be explained in another way, or when she's very angry, or sad, or any other kind of strong feelings. She also usually playfully flirts with her male friends. They all know it's just an innocent joke, and always flirt back.

Background: She was born in Spain, and ever since she can remember, she has lived in a group of gypsies. It is a very fun way of living, and very artistic. She were pratically born dancing, and singing. She doesn't know who her biological father or mother is, but she does know she's at least part Korean (because she looks Korean). In the group of gypsies, everyone treated each other as family, even if almost no one was blood related. They never stayed in one place for long, and were always moving around. She learned how to dance flamenco very early, and she could sing beautifully. She had a best friend there, Baltazar (Joon). They were friends since they could remember, and were as close as two people could get. He was also a great dancer, and singer. One day, when they were both 14, a guy from SM entertainment saw them singing and dancing, and offered both of them the option of becoming trainees. The two looked at the other gypsies, who encouraged them to go ahead, and so they accepted the offer. The next day, they went to South Korea to start their training. They shared a room in SM's dormitory. After a while there, Myeong fell in love with hip-hop, and all the other kinds of different dances. She took classes in all of them, but mastered in hip-hop (she was already an expert in flamenco). Myeong also fell in love with rapping, and trained on that, too. She was one of the best trainees at SM, and had almost equal talents in dancing, singing and rapping. Joon was also one of SM's best trainees, and just like her, he was a triple threath. Myeong and Joon often went to the streets of Seoul and did little shows, just like they used to do back on Spain with the gypsies.


- Rain (she often sings or dances in tha rain - or both -, and loves sitting under the rain, and even it's smell.)

- Bubble tea

- Pranking people

- She loves music

- Loves heights

- Going to coffe shops/cafes


- Hot weater

- Sports

- Cooking

- Having to spend the day without listening to music (this makes her really mad)

- Being bored

- Feeling alone


- Skateboarding

- Designing accessories

- Taking photos

- Writing lyrics

- Playing the guitar


- When she is really angry, or sad, or any other kind of strong feelings, she likes to rap, dance  or sing, so she can let those feelings out.

- Bites her lip when nervous

- Rubs her eyes when bored or sleepy

- Talks in her sleep

- Says incoherent things when she's about to fall asleep, or when she just woke up


- She has a phobia of needles (high), the dark (high) and of bugs (low)

- She is always with her earphones on, no matter what the situation is

- She listens to music at every chance she gets, you could say she is listening to music 80% of the day

- She hates to see any of her friends with other girls (she's not jealous of boys, but she's very jealous if she sees them with girls)

- Her favorite season is autumn.

- She loves having breakfast taken for her on bed


Ulzzang Name?: Hwang Ji Min

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14

Back-up ulzzang name: Do Hwe Ji

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

Weight: 45kg / 99lbs

Height: 1,67m / 65 inches

Style description: Whenever she steps out of home, she likes to mix fashionable clothes with some which are more "rocker". For example, she usually wears a shirt that is the latest fashion with ripped jeans or leather jackets. Her clothing style changes a bit from day to day. She'll use this visual for whatever she is going to do, doesn't matter if it is just going out with friends or going to a award show (though in the latter she'll make the visual more stunning). For training, she usually wears sneakers, like Converse, and sweatpants/jeans/shorts with a shirt, and maybe a hoodie on the colder days. At home, she usually just uses one of Kai's/Luhan's/Sehun's shirts or hoodies which are way too big on her and end up serving as dresses. For sleepwear, she uses confortable shorts and one of Kai's or Junsu's tees. For her hair, she eighter uses it down, in a low side ponytail or in a messy bun.

Casual: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14

Formal/black tie: 1   2   I guess this is what you meant...? But, as I said, for award shows she'll just use her "casual" clothes, but use like, more eye-catching things.

Beach: 1   2   3   4

Pajamas: I couldn't find any, sorry :c

Recordings: 1 (ignore the vodka bottle please ._.)   2   3   4   5   6   7   8


♚Dear, My Family

Family N/A

The Bestie

Dhang Joon | Spanish name: Baltazar Hernandez | 19 (01/01/94) | Trainee | Best friends | He's very caring towards her, and very protective. If anyone says something bad about her, he'll provably end up in a fight with them. If he sees her crying, he'll be desperate and try to calm her down, and then he will want "revange" on whoever made Myeong cry. They trust each other a lot. He knows her extremely well, and can notice immediately when she's sad, or happy, or nervous. Not only that, he usually also knows why she's happy or sad without her needing to tell him. | He is ver bubbly, and very outgoing. He is also a great trainee, and SooMan said he would debut in the next boygroup from SM. Joon is very loving, and always takes care of his friends like a mother would. | Ulzzang: Lee Nam Soo: 1   2   3


Eli | 21 | Member of U-KISS | Close friends | They met trough Kiseop, when he invited Myeong to go to the karaoke with the other U-KISS members, and most of the time she was talking to Eli. They're always teasing each other, and they often go out together. He knows her extremely well, and can notice immediately when she's sad, or happy, or nervous. They're always laughing together and having fun. |  He tries to be manly, and he's very funny. He likes to play jokes on people, and usually comes off as a really y and passionate person. He acts like a big brother, most of the time.

Lee Joon | 24 | Member of U-KISS | Close friends | He saw Myeong and Joon dancing, and after they finished he went to talk to them. He treats Myeong like a baby, always taking care of her and making sure she's OK. | He is a very nice person, and rather eccentric. He often says comments that have nothing to do with what they are currently talking about. He is addicted to exercising, and that worries Myeong a bit.

Xiah Junsu | 25 | Member of JYJ/DBSK | Close friends | They met when Myeong was lost in the SM building, got distracted and ended up bumping on him. He later asked her to go get something to eat with him at SM's snack bar. He treats her like a doll, not wanting anything to harm her. He's very funny, and always makes her laugh. | He has a very edgy personality. When he's happy, he's extremely happy, and when he's mad, he's extremely mad. He's very independent, and he can be very mature at times. He's very cute, adorable and huggable, even when he doesn't try to be, and that kind of annoys him sometimes. He expects a lot out of himself, and somethimes he pushes himself too hard. He went through some tough times, and Myeong always tried to help him in any way she could.

Rival: N/A



Stage name: Euphemia

Persona: The Troublemaker

Years of training: 4 years

Desired Position: Mad Hatter

Backup position: White Rabbit

Singing links: 1   2   3

Dancing links: 1   2  3

Rapping Links: 1  2  3

Personal Fanclub name: Troubles

Personal Fanclub color(s): Dark Blue  #0000A0


♚You & I

Love interest’s name: Lee Kiseop

Group: U-KISS

Age: 21

Personality: He's a nice person, and a kid at heart. He is very silly and funny. He can be mature if he needs to, though. He's a perfectionist, and he's always working hard. Sometimes, he may even overwork himself, and that worries Myeong a lot. He is very kind, and he's always trying to make people laugh. He can be a bit shy, but gets over it quickly.

How’d you meet?: Myeong was at her firs dance competition, and Kiseop was going to participate in it too. He saw that she was very nervous, and went to talk to her to try and calm her down a bit. Myeong ended up winning the competition, and after that Kiseop asked her to go to a new coffee shop with him.

Your relationship?: They're best friends, and they are always laughing and teasing each other. She sometimes playfully calls him "idiot" or "jerk". He doesn't mind, but refuses to do the same to her. He's very protective with her, and since he was very hurt before, he does not want the same to happen to her.

Backup love interest: Kai

Group: EXO

Age: 18

Personality: He's kind of selfish and egocentrical, but with her he's actually very caring. He's a bit childish, and is always making something funny for people to laugh.

How’d you meet?: His dorm room is next to hers, and one day Myeong hurt her knee and Kai offered to take her to his dorm to help take care of the wound.

Your relationship?: He's very caring towards her, but they are the kind of friends that always insult and hit each other, but will kill anyone who tries to do the same.


♚Goodbye Baby

Comments: If I got anything wrong, just tell me and I'll fix it ^^ Oh, and I imagine the gypsies to be kind of like those that appear in movies, you know?



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