Ayise: A new SM Entertainment girl group [Kim Haeri]


Username: zelo-baekhyun

Nickname:  Elly

Profile Link: HERE

Scale of Activeness: 7


To The New You~

Character's Name: Kim Haeri

Nickname: Sweetheart (-friends)

Tiger Hae (-family)

Snow White (-friends and classmates)

Birthday: 17th January 1994

Birthplace/Hometown: New York

Ethnicity: Korean- American

Languages:  Korean and english- fluent

Japanese- basic

Bloodtype: A

Height and Weight: 165 cm & 46 kg

Extras: -



I see you

Ulzzang Name: Kang Hye Yeon

Ulzzang Photo: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05

Backup Ulzzang Name: Kim Seul Mi

Backup Ulzzang Photo: 01 | 02 | 03

Style: She has a casual, preppy and a somewhat romantic style.

Training wear:- 01 | 02

Casual:- 01 | 02

Pyjamas:- 01 | 02

Formal:- 01 | 02

Dorm :- 01 | 02

Other things you might add to her style: For her hairstyle, she is a chameleon. She always changes her hair and looks good in it. One minute she has short bob hair and the next minute she has a red fringe.


About You Now

Personality: Like her A type blood she is a true perfectionist. She is someone who cares about being the best and being perfect.

She hates things being out of place. she is a genuinely sweet and kind hearted person, thus her nickname Snow White. Not just because she has Snow White features though. She has a heart of an angel; she loves to help people- whether she likes them or not. If she was a Care Bear she would be Tender Heart bear. She is someone who has many creative and unique ideas; whether or not they are really bad or really smart. She is someone talks before they act and has a very leader like aura. Many people think she is older than she is because of her personality but mistake her as a fifteen year old.

She is very stubborn- she likes to get things her way. She is also someone who is very fastidious, hard to please. It may be because she is someone who is very high maintence.

Background: Her family moved to New York in 1992 and had jobs there. Then in 1994 they had their first child; Haeri. Then in 1996 they had their last and youngest child. In 2003 they moved back to South Korea because of the death of the father's father. Then they lived in Korea for the rest of their life but then they go back occasionally.

Famiy Members: [name|age|job|relationship. can be idols]

Kim Jong Hwa | 47 | Accountant | Father

Lee Seo Ra | 45 | Housewife | Mother

Kim Won Ho | 17 | Student | Brother

How you got into SM: She auditioned. She auditioned with the song Hurts by Christina Aguilera. She then got in and trained for three and a half years. She also appeared in Shinee's Juliet MV.

Trainee years: Three years & six months

Trainee history/previous experiences: -She appeared in SHINEE's Julliette MV


  • Singing
  • Arts
  • Language (Japanese ATM)
  • Video games
  • Reading
  • Reading magazines


  • Being last or the worst
  • Being the second choice
  • Tea


  • Humming
  • Twirling her hair
  • Flipping her hair
  • Tapping her fingers


  • Her ideal man is Sungmin from Super Junior because he is really cute
  • Her best feature is her singing voice
  • She isn't the best dancer but she hardly makes mistakes
  • Her favourite singers are Beyonce, Christina Aguilera and Ciara
  • She is very interested in the Chinese language




I Love You, You Love Me

Lover: Kai

Backup Lover: Lay

How you met your lover: It was when Haeri first auditioned- she get lost. She then met Kai who helped her through the audition process as her had been accepted already. Then when she finally got accepted they started hanging out more and became closer

How you met your backup lover: same as above ^

How does your lover treat you: Close

How does your backup lover treat you: Close

First impression of lover: Tall

First impression of backup lover: Nice

Friends: Sulli


Welcome To The Stage

Stage Name: Haeri

Position: Main vocalist and sub dancer

Persona: Snow White

Individual Fanclub: Tenders




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Hi! (: thanks for the application!! (: please add your family members~ thanks!! ^^